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    by Published on 08-24-2023 11:46     Number of Views: 130 

    FAQs & Points of Interest
    (Ace Skills & Optional Rules now appear in post #2)

    A few people have asked for something like this so I'm having a stab at it - This is what I have so far after a trawl of the Rules sub forum - you will see I have shown links to the threads & if there are other things you want raised let me know but please give a link to the thread that refers to it. I will endeavour to keep it up to date and expand on it.
    Remember please this FAQ pertains to WW1 rules and matters - I say this to remind myself as much as you !
    Where possible I have included a link to the thread where the question has come up so you can research the issue further if you wish to and I've noted responses from Andrea Angiolino (aka Angiolillo), the game's designer, where he has made them or if they are known. You will find some questions are included as they are interesting rather than frequently asked !
    If there are any corrections, additions you think should be made let me know.
    This is still a work in progress so expect its presentation to evolve...

    Cheers Dave.

    Jammed guns - Red & Green:
    Q: In the damage decks there are gun jam cards with red or green crosses. Is there any difference or should I treat them the same ?
    A: If you are using the optional Ace Skills, the green jam cross is ignored for an Ace with the Bullet Checker skill. Otherwise there is no difference between the two.

    Number of damage decks:
    Q: Is there a house rule for a "golden" ratio of decks to planes in play?
    A: The designer's suggested minimum is one deck for every four planes in use. He also mentions that if you use multiple decks in big games there's no need to separate them again for smaller games.!

    Q: What are the rules are on "overlapping" plane bases? What do you guys usually do?
    A: There's several ways to play this:
    1) From the Deluxe Set Rules: Overlapping is allowed, but if the models cannot be placed correctly due to model sizes or peg positions each player draws a B damage card. The player drawing the lowest number (on the lower right, not the damage value) moves first, then the other player places his model as close as possible to the intended position. Damage results on these cards are ignored, just return them to the deck.
    2) From the miniatures rules insert: Temporarily replace one model with it's card.
    3) From Burning Drachens (ONLY if using Altitude Rules): Use either of the above methods, but there is also a chance overlapping models or balloons may collide. If the models are at the same altitude and BOTH either have NO climb counters or ANY climb counters, draw a C damage card for each (Balloon Busters uses two A-cards instead)

    Collisions - How do most people deal with them?:
    Officially a collision occurs if the models bases overlap, they are at the same altitude and both either have NO climb counters, or, ANY climb counters, draw a C damage card for each model but do not apply special damage other than the explosion.
    Having said that players the world over found that overlapping bases and meeting the collision requirements occurs way too frequently for most of them and the main consensus reached is that a collision should only only occur if the model's bases overlap to the extent that the one model's base overlaps the others peg. (thus planes can overlap without collision but collisions can still occur).
    More recently some have taken to using 'collision cards' (a number to be found in house rules of the WW1 files section) to decide whether a collision occurs or not - all info can be found on the linked thread below and links from that thread.
    A: Read, assess and make your own decision !!

    Overlapping & Shooting Question:
    Q: If two planes are over lapping and are at different altitudes can they still shoot at each other it they are in the firing cone?
    A: There's nothing in the altitude rules to override the blanket "overlapping planes can't fire at each other" rule.
    (always gone with the rule unless the plane at lower altitude has a wing mounted gun that can be pulled down to fire upwards, or, the observer of a two-seater has the plane above/below in his firing arc - Update: see series 9 rules below for Higher MGs).

    Immelmann Turn Questions:

    Immelmann & Rudder damage:
    Q: If you can't turn right or left due to rudder damage ... can you still do an Immelmann Turn?
    A: Yes, it is allowed by the game rules.
    (NB Most don't allow it as it is not historically accurate to do one if your rudder is jammed both sides)

    Immelmann Turn & Stalls:
    Q: Can you do an Immelmann turn after a stall, which is a shorter straight than a normal one?
    A: Nope, the stall is not a straight. You have to go by the little arrows in the lower left corner of the cards. Straight cards are marked with an upward pointing arrow. If there is anything else or no marking it is not a straight. With one exception in the L deck the stall is only a Steep manoeuvre and are marked with a <>.
    (But you can do a Split S which is a Stall-Immel-Straight manoeuvre)

    Immelmann & Engine Damage:
    Q: If you have engine damage ... can you still do an Immelmann Turn?
    A: Yes, it is allowed by the game rules as you can split the manoeuvre across turns
    eg: R/St/S - I/S/St -

    Immelmann off straight after Immelmann
    Q: If I play an Immelmann card and the game turn finishes on the straight immediately after it, can I start the next game turn with another Immelmann card..? eg - ?/S/I - S/I/S - I/S/? -
    A: Yes you can, the rules allow it and it's been confirmed again by Andrea. (2018)

    The Immelmann turn is often regarded as a three card manoeuvre whereas it is a special one card manoeuvre with certain restrictions upon its use:
    In order to play the Immelmann card you must plan a straight card immediately before it and a straight card immediately after it (unless you have the acrobatic pilot ace skill).
    It works in a similar way for the Split-S only you must plan a stall immediately before the Immelmann card and a straight after.
    Rear Gunners cannot fire during any of these three cards, a wounded pilot cannot fire in the phase an Immelmann turn card is played & a climb card cannot be played in the same turn as an Immelmann turn card.

    The first straight card is to show you have the energy to perform the manoeuvre, the Immelmann card is the manoeuvre itself, the second straight card is to show recovery of energy following the manoeuvre after which you can play any card within the restrictions given. This includes an Immelmann card if available (ie in the the next turn).

    Immelmann rules are found in latest RAP Rules on pages 7, 10, 15 & 24.

    Climb/Dive in same turn as an Immelmann/Split-S turn:
    Q: Whilst playing a play by PM game there was a query concerning altitude - specifically climbs and dives in relation to the Immelmann turn & the Split-S.
    Now -
    we accept we cannot climb during the same turn as an Immelmann turn (card) but can we dive ?
    Clearly this can only happen when a reversal is planned across two game turns, so, can we play Dive, straight; Immelmann, or, Immelmann; straight; dive in a game turn ?
    we accept we cannot dive during the same turn as a Split-S (Immelmann turn card) but can we climb ?
    so, can we play Immelmann; straight; climb in a game turn ?
    Does it relate to the Immelmann Turn Card itself - whatever it's function (up or down) - and you just cannot play the climb or dive card in the same turn as the card itself ?
    This has been my understanding but it's easy to misconstrue the rules sometimes.
    A Andrea says: "...So you are correct. Climbing in the same turn of an Immelmann turn and diving in the same turn of a Split-S is forbidden. While diving in the same turn of an Immelmann turn and climbing in the same turn of a Split-S is allowed.
    The reason is that climb rates and dive capabilities are the maximum allowed. I wanted to avoid that somebody would climb or dive more than just allowed by climb, dive, steep dive cards, adding to them the Immelmann/Split-S. It would be awkward to see a plane zig-zagging in the sky to climb or dive more than with the steepest climbs or dive allowed. Of course, there is no issue from this point of view if a plane dives in the same turn of an Immelmann or climbs in the same turn of a Split-S"...Andrea 2021.

    Immelmann & Firing Rear Gunner:
    Page 24 of the RAP Rulebook states: "airplanes cannot fire at a target in the rear firing arc immediately after using [the Immelmann] manoeuvre card or after the manoeuvre card played just before or just after it." (emphasis added)
    Q: does this really mean "or" (as in the player has a choice regarding when not to fire - either during the Immelmann card phase, or the phases immediately preceding or following the Immelmann card), or does it instead mean "and" (as in the player may not fire during the phases immediately before, during, and after the playing of an Immelman card)?
    A: Andrea says: "I meant all three manoeuvres"

    Immelmann & Fire Damage:
    Q: When ending a turn with a straight and then an Immelmann your kite's set on fire.. problem is that ending the turn with an Immelmann, means the first move of the next turn has to be a straight, however, the rules state that when on fire you're not allowed to plan straight manoeuvres.
    In order to fulfil the rules, do you just plan a non-straight manoeuvre, fall foul of the Illegal Manoeuvre rule and have to change it to a straight anyway?
    A: You get an A damage for the straight after the Immelmann as it is illegal to do so when on fire; as it is the first card of the next turn you will also already have received an A card in exchange for a fire token as well.
    (Andrea's clear that his intent (and preference) was that if you did a straight (planned or mandatory) when on fire then your aircraft would be destroyed (as per an "illegal" move in original game) but Ares wished the straight/A card option which is what they went with in the rules; destruction being an optional rule..)

    Fokker D.VII stall turns and Split-S/Overdive
    Q: Is it allowed to begin the two manoeuvre sequences with a stall turn instead of a regular stall?
    A: No. The plane has to play the stall manoeuvre - one with a short arrow and the <> symbol. see p7 RAP (2014).
    Andrea states if he wrote it now "I'd ask for a "straight stall" before a Split-S or an overdive" for clarity.

    Fire & Rudder Jams:
    Q: Your bird is on fire and then you get both left and right rudder jams, what happens? When on fire you cannot use a straight manoeuvre but when double jammed... What can you do?
    A: Andrea says "...If you have the rudder jammed in both direction, plan stalls or dives or climbs as much as you can (they are not straights). And then illegal moves: plan straights, or left/right cards - no matter which you will plan, they will be replaced with straights and inflict an A card of damage (or eliminate you if the optional rule is in use)."

    Q: When you get enough climb tokens do you automatically go to the next level or do you wait till the next turn to climb ?
    A: Yes, you automatically go to the next level. Example: If you are elevation 4, and you have a climb rate of 3, once you have played the third climb card and receive that 3rd climb token, you are then at elevation 5.

    Line of sight:
    Q: In the rulebook it states that only models at the same level block line of sight to a target at the same level as the shoot. But does line of sight get blocked it you are shooting at a target one level lower with a plane in between you and the target at the target level? And when he attempts to shoot back does a plane at his level block line of sight to the target one level higher?
    A: No. Keeping to the letter of the rules, line of sight is only blocked if all 3 planes are on the same level.

    Aim Bonus:
    Q: In a situation of aiming at short range:
    The two cards damage received damage bonus of +1?
    (example (CD 1p +1) + (CD 2p +1)=5 points of damage).
    A: Correct, at close range both cards receive the +1 bonus.
    NB. Bonuses are not cumulative so for example if diving and having an Aim bonus you don't get a +2 (Source: Andrea)
    AND a zero is always a zero, so no +1 on them..!

    L Manoeuvre deck:
    Q: Card #14/24 in the L Manoeuvre deck is marked with a "diamond" steep action, but card #15/24 is not marked with a "diamond" steep action, not even a straight forward. Is it an error or does it add an extra manoeuvrability?
    A: It is not an error. The Fokker D.VII could do a manoeuvre that's called "hang on the prop". Basically it used the power of the motor to sort of pull up and hang in the air.
    The reason card #15 does not have a straight icon is so it can not be used with an Immelmann manoeuvre. It has no steep icon to show that it can be used before or after another steep manoeuvre.

    When Rockets Miss ?:
    Q: A Camel fired 2 rocket salvos at a balloon. After the Camel's second straight a Dr1 fired at the Camel. The damage card the Camel received for being shot at by the Dr1 had a jam result on it, meaning the Dr1's guns jammed. So far, so easy.
    However, does that also mean the rockets missed because the Camel drew a card with special damage on it?
    A strict reading of the rules implies the rockets miss:
    "The target is hit after the next maneuver if all 3 of the following conditions are met:
    3) the firing airplane does not draw any card with a special damage symbol because of enemy fire in these two rounds of maneuvers"
    A: Andrea: "My idea is that if you are hit you could be distracted or somehow go out of route to avoid bullets or have any other kind of problems. Every time you are hit? No, just sometimes. How often? Let's say every time there is a special damage icon on the card. So which icon is not relevant - since explosions and jammed guns are defined as special damages, they count too."

    Gun confusion:
    Q: My two-seater plane has AB/B shown for its guns - confused as to what AB means.
    A: The configuration presented is a triple gunned front mount. When firing to the front, the victim draws an "A" and a "B" damage card for each long-ranged shot, and two each for short-ranged shots.

    How the Blind Spot Works:
    Q: My group may have been playing them wrong - does it apply to the whole arc ? Can long range shots still be taken ?
    A: If the target is at the same or lower altitude*
    1. Lay the ruler peg to peg.
    2. If the ruler passes over the rear edge of the firer's base and
    3. Any part of the target's base is at short range
    Then the target is in the blind spot and cannot be shot at
    (* As with all rules there are some exceptions to this - Hannover being one of them)
    ....And yes, long range shots can be taken !

    This may help:

    The coloured lines are there to show the line from peg to peg rather than the fall of shot.
    The Fokker D.VII cannot be shot because when measured from peg to peg the base is at close range and the ruler passes over the rear edge of the base. If the base was at long range it could be shot.
    The Fokker Dr.1 can be shot at close range as when measured from peg to peg the base is at close range and the ruler does not pass over the rear edge of the base.
    The Roland C.II can be shot at close range as when measured from peg to peg the base is at close range and the ruler does not pass over the rear edge of the base. It can also be shot with the front gun !
    Diagram here:

    Hannover Rear Firing Arc:
    Q: Should the Hannover have a rear arc of fire on the card as it has one on the base - which is correct?
    A: Andrea:- "Sorry for the typo. The base is OK, the card is wrong (it should have the same rear arc)...
    Hannover Cl.IIIa has also a reduced rear blind spot due to its special tail design: the blind spot is effective only against targets at lower altitude, while the sight to target at the same altitude is not blocked. This rule does not affect points cost."

    360 Arcs of Fire for Rear Gunners:
    Q: Other than the Roland do other two seater rear gunners have the 360 arc of fire at higher targets?
    A: Andrea:- This is the rule I wrote in the next, still unpublished official supplement:
    Roland C.II/C.IIa, Bristol F2B Fighter, Halberstadt CL.II, Hannover CL.IIIa - altitude and arc's of fire.
    This rule can be used if the altitude rules are also in use. These planes have higher rear machine guns that can be turned 360°: use the arc of fire on the card/base with the blind spot for targets at the same or lower altitude but their rear machine guns can ignore both the blind spot and the firing arc when firing at targets at higher altitude..."
    It should be noted that these machines rear guns also have a wider arc at targets on the same level similar to that of the Roland C.II ie anywhere but their machines front firing arc.

    Basing Models:
    Q: I've bought an after market model - how do I know which base to use ?
    A: These are the pertinent points from Andrea:
    • Wingspan is what determines the base size of planes (number of engines is not a factor).
    • The huge planes with wingspans of 29 metres and upwards (Staaken, Felixstowe, HP O/400, etc) have the biggest base (8cm x 11cm approx).
    • The big planes with wingspans of 22.2 to 24 metres (Caproni Ca.3, Gotha G.V, Friedrichshafen G.III, etc) have the medium size base (6.8cm x 8.8cm, exactly twice the width of a 'normal' fighter card).
    • Planes with a smaller wingspan up to an undefined maximum, a bit larger than the 14.36m span Bregeut 14 (including the 14.55m FE2 and the 15.24m AEG N.I) use the 'normal' fighter base. The exact maximum has not been defined.
    • Furthermore Andrea mentions the potential of a fourth base size (one and a half 'normal' cards wide) for those planes with a wingspan of approximately 17-18m (such as the Farman F.40 and the Caudron G.4), but since this base size was declined by Ares it's likely that such planes will have to go down to the 'normal' fighter size base or up to the medium (Gotha etc) size base, although which is not yet decided upon.
      * Zoe suggests as a rule of thumb - Go by wingspan but in boundary cases (smaller than Gotha, larger than Br14), 2 seaters go smaller, 3+ seaters go larger.
      Seems to make sense and as good a compromise as any to break the deadlock.

    Arcs of Fire:
    Q: Following a query about arcs of fire for certain aircraft in ww2 Andrea responded with this - it is included in this ww1 FAQ as the response is pertinent to both games:
    A: Designer note: the standard fighters' cone is somehow "broad", and not just a "fire in front" cone, because planes are not allowed to turn any inclination as in reality. WW1 fighters, for example, can only turn 60° or more.
    Blue Max allows you to fire only in the row of hexes in front of you. if a plane is two hexes away from another, but they are not in the same row of hexes, they can not fire at each other no matter which orientation they have even if they are quite at short range from each other. There is a huge "blind spot" between a row of hexes and another. If a plane is 2 hexes away in a different row, you can have it too at your left if you are heading North and too to your right if you head NWW. This is absurd IMHO, and the standard forward cone for fighters is aimed to avoid that. In Wings of War/Glory, it is never possible that you miss a target just because it is in a blind spot between the orientation you have going straight and the one you have using one of your turns. The cone approximates all the orientations you could get into if you could be allowed not just to go straight or turn 60°, but also to turn any other inclination in-between as you could in reality.
    Of course, front flexible guns may have broader arcs...

    Staaken Engine Repair:
    Q: Does it take a whole TURN (three complete phases from the BEGINNING of a turn before the first action phase to after the Fire step of the third and LAST phase)? OR, Does it take only a whole PHASE (any phase) to attempt to repair the engine...? (Wording in FotG and WoG rules are at odds using words phase/turn in same place, believed to be a typo?)
    A: Andrea: You are perfectly correct, there is a typo. The engine repair can be made if the mechanic is at the engine at the start of a turn...
    If an engine is damaged, the mechanic/gunner can switch positions (see Crewmen with Multiple Roles, WW1 Wings of ar Rules and Accessories Pack, page 27) to try to repair it. Each mechanic/gunner can try to repair damage only on his own engine (left or right).
    When a mechanic/gunner is at the engine (gray role circle) at the start of a turn, he can try to repair that engine, by spending the whole turn to do so (as a whole turn is required, he must have moved to the grey circle in the previous turn and he cannot move away until the next turn).
    At the end of the turn, after the Firing step is completed, draw a “B” damage card.
    - If the result is “0” or an explosion, the damage is permanent and cannot be repaired: flip the engine damage counter face-up as a reminder.
    - If the result is “1” or more, the damage is repaired. If the damage is repaired, you can remove one engine damage counter (choose one if there are more than one) from the engine.
    A mechanic cannot make more than one attempt to repair damage in the same turn.
    Higher MG Rule (Adv) & Collisions
    Q: Does the higher gun rule takes the place of the collision rule?
    The higher gun rule says: "It can also fire at short range at airplanes overlapping its firing arc at the same altitude level unless the firer has climb counters and the target does not."
    This disagrees with the rule in the book that says two overlapping planes at the same altitude collide if the both have climb counters or both don't have climb counters.
    A: Andrea says:
    Both rules apply. The situation is not static - the two planes are moving while the one with the upper Lewis is trying to fire and both risk colliding into each other, maybe after bullets are exchanged.
    So, when the firing plane has a higher machinegun and a target overlaps in its firing cone...

    Target plane one level higher: fire at it long range.
    Target plane at same level with climb counters, firing plane without climb counters: fire at short range but no collision.
    Target plane at same level without climb counters, firing plane without climb counters: fire at short range and collide.
    Target plane at same level with climb counters, firing plane with climb counters: fire at short range and collide.
    Target plane at same level without climb counters, firing plane with climb counters: neither fire nor collision.

    Which Weber is it ?
    Series 1b Albatros D.Va represented by Ares as Austro-Hungarian pilot Rudolf Weber is meant to be the German pilot Ludwig Weber as in the original WoW series 1.
    This is confirmed by Ares:
    The error was done on the airplane card, using Rudolf instead of Ludwig (currently investigating - probably when compiling the data sheet of the plane).
    Hence, the error moved on to the marketing materials, as the editors investigated Rudolf Weber, and wrote the text on the product sheet and other web information based on the wrong pilot name.
    Essentially - everything on the card and model is correct, except the pilot's first name.
    We'll correct the information on our website, and correct the card in future reprints.!

    Are some side slips longer than straights ?
    Yes they are in some decks, those effected are:
    Nexus: G; E; P; & R decks.
    Ares: E; P; R; T & Y decks.
    Andrea said in 2011:
    ...Sorry for that, it is actually a misprint. I will tell the publisher to have it corrected in future reprints...
    Well that didn't happen! So take advantage of the error.

    Wounded Whilst Jammed:
    Q: I have my guns jammed and I get a pilot [gunner] wounded. How do I deal with the 3 phase / 4 phase rule in this case.
    A: Andrea: We play that since you already got the three counters, you just keep them. Actually, it’s in the rule even if not so 100% evident: “if the guns become jammed”, says the rulebook, not if the machineguns were already jammed from before.

    Jamming individual guns on multiple mount:

    Can only one gun jam and the other be used on twin mount, or, those with separate systems ?
    Andrea says:
    Some time ago I posted a few optional rules here:
    One is this:

    Jamming twin guns (A firing planes)

    When you fire with an A weapon, that represents twin guns, you could jam one of the machineguns or, more rarely, both of them.
    If you are at short distance, you jam a machinegun if target picks up a jammed Damage card, you jam both of them if he picks up two of them. Firing at long distance, you jam both of them if the target picks the 0 red jammed Damage card, only one if he picks the 2 red or a green jammed Damage card.
    Planes jamming a single gun take three jammed counters. Each turn after moving, the player can decide if unjam the jammed machinegun or if they want to fire with the remaining one. If they unjam, they discard a token; if they fire they do it at B capability (and they normally jam this second weapon if a jamming B card is picked by the target). The weapon is unjammed if the player unjam it after three consecutive maneuvers. It is allowed to stop unjamming to fire with the other weapon at any moment, but the jammed counters are immediately restored to three.
    If both weapons are jammed, they are unjammed at the same time after the same three consecutive maneuvers. No separate account of unjamming is necessary.

    You could decide to apply it just to Se5a, Ni.17/23, twin MGs SPAD VII and the like.

    Known Issues:
    Nexus Snipe - M deck - wide side slips are steep, in the Ares reprint Snipe M deck they are not. There has been no explanation
    Nexus Nieuport 16 - R deck - has no wide side slips, in the Ares reprint it does. (additional to the WoW deck) There has been no explanation
    Nexus Sopwith Triplane (card only) used D deck - Ares changed it to the new U deck when model released
    Nexus Fokker Eindecker (card only) used P deck - Ares changed it to the new T deck when model released
    Nexus DH.2 (card only) used G deck - Ares changed it to the P deck when model released
    Nexus Halberstadt D.III (card only) used G deck - Ares changed it to the P deck when model released
    Nexus Morane Saulnier N (card only) used P deck - Ares changed it to the new T deck when model released
    More representative decks were created
    Sideslips longer than straights in all E,G,P,R,T,Y decks.A known WoW error/foible that was not corrected by Ares.
    There are some discrepancies in length of straights between some WoW & WoG decks, though I don't recall which ones.Minimal difference.
    Some B decks in the WoW booster sets had dive cards that were too short, ie for the next speed band down.A known print error.

    This is not an exhaustive list of FAQs or PoI - if you can't find what you're after here use the search or advanced search at the top right of the page - failing that trawl through the Rules threads and you never know, you might just find what you are looking for ! If you find something that you think should be included let me know.

    Frequent Questions:

    Are Wings of War & Wings of Glory models compatible ?:
    Yes, totally - the cards have a different look in WoG but are completely usable with the original WoW on the table.

    Where do I find Stats for WW1 aircraft ?:
    In the file sections here (Click on the phrase to follow link!) you will find a page containing a number of documents to download containing all the info you'll ever need created by our 'Unofficial Stats Committee' - pick your preference (I prefer the spreadsheet personally so I can filter the data)

    How are aircraft stats worked out ?:
    The 'Unofficial Stats Committee's 'Tools For Working Out Stats' doc here in the files section will give a guide to how it's done but someone is always willing to chip in and help if you pose the question !

    Where do I find info on different Manoeuvre decks ?:
    In the file sections here
    (Click on the phrase to follow link!) Here you will find a WoG Manoeuvre Deck Breakdown document that lists contents of all decks in detail

    How does bombing work ?:
    There is a simple diagram demonstrating how it's done here in the files

    And here is a thread that demonstrates how to do it on the table in WW1

    Are there official bomb load outs ?:
    No but have a look here for some 'unofficial' ideas.

    Where do I find what WW1 models have previously been released ?:
    Download this document here in the files that shows all releases up to series 9 of 2016.
    There is also a useful thread here about the models.
    by Dan-Sam.

    Where can I download the official full set of WoG WW1 rules ?:
    There currently isn't anywhere but if you find somewhere can you let us all know ?!
    What Ares has for WW1 you can find on their site here

    Are there any Solo Rules / Movement charts ?:
    Nothing official but there are a number of movement charts in use (based on Richard Bradleys solo rules) in the files section here.
    If you want to see them in action have a look at the Over The Trenches sub-forum which is full of after action reports utilizing said rules.
    Now there is even an APP for those electronically minded that includes the different solo rules.

    DF link

    Why three manoeuvre cards for WW1 ?
    The rationale for the three card turn in WW1 and the 1 card & 1 card planning for WW2 is explained by Andrea, the games designer, here on BGG:

    Are there any night fighting rules for WW1 ?
    Nothing official but look here for a good tried and tested unofficial rules by Teaticket

    Where can I find plane cards ?
    Several members have created plane cards over the years here are some albums containing cards:

    None of which are 100% in conformance with the stats, official or unofficial.

    This one of Zoe's is, but is very much a work in progress.

    Where can I find aeroplane performance data ?
    There is a pdf here that may help:

    Speeds for Slower Aircraft ?
    Here's some ideas from Zoe:

    Where can I find... ?:
    Hopefully now you are getting the idea that if you are looking for something to help you play the game, be it a target, an aide memoire, or other game aide the first place to look will be in the forum's files section - it's well worth having a trawl through anyway !

    Damage Decks:

    A Deck
    The A damage deck has 35 cards:
    11 x 0 (inc 1 red jam & 1 green jam)
    7 x 1 (inc 1 left rudder & 1 right rudder)
    6 x 2 (inc 1 red jam; 1 green jam; 1 left rudder; 1 right rudder & 1 fire)
    5 x 3 (inc 1 engine, + 1 wound)
    3 x 4 (inc 1 smoke)
    2 x 5 (inc 1 wound)
    1 x Explosion
    (Often played and supplied as a double deck of 70 cards)

    B Deck
    The B damage deck has 44 cards:
    17 x 0 (inc 2 red jams & 2 green jams)
    12 x 1 (inc 1 red jam; 1 green jam; 1 left rudder; 1 right rudder; 1 fire; 1 smoke & 1 wound)
    9 x 2 ( inc 1 left rudder; 1 right rudder; 1 engine; 1 fire& 1 smoke)
    4 x 3 (inc 1 wound)
    1 x 4
    1 x Explosion
    (Often played as a double deck of 88 cards)

    C Deck
    The C deck has 17 cards:
    9 x 0
    1 x 1
    1 x 2
    1 x 4 (inc fire)
    2 x 6 (inc engine & wound)
    1 x 8 (inc smoke)
    1 x 10
    1 x Explosion
    (Often played and supplied as a double deck of 34 cards)

    D deck
    The D deck has 8 cards:
    3 x 0
    1 x 3 (inc fire)
    1 x 6 (inc fire)
    1 x 9 (inc fire)
    2 x Explosion
    (Often played and supplied as a double deck of 16 cards)

    Damage Types & Uses:
    A - Twin machine guns.
    A - Penalty for illegal manoeuvre.
    A - Fire Damage - Number & Explosion only.
    A - Trench fire - Special damage only.
    B - Single machine guns.
    C - Anti Aircraft Artillery (aka Archie/Flak).
    C - Cannon Fire - ie aircraft mounted.
    C - Collisions - Number & Explosion only.
    D - Rocket fire.

    Rules Reminder

    Jammed Guns
    · Type: Announced
    · Lasts: 3 Firing Phases
    · Take 3 jammed gun counters when shown this special damage.
    · Jammed machine gun cannot be fired for 3 following firing phases, discard a counter at the end of each phase.
    · Jammed gun icons are red or green in colour. There is no difference between the two colours, unless you are using the
    Bullet Checker ace skill when the ace can ignore the green jam icon.
    · If your pilot is wounded and his guns become jammed it lasts 4 firing phases, take 4 counters.
    · If the guns are jammed when the pilot gets wounded, there is no change, it still lasts the 3 firing phases.

    Engine Damage

    1. Single-engine aircraft
    · Type: Secret
    · Lasts: Rest of game
    · You must plan at least one stall in each planning phase.
    · If the aircraft receives a second engine damage it's shot down..

    2. Multi-engine aircraft
    · Type: Announced
    · Lasts: Rest of game
    · Randomly draw one Engine Damage counter from a pair (numbered 1 and 2), keep result secret.
    · If the number drawn is lower than the number of engines, nothing happens unless it equals half or more of the
    number of engines then it's climb rate is increased by 1.
    · If the number drawn equals the number of engines you must plan at least one stall in each planning phase.
    · If the number drawn exceeds the number of engines, the aircraft is shot down.
    · Engine damage drawn is cumulative and the total checked against engine number whenever another is drawn by the
    aircraft so keep the token (a number of pairs are available with each bomber)

    Wounded Pilot/Crew

    1. Single-seater
    · Type: Announced
    · Lasts: Rest of game
    · A wounded pilot cannot fire in the same phase he executes a steep manoeuvre, or, an Immelmann Turn card,
    including in a Split-S.
    · If his guns are jammed when the pilot gets wounded, there is no change, it is still just 3 firing phases jammed.
    · If your pilot is wounded and his guns become jammed that lasts 4 firing phases.
    · If the pilot receives a second wound he is dead & the aircraft shot down.

    2. Two-seater
    · Type: Announced
    · Lasts: Rest of game
    · Randomly draw one Crewman Hit counter from a pair (numbered I, and II):
    · I = wounded pilot. He cannot fire in the same phase he executes a steep manoeuvre, the Immelmann turn card,
    including in a Split-S.
    · II = wounded observer. He is incapacitated and takes no further actions in the game.
    · If the pilot receives a second wound he is dead & the aircraft shot down.

    3. Multi-seater
    · Type: Announced
    · Lasts: Rest of game
    · Randomly draw one Crewman Hit counter (numbered I, II, III...) and check on the Crew Damage Table who was hit.
    · If it was a pilot, and he has control of a weapon he cannot shoot any more. Put the counter back for an eventual
    · If it was any other crewman, He is incapacitated and takes no further actions in the game. Remove his number
    counter from future draws.
    · Mark the incapacitated crew on the aircraft management card with a wounded crew token.
    · If the last remaining pilot receives a second wound he is dead & the aircraft shot down.
    · When another crewman is hit draw from the remaining crewman hit counters.


    1. Single-engine aircraft
    · Type: Announced
    · Lasts: 3 game turns
    · Take 3 fire counters.
    · Remove one fire counter and take one 'A' damage card after the planning phase of next 3 turns. Only the numbers
    and explosion special damage count for fire damage.
    · You cannot plan any straight manoeuvres when on fire. (Option: Andrea says this should not apply to Pushers)
    · Illegal manoeuvres are replaced with a Straight + 'A' damage.
    · Burning aircraft cannot tail but may be itself be tailed
    · If you receive two Fire special damage cards in the same turn, only one is counted and you only take 3 fire counters.
    · If you receive a second fire damage card in a subsequent turn when on fire remove the remaining fire counters and
    take 3 new fire counters.

    2. Twin and Multi-engine aircraft
    · Type: Announced
    · Lasts: 3 game turns
    · Take 3 fire tokens.
    · Remove one fire counter and take one 'A' damage card after the planning phase of next 3 turns. Only the numbers
    and explosion count.
    · Twin & Multi-engine aircraft can plan straight manoeuvres when on fire.
    · If you receive two Fire special damage cards in the same turn, only one is counted and you only take 3 Fire counters.
    · If you receive a second Fire special damage card in a subsequent turn when on fire remove the current Fire counters
    and take 3 new Fire counters.
    · Optional Rule for Giants with 20 points of resistance or more: Exchange a Fire token for 1xA & 1xB damage cards if
    resistance is between 20 & 29 points. Exchange a Fire counter for 2xA damage if resistance is 30+points. Only the
    numbers and explosion count.


    All aircraft
    · Type: Announced
    · Lasts: 3 game turns
    · Take 3 smoke counters. Remove one smoke counter at the end of each Turn including the one you receive it in.
    · Your aircraft cannot tail but may itself be tailed
    · If you receive a second smoke damage whilst smoking treat that smoke as fire and take 3 fire counters
    · Incendiary bullets treat Smoke as fire against aircraft & balloons.

    Jammed Rudder

    All aircraft
    · Type: Secret
    · Lasts: 1 game turn
    · You cannot plan manoeuvres in the arrow's direction in the following planning phase.
    · If you receive two Jammed Rudder special damage cards in the same turn, in the same direction, only one is counted.
    · If you receive two Jammed Rudder special damage cards in the same turn, in opposite directions, both are counted.
    · Illegal manoeuvres are replaced with a Straight + 1 'A' damage.

    Illegal Manoeuvre

    If you plan an illegal manoeuvre, be it two sequential steeps, an unavoidable straight when on fire, turn when rudder damaged, play no stall when engine damaged, incorrect cards either side of an Immelmann turn card in whatever reversal was planned, you take a penalty - replace the manoeuvre with a straight card and take an A damage card - Special damage applies.

    Blind Spot

    Applies if the target is at the same or lower altitude*
    · Lay the ruler peg to peg.
    · If the ruler passes over the rear edge of the firer's base and
    · Any part of the target's base is at short range,
    · Then the target is in the blind spot and cannot be shot at.
    (* As with all rules there are some exceptions - Hannover CL.IIIa being one of them)

    Damage Types & Uses:
    A - Twin machine guns.
    A - Penalty for illegal manoeuvre.
    A - Fire Damage - Number & Explosion only.
    A - Trench fire - Special damage only.
    B - Single machine guns.
    C - Anti Aircraft Artillery (aka Archie/Flak).
    C - Cannon Fire - ie aircraft mounted.
    C - Collisions - Number & Explosion only.
    D - Rocket fire.

    When an aircraft has a higher machine-gun and a target overlaps in its firing arc:

    Target plane one level higher: fire at it long range.
    Target plane at same level with climb counters, firing plane without climb counters: fire at short range but no collision.
    Target plane at same level without climb counters, firing plane without climb counters: fire at short range and collide.
    Target plane at same level with climb counters, firing plane with climb counters: fire at short range and collide.
    Target plane at same level without climb counters, firing plane with climb counters: neither fire nor collision.

    This is WiP - when complete I will post in the files.