Ares Games

Files: Campaigns

Files in category : Campaigns
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WGS No.3 Sqn RAAF WW2 Campaign (1940-45) Part One WGS No.3 Sqn RAAF WW2 Campaign (1940-45) Part One : This file is the first part of a WGS Campaign following No.3 Squadron RAAF as it fought in North Afr ... [more] (1.18 MB) 03-06-2013 206 3
Pilot sheet Pilot sheet : Pilot sheet for campaigns. The ranks are taken from the US Air-force. Please comment if you want to ... [more] (4.02 MB) 02-26-2011 212 1
Carrier Air War Late war plane cards Carrier Air War Late war plane cards : These are the cards I plan on using for my Carrier Air War Campaign....until the real cards come out ... [more] (1.14 MB) 10-13-2010 457 1
Carrier Air War The Ships Carrier Air War The Ships : Here are the ships I use for my campaign Carrier Air War. These are for the bombing missions. Not t ... [more] (550.5 KB) 10-13-2010 449 0
Carrier Air War Carrier Air War : This is a WWII version of Keith Upton’s outstanding WWI "Knights of the Air" campaign. Steve (1.20 MB) 09-11-2010 530 2
pacific war dinamic campaign pacific war dinamic campaign : this is an idea to play a dynamic campaign wit 2 side ,the USA and the Japan you play 2 campaign a ... [more] (65.0 KB) 08-16-2010 231 1
WW2 Pilots Rosta WW2 Pilots Rosta : A flying rosta to keep track of how many kills your pilots have, missions undertaken ect.. (74.5 KB) 09-20-2009 296 0
WW2 Aircraft stats 1 WW2 Aircraft stats 1 : Aircraft stats covering USA, UK, German and Japanise aircraft for the WW2 campain. This is Pre-fire ... [more] (246.0 KB) 09-20-2009 480 0
WW2 Campain WW2 Campain : DOW campain that covers USA, UK, German and Japanise aircraft. You need the aircraft stats 1 doc to ... [more] (75.0 KB) 09-20-2009 519 0
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