It has been a while since we have done a painting contest here on the site and many of you have been asking for one. So, here is your chance to show off your skills painting up a WGS bomber.

Rules update 14Sep15 as follows...

Who: Any registered Wings of War Aerodrome member.
What: Painting Contest.
When: 14 November 2015 is the deadline for entries.
Winner: Chosen by: Community vote.

  • One entry per member
  • Miniature must be a bomber (including transports used as bombers, and recon, fighter, weather reporting, transport, forming up, missile carrier, "mistel" etc variants of bombers) from WWII that uses the Heavy Bomber base (the B-17 sized one).
  • Both Official and unofficial bomber types are welcome.
  • The miniature can be from any manufacture, but must be of the correct type of plane and in 1/200 scale.
  • Must be painted during the contest period.
  • For clarification, anything larger than a Ju88 uses a Heavy Bomber base. Ask if unsure.

How to submit your entry:

Via your profile page, create a new Album (left hand side menu), name it WGS Bomber Contest and select Profile as the album type. Upload your photos to this album and send me a PM with the below info:

Subject of PM: WGS Bomber Contest - Your Username

  • Real name
  • Username
  • What miniature was used
  • Pilot and Unit name (if based on historical scheme) OR
  • Back Story & Scenario (if fantasy aircraft/prototype/didn't see service as bomber in reality but could have)
  • No more than 3 photos (Cut and past the BB Code found at the bottom right of your Album images into the PM.)

Prizes will be awarded to the three entries that receive the most votes from the community. First place will get to pick three of the following prizes. Second place will get to pick two of the remaining prizes and third place will get to pick one of the remaining prizes.

And the available prizes are:

1. Aerodrome Accessories ACE WGS Advanced Cockpit and ACE WGS Speed Tokens

2. WGS Series 1 Spitefire Mk.II Vybral (unopened)

3. WGS Series 1 Spitefire Mk.II Falkowski (unopened)

4. WGS Series 1 Bf 109 E-3 Molders (unopened)

5. WGS Series 1 Bf 109 E-4 Galland (unopened)

6. Winners choice of one of the below plane cards signed by the games creator, Andrea Angiolino. The card comes in a double sided frame to allow you to see both sides of the card.

Like this:

All winners will receive the Painting Contest medal: