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Thread: Corral Sea

  1. #1

    Question Corral Sea

    Well I was bit by the WW2 bug and bought both boxed sets, and started thinking about Pacific scenarios. I want to run the attack on the Shoho aircraft carrier, but have run into some issues, maybe some of you guys can help! The Shoho was defended by 6 A6M's (Zeroes) and 2 A5M's (Claudes) and was attacked by 53 SBD's, 22 TBD's and 18 Fighters! Of course the Shoho was sank...quickly! But what I would like help with is how many attacking aircraft should I field? I was thinking about 15, 5 of each type or maybe sending them in waves, I'm just not sure how to handle it. I want my group to have fun, especially the Japanese side, not just a completely one sided encounter. Also are there any official or un-official Torpedo rules out there, haven't come accross any yet.

    Thanks, Dave

  2. #2


    If you are going to field all 6 Zeros and the 2 Claudes, I would have the allied planes come in waves of 5 like you said, entering the table every 3-4 complete turns. I might also think about scaling the number of each to be more in line with the percentage of what was actually used.

  3. #3

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    This is the closest thing I've found for torpedo rules.
    Seems easy enough, at least for a playtest:

    I interested in torps too as I'd like to do some Midway type scenarios.

  4. #4


    Col. Hajj, I think the wave of five would work too, should each wave be a mix? In other words TBD's escorted by fighters or SBD's escorted by fighters or whatever I decide the mix should be? Hmm... need to playtest it! Thanks!

    Evilsam, that was what I was thinking for torpedos, one straight, one stall, one direction card for torpedo to follow. Sounds easy enough! Thanks!

    Now for Damage! I didn't see any damage for Bombs or Torpedos in the rules so heres my idea; 1D6 for 1 Bomb drop/ 1,2,3,4 no effect, 5= 5 Dmg +1Fire Counter, 6= 10 Dmg +2 Fire Counters. 2D6 for all Bombs drop/ 1,2,3 no effect, 4= 10 Dmg +1 Fire Counter, 5= 15 Dmg +2 Fire Counters, 6= 20 Dmg +3 Fire Counters. Basically the 6's are catastrophic damage, ie; magazine hit, loaded planes etc. Not sure for the torps though.

    Thanks, Dave

  5. #5

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    You should check this out on BGG:

    I'm planning on lifting some of his rules for some PTO stuff.

  6. #6


    I'd try and stay away from using dice for damage. Either assign a certain number of damage points per torps or used the D deck for them. I don't recall, were WWII torps guided or not?

  7. #7


    Wow! That boardgamegeek after action report is awesome!

    AFAIK, A/C carried torpedos were not guided. Submarine torpedoes did have a basic preguidance system, though.

  8. #8

    Gravitypool's Avatar
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    For what I know ship torpedoes have a basic directional guidance sistem and once set the correct angle they went on straight. If the objective moved itself from the path once the torpedo finished its orientation it was likely to miss the target. But in large ship clusters maybe it could impact on the followers.

  9. #9


    Ive seen the Boardgamegeek battle report and was very impressed! Ive gone through all the trouble of photoshoped ships though, so I have a semi accurate top down view of the ships I will be using. Col. Hajj I agree I should try and stay away from dice, Im an old rpg and 40k nut so I havent put the dice down yet! I'll post a picture of the Shoho that I am using for my game.

  10. #10

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    Quote Originally Posted by Dathbain View Post
    Ive seen the Boardgamegeek battle report and was very impressed! Ive gone through all the trouble of photoshoped ships though, so I have a semi accurate top down view of the ships I will be using. Col. Hajj I agree I should try and stay away from dice, Im an old rpg and 40k nut so I havent put the dice down yet! I'll post a picture of the Shoho that I am using for my game.
    That's too funny, I'm doing the same thing!
    What sizes are you making your ships?

  11. #11


    I would love to see some pics and an AAR.

    A thought since CAP usually was assigned sectors I think scaling it back and sending in waves would work. The IJN could start with 2 planes for the sector the attack is coming from and then bring another plane in every third turn as the CAP would converge on the targets.

    Or if you are using a large enough playing area just space the CAP out far enough around the Shoho so it will take a few turns to get the CAP moved. Do not tell the IJN player what direction the attack is coming from. Maybe even have the waves come from more than one sector.

    This is actually what caused the IJN problems at Midway. All the CAP came down from Altidude after the TBDs. When the SBDs arrived the CAP was out of position to intercept because they did not maintian their sectors.

    Hope it works out, sounds interesting.

  12. #12

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    I'm going to try and modify the draft Midway campaign that is posted on the CY6 Yahoo group.

    One challenge is that is contains a bunch of aircraft not made for WOW yet.
    For instance, Brewster Buffalo or PBY Catalina. It should act as a good basis for scenario placement and such though.

  13. #13


    Afilter, the Shoho is about 3 ft long, I've also printed a destroyer its about two thirds the length of the Shoho, was tempted to put in the scenario but I probably wont. I'll try and post some pics later this week, I dont have internet at home so I have to get the images to work to upload them. I like your idea of setting up the CAP fighters in different sectors, I think that will work out better. And I will be having the attackers coming in waves of 5 planes each, the attacker will decide which table edge to start his run from. I picked up some 1/700 scale US aircraft by Trumpeter which I am going to try and incorporate into the game. Basically I will print out a card for the type of plane with just a silouette and firing arc as well as stats and place the mini on a straight pin centered on the red dot, to make it a little more visually stimulating! Now I need some IJN aircraft!


  14. #14


    Quote Originally Posted by Dathbain View Post
    Afilter, the Shoho is about 3 ft long, I've also printed a destroyer its about two thirds the length of the Shoho, was tempted to put in the scenario but I probably wont. I'll try and post some pics later this week, I dont have internet at home so I have to get the images to work to upload them. I like your idea of setting up the CAP fighters in different sectors, I think that will work out better. And I will be having the attackers coming in waves of 5 planes each, the attacker will decide which table edge to start his run from. I picked up some 1/700 scale US aircraft by Trumpeter which I am going to try and incorporate into the game. Basically I will print out a card for the type of plane with just a silouette and firing arc as well as stats and place the mini on a straight pin centered on the red dot, to make it a little more visually stimulating! Now I need some IJN aircraft!

    Cannot wait to see the pics. A 3ft Shoho, wow that seems big for even 1/200 scale, but maybe not. I was considering doing ships at some point, but at a smaller scale with the idea that the planes would be at Altitude flying over them. A Dauntless typically released it's payload at about 1000ft. When we get Torp planes I suppose it would be more critical to have a larger scale.

    I like the idea of using smaller planes to plot movement. You could even do a hidden movement system so the attacker would not know what sector the cap is in and the defender would be guessing on where the attack is coming from until spotted (LoS or Radar).

    This gives me several ideas for doing larger scale battles and then resolving the the engagement with WoW planes on a seperate playing surface. This would greatly reduce the amount of 1/200 planes required and speed up the action. Maybe use a grid/hex map and as opposing units enter the same sector you could move the action over to the gaming table. Is this kind of what you are thinking?

    I guess my thought is something along the lines of the old AH Miday or Bismark game. We also use to do this with ACW campaings where a moderator/contoller would basically track the movement of the multiple armies on a large scale map and when the armies made contact the action would be moved over to the gaming table.

    Look forward to seeing what you come up with.

  15. #15


    Just a little insight for you guys...

    Andrea leaked to me that he has worked on torpedo rules and they are quite different from the bombing rules. His draft rules were for WWI, but he said they could be adapted to WWII with out much difficultly. The catch, he is not saying what the rules were.... yet!

  16. #16


    Afilter, thats a really good idea! I like the idea of using sectors for a much larger battle like Midway or even Coral sea. Since there were scouts looking for ships, fighters and bombers looking for their targets and ships manuevering it would be a good way to represent all those facets on a large sectored map. And when two units move into the same sector they move to the tabletop! Hmmm, I will have to write this up as a campaign! And as far as the 1/700 models Im planning on using them for the combat portion of the game, I kinda like the feel of smaller aircraft on the table it makes the table feel larger and the battle more epic!
    Col. Hajj, That is Awesome! I hope he releases them soon either officially or at least a playtest version. I have some TBD's and TBF's with itchy trigger fingers!

  17. #17


    Quote Originally Posted by Col. Hajj View Post
    Just a little insight for you guys...

    Andrea leaked to me that he has worked on torpedo rules and they are quite different from the bombing rules. His draft rules were for WWI, but he said they could be adapted to WWII with out much difficultly. The catch, he is not saying what the rules were.... yet!
    Mwahahaha! Can't wait for this...That means we will see Swordfish and Devastators and Kates!

  18. #18


    If I had to guess, based on past releases and formats, I would like for torpedo planes and rules to come in their own box set... and that is me really just guessing.

  19. #19


    I agree a boxed set would be nice for both WW1 & WW2, with all the associated planes and maybe a ship card or two. Not sure if the wife would dig another 34.95 box though!

  20. #20


    Any progress....Pictures maybe?

  21. #21


    No progress as of yet, all schedualed bombings have been postponed due to the passing of my Dad Sunday Oct. 10th. Its hard to get your head wrapped around gaming with all the family and the comings and goings of extended family! On a side note I saw the B-17 Liberty Belle this weekend in San Antonio Texas. WOW, it was super cool and kinda sad my Dad got me interested in aviation and machinery, so the whole time I thought man I wish my Dad were here, but it was cool because i had my 2 1/2 yr old daughter with me and she was floored by the experience! She just could not believe how big the bomber was! We were lucky in that when we showed up to the airport it was out on a flight so we were able to watch it come in and land and before we left we were able to watch it take off. All in all the last week and a half has been a roller coaster, but I'll be back in the saddle before too long, and I will try and post some pics of the B-17 as well as my minis next week!


  22. #22


    Dave, sorry to hear about your dad. My condolences to your family.

  23. #23


    Thank You Keith! Im going out tonight to buy one of those thumb drives so I can bring pics to work and upload them, Im very behind the times!

  24. #24


    Oh man, sorry to hear about your father...sounds like you have some great memories that you can share with your little ones.

    Look forward to seeing your progress when you get back into the gaming frame of mind.

    Take care,


  25. #25


    Just checking in to see if you had an opportunity to do anything with this project. Hope all is well...still interested in seeing some pics as I am considering a large ship project and would like to see what you have done.

    Take care,


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