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Thread: Sad news from RAF Conningsby

  1. #1

    Default Sad news from RAF Conningsby

    Sad news today - one of the Battle of Britain Memorial Flight's Spitfires crashed, unfortunately killing the pilot.

    It looks as if it Is Spitfire LF IXe MK356. My condolences to the pilot's family.
    Run for your life - there are stupid people everywhere!

  2. #2


    Saw that, absolute tragedy.

    Never Knowingly Undergunned !!

  3. #3


    Oh my, thats tragic. Prayers to the family.

  4. #4

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    Good god. I pray for the pilot and his family...

  5. #5


    Saddened to see this.
    Thanks for posting.

    Condolences to the pilot's family.

  6. #6


    Bad news indeed. As said already, prayers for the family.

  7. #7


    Tragic news.
    My prayers go out to the family and for the pilot.
    We were informed yesterday at our weekend Square Dance Campout, as the pilot was due to do a fly over for us. Our organiser was very cut up when he announced the tragedy as he had spoken to the pilot not long before to arrange the timings of the visit, and we could not understand why it had been cancelled until the Air Base contacted him.

    "Courage is the art of being the only one who knows you're scared to death."

  8. #8


    Very sad indeed.
    Prayers for the pilot and his family.

    It is impossible for a man to begin to learn what he thinks he knows. -- Epictetus

  9. #9


    Very saddening news.

    Condolences to the pilot, his family, and friends.
    I laugh in the face of danger - then I hide until it goes away!

  10. #10


    Saw that when I got in from Middle Wallop yesterday, tragic news, condolences to all involved. Looks like he just missed a residence, I wonder if that had a bearing on anything.

    Sapiens qui vigilat... "He is wise who watches"

  11. #11


    Oh, man. A terrible tragedy indeed.

  12. #12


    Yes, that certainly is tragic news. Condolences to all the pilot's family and friends and RIP the pilot

  13. #13


    RIP Sqn Ldr Mark Long - named as the pilot lost in this event.

    He was a Typhoon pilot at RAF Coningsby and for the last four years a pilot with the Battle of Britain Memorial Flight [BBMF]. Described as a great friend, colleague, and a passionate, professional aviator, who will be sorely missed by all who knew him.

    Sapiens qui vigilat... "He is wise who watches"

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