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Thread: Playing online WWII

  1. #51


    We are back after a bit of a time off. We are starting a Guadalcanal Campaign that has
    been modified to work with Wings of Glory.

    Game time March 7, 2024 at 7 pm est

    Table Top Flights Presents
    A Live Game of Wings of Glory WWII

    Mission 1
    Targets of Opportunity

    August 21, 1942
    Over Iron Bottom Sound
    On the evening of August 20, Marine Air Group 23 landed at Henderson Field, Guadalcanal's
    newly completed airstrip. The next morning, they lifted off on their first missions of the
    campaign. Major John L Smith, CO of VMT-223, led a division of Grumman F4F Wildcats
    on a patrol around noon. They quickly encountered six Mitsubishi A6M2 Zeros between Lunga
    Point and Savo Island. The first encounter between the new "Cactus Air Force" and the Imperial
    Naval aviators was about to begin.

    Next Mission: Wings of Glory WWII - Guadalcanal: Mission 2 7 pm est March 14, 2024

    If you have not already subscribed to the channel, please do so that you will be alerted for new videos.

  2. #52


    Hello everyone! This week we are continuing our adaptation of the Guadalcanal Campaign. Last week was a massive win for the
    USN but was a great game (except I forgot to turn on my Microphone... OOPs). This week is mission 2 Bait!

    Game time March 14, 2024 at 7 pm est
    Table Top Flights Presents
    A Live Game of Wings of Glory WWII

    Mission 2
    The Bait

    24 August 1942,
    1440 hours between Malaita and Florida Islands.

    Following the failure of Colonel Ichiki Kiyonao's detachment to retake the island on 20 Sugust, Admiral Yamamoto Isoroku committed
    the entire Japanese fleet to action. The last two large fleet carriers, Zuikaku and shokaku, along with the light carrier Ryujo were to
    draw out and destroy the American Carriers. To this end, the Ryujo would expose itself and act as bait. On the late-morning of the
    24 August, Ryujos tiny attack force set off to bomb Henderson Field.
    They were detected by radar on the USS Saratoga, who alerted Henderson Field, and VMF-223 took off to intercept, led by the
    legendary Captain Moarion Carl. The Japanese A6m2 Zeros also include an ace... Chief Petty Officer Okumura Takeo. This was the
    opening phase of the Battle of the Eastern Solomons.

    Next Mission: Wings of Glory WWII - Guadalcanal: Mission 3 7 pm est March 21, 2024

    If you have not already subscribed to the channel, please do so that you will be alerted for new videos.

  3. #53


    I had a power outage at the start of the Feed and it killed the YouTube Link. For the next seven days it will be available on my
    Twitch channel (the link is in the original post) and I will have it uploaded to my YouTube channel sometime tomorrow.( I will post a link when its available)

  4. #54


    After a Long Uplaod time to YouTube, here is the game footage:

  5. #55


    We are back again this week to see the guys will be able to do in the South Pacific. Last week we had a
    power outage to start the game but we did get the game in after a short delay. This week we are taking
    on the 3rd Mission in this campaign.

    Game time March 21, 2024 at 7 pm est

    Table Top Flights Presents
    A Live Game of Wings of Glory WWII

    Mission 3
    Bouncing Bettys

    26 August 1942, 1130 hours, West of Henderson Field.

    The Japanese attempted to run a group of transports down the "Slot" on 25 August, and were soundly
    defeated by Douglas SBD Dauntlesses of the Cactus Air Force. The following day, the 25th Air Flotilla
    sent a large formation of Mitsubishi G4M1 Betties to Bomb Henderson Field in an attempt to suppress
    American airpower. Major John Smith led three divisions of F4F Wildcats to intercept. The Americans
    were mainly green pilots that had never tackled a bomber formation, but did include a few veterans,
    most notably Captain Marion Carl.

    Next Mission: Sails of Glory - TBD 7 pm est March 28, 2024

    If you have not already subscribed to the channel, please do so that you will be alerted for new videos.

  6. #56


    We are back at Guadalcanal this week after taking a week to play Sails of Glory. This week should be a fun one.
    I hope everyone will take the time to check it out!

    Game time April 4, 2024 at 7 pm est

    Table Top Flights Presents
    A Live Game of Wings of Glory WWII

    Mission 4
    On The Run!

    Three days of bad weather kept the Japanese away, but on 29 August coast watchers reported a large formation
    of planes headed down the "Slot." Major John Smith scrambled every available fighter, including the newly arrived
    Bell P-400 Airacobras of the Army's 67th Pursuit Squadron. It quickly became apparent that the lack of oxygen equipment
    in the Army fighters would hinder them useless at the altitudes at which Japanese aircraft flew when returning to base.
    Despite ample warning, the F4F Wildcats Kept searching, though they did not find the Japanese until they had dropped their
    bombs and were returning to Rabaul, New Guinea.


    Next Mission: Wings of Glory WWII - Guadalcanel - Mission 5: Army Navy Game 7 pm est April 11, 2024

    If you have not already subscribed to the channel, please do so that you will be alerted for new videos.

  7. #57


    Hello everyone! We are continuing our Guadalcanal Campaign this week. This will be our 5th mission and I expect
    it to be very bloody! Tune in and see if the who comes out on top!

    Game time April 11, 2024 at 7 pm est
    Table Top Flights Presents
    A Live Game of Wings of Glory WWII

    Mission 5
    The Army Navy Game

    Over Tulagi Harbor
    After delivering valuable maintenance personnel and equipment to the Cactus Air Force, the USS William Ward Barrows
    runs aground off of Tulagi. Major John Smith leads his F4F Wildcats on a Combat Air Patrol mission to protect the Barrows
    until it can be re-floated. Until then, it is a sitting duck for the Japanese Bombers. Captain Dale Bannon, commander of
    Pursuit Squadron 67, decides to tag along and add his P-400 Airacobras to the mission. Due to the technical limitation
    of the Airacrobras, the two groups have trouble coordinating. As they are trying to form a decent CAP pattern, a large
    formation of A6M2 Zeros screams in on a fighter sweep.

    Next Mission: Wings of Glory WWII - Guadalcanel - Mission 6: Trying Times 7 pm est April 18, 2024


    If you have not already subscribed to the channel, please do so that you will be alerted for new videos.

  8. #58


    After spending the last two week's fighting Martians, we are going back to WWII and our
    Guadalcanal campaign. I hope everyone is enjoying the games!

    Game time May 2, 2024 at 7 pm est

    Table Top Flights Presents
    A Live Game of Wings of Glory WWII

    Mission 6
    Trying Times

    09 September 1942
    West of Henderson Field.

    The continuous combat of the past few weeks has slowly been draining the strength and moral of
    the Cactus pilots. Most pilots are tired, weary and sick... no condition to take on the more numerous
    Japanese. Nevertheless veteran ace Captain Marion Carl leads a flight of F4F Wildcats against the
    daily raiders. Captain Carl was shot down, but survived.

    Next Mission: Wings of Glory WWII - Guadalcanal - Mission 7 - 7 pm est May 2, 2024

    If you have not already subscribed to the channel, please do so that you will be alerted for new videos.

  9. #59


    This week we are going to back to Guadalcanal. I hope everyone enjoys:

    Game time May 9, 2024 at 7 pm est

    Table Top Flights Presents
    A Live Game of Wings of Glory WWII

    Mission 7
    Better Late than Never!

    12 September 1942
    Henderson Field

    Major John Smith led a flight of F4F Wildcats in the usual late-morning intercept as Japanese
    bombers were headed to Henderson Field. Major Smith missed the initial interception and only
    managed to hit the formation as it was about to bomb Henderson Field.

    Next Mission: Table Top Flights 4th Anniversary Special - 7 pm est May 23, 2024

    If you have not already subscribed to the channel, please do so that you will be alerted for new videos.

  10. #60


    This week we are playing a D-Day Special.
    Remembering Sgt Paul Patrick Jacobs (1922-2009) 2nd Ranger and World War II Veteran.

    On this day 80 years ago, my Grandfather did something special and brave. As a member of the 2nd Ranger Battalion's
    Task Force B, he landed on "Charlie Sector" of Omaha Beach in Normandy, France, along with 29th Infantry Division.
    He fought valiantly across France, through the treacherous Hürtgen Forest, and into Germany, ultimately becoming part
    of the Army of Occupation after May 1945. During his service, he was awarded both the Bronze and Silver Stars for bravery.
    He was wounded multiple times, earning the Purple Heart five times.
    While he always downplayed his actions during the war as nothing special, he was truly a HERO.

    Game time June 6, 2024 at 7 pm est
    Table Top Flights Presents
    A Live Game of Wings of Glory WWII

    D-Day Special
    Operation Fortitude
    D-Day -1

    Operation Fortitude was the Allied deception strategy designed to mislead the Germans about the actual location and timing
    of the Normandy invasion. It was part of a broader strategic deception plan called Operation Bodyguard. Fortitude South
    was intended to suggest that the main invasion force would land at Pas de Calais rather than Normandy. This operation involved
    the creation of a fictitious First United States Army Group under General George Patton, complete with dummy tanks, aircraft,
    and radio traffic. The deception was reinforced through double agents and false intelligence. The success of Operation Fortitude
    ensured that German forces were spread thin and misallocated, significantly contributing to the success of Operation Overlord.
    The Germans were kept guessing about the real invasion point, which reduced their ability to mount an effective counterattack in Normandy.
    With German High Command convinced that the Allied invasion was coming from Southeast England to Pas de Calais, conflicting reports indicate
    the invasion might actually be further south near Normandy, France. Orders have been issued to fly a reconnaissance mission over the known
    bases to confirm the true invasion location. Your squadron will be protecting modified Bf-110G aircraft tasked with taking photos of several
    different locations.

    With the weather clearing, Operation Overlord is a go! Your contribution to our success is to run air patrols in support of Operation Fortitude. This
    should be one of the last of these flights, so make it count. Destroy any and all German aircraft that might venture across the channel tonight.
    Unfortunately, you will have to utilize our second-line fighters, as our newest fighters have been assigned to Operation Neptune.


    Next Mission: Origins Game Convention

    If you have not already subscribed to the channel, please do so that you will be alerted for new videos.

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