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Thread: All The OTT Fierce Young men (FYM) Campaign Scenarios - Apr-Jun 1917

  1. #1

    Default All The OTT Fierce Young men (FYM) Campaign Scenarios - Apr-Jun 1917

    You will find here a compilation of all the 'Fierce Young Men' solo campaign scenarios created by 'pilots' engaged in the campaign namely:
    Dave (flash), Paul (Tikkifriend), Peter (Teaticket), Pete (Stumptonian), John (Vagabond), Paul (ShadowDragon), Barrie (Baz), Chris (Malachi), Gary (Hu Rhu), Mike (Mikeemagnus)

    The original threads are still available (linked in the posts) if you want further reading but the bones of the originals have been put here for your convenience. We hope you enjoy them.

    If you get into the AAR's then please leave a comment for the author, if only a couple of words, the games can take hours to play and the AAR take hours to prepare for your viewing pleasure and showing your appreciation, especially in REP, will be.. appreciated!

    Cheers Dave - flash (aka Uncle/Onkel).

    Sapiens qui vigilat... "He is wise who watches"

  2. #2


    OTT-FYM Mission 1: First Outing – 5th April 1917 by Hu Rhu

    The weather started off misty and cloudy but it had improved enough to bring forth aircraft from both sides to do battle as the build-up towards the Arras offensive got into its stride. Every headquarters needed photos of all sorts of things, so the observation squadrons were ordered up. With the Germans having retreated to their new lines and the impending offensive against those new enemy positions - and the only maps came from photos - photo ops needed to be flown. It was also the day which saw the first operational sorties flown by the new Bristol Fighters, the BF2a.

    The first flight consisted of 6 aircraft commanded by none other than Captain WL Robinson, who had won the Victoria Cross for shooting down the German Schutte Lanz airship SL11 over north London in Sep 1916.

    Great things had been forecast for this new aircraft, however, at this stage of its development, it had been decided by Capt Robinson that, if attacked, the Bristols would merely close up and let the combined fire from the rear gunners force away the would-be attackers. (For an understanding of how well this tactic worked see the bottom section of the briefing – Historical Outcome).


    This scenario will attempt to re-create the conditions of that first combat, with the RFC aircraft using the correct doctrine of flying in close formation.

    Mat Set Up

    A No Man’s Land (NML) mat and a countryside mat (or any other type) that will be enemy territory; these are joined on the long sides with the trench map being on the western (left) side and countryside mat being on the Eastern (right) side.

    Aircraft Starting Positions

    Having spotted the enemy, the three Bristol fighters are set up in close formation in the centre of the two mats, with the lead aircraft just over the centre line and the other two aircraft in echelon to the left and right rear as shown on the photo.

    If you don’t have three Bristol fighters, you can substitute either RE8, DH4 or Sopwith 1 ½ strutters, however the three aircraft must fly the same manoeuvre deck. The two seaters are to be armed with a single Vickers firing forward and a single Lewis gun to the reaer.

    Three Albatros D.III approach with two planes to the southeast and one to the northeast of the Bristols. The northern aircraft is placed two rulers from the eastern edge and one ruler in from the northern edge. The other two aircraft are placed two rulers in from the eastern edge and one and one and a half rulers respectively, from the southern edge as per the photos.

    Aircraft Restrictions

    In line with the doctrine of the day, remove the Immelmann turn card from the S Deck (or equivalent).

    Initially the Bristols will fly attempt to fly in close formation. To achieve this, select manoeuvre cards for the lead aircraft only, and apply to all three aircraft. Ideally select a manoeuvre that will place the attackers in the rear arc. This will reflect the attempt to fly in close formation using firepower to ward off the attackers. Only adjust cards for individual planes to prevent collisions when flying in close formation. (i.e. be the I in AI)

    Only when the first Bristol is shot down or FRTB will the RFC aircraft then revert to being flown individually. Select cards for each remaining aircraft individually from the start of the next full turn.

    There are no manoeuvre restrictions on the German aircraft.


    Shoot down or force the enemy aircraft to return to base.

    Victory Points
    For each aircraft shot down – 10 points
    For each aircraft FRTB – 5 Points

    Historical Outcome

    On the morning of 5th April six Bristol F2a of 48 Sqn led by Capt Robinson, took off from Bellevue at around 1000 hrs for an offensive patrol to Douai. Their base was over 40km to the front at Arras and by the time they had gained height, crossed the lines and were well east of Douai, it was nearing 1100 hrs. Having been reported by German ground observers, a telephone to Jasta 11’s base at Brayelles had von Richhtofen’s pilots taking off within minutes, led by the Baron himself.

    Having spotted the Albatros scouts, the Bristol pilots closed up while the gunners waited for the range to decrease. Down came the five machines from Jasta 11, machine guns blazing. First one then another Bristol was hit, dropping out of formation. Von Richthofen singled out one flown by 2Lts Leckler and George which he engaged, finally forcing it down near Lewarde, south-east of Douai.

    Having shot down one aircraft he then set off after the other four aircraft, Ltn Festner having already knocked down Robinson’s machine. He caught up with them over Douai and brought down Adams and Stewart near Cuincy, just west of Doaui. Ltn Georg Simon claimed the fourth, downed north of Monchecourt. The other two scraped over the lines, full of holes. They claimed two of their attackers shot down but Jasta 11 suffered no casualties.

    The total tally was:

    A3337 Capt WL Robinson VC POW 2Lt ED Warburton POW

    A3320 Lt HA Cooper: POW/WIA 2Lt A Boldison: POW/WIA

    A3343 Lt AT Adams: POW/WIA Lt DJ Stewart: POW/WIA

    A3340 2lt AN Leckler: POW/WIA 2Lt HDK George: KIA

    The Original Thread is here.

    And if you want to see how it's done:

    Hu Rhu (Eagle):

    Mikeemagnus (Bulldog):

    ShadowDragon (Bulldog):

    Baz (Eagle):

    Tikkifried (Bulldog):

    Vagabond (Bulldog):

    Stumptonian (Eagle):

    Teaticket (Bulldog):
    Last edited by flash; 03-24-2024 at 05:00.

    Sapiens qui vigilat... "He is wise who watches"

  3. #3


    OTT-FYM Mission 2 – Close Air Support – April 12th 1917 by ShadowDragon

    The Mission:

    The Battle of Arras has begun. After an intense bombardment, British and Canadian infantry started their assault on the 9th of April. Gains were impressive by Western Front standards, but now there is a lull while positions are consolidated. The Royal Flying Corps has contributed with close air support, reconnaissance, and strategic bombing. However, the offensive use of airpower with combat operations over German held territory would result high British aircrew losses.

    The mission is to bomb a key tactical command and logistic point just behind German held positions. By destroying this position, the RFC can hinder German efforts to stabilize their defence and organize counterattacks. The challenge is that this position is located amongst vulnerable French civilian structures; so, it must be bombed at a low altitude. In addition, the target is protected by German anti-aircraft artillery, patrolling aircraft, and a balloon barrage.

    This mission is a modification of one of the scenarios in the WoW Burning Drachens booklet, “A Hard Task”. The choice was because it met my two objectives – (1) the mission has balloons, and (2) it reflected the RFC’s emphasis on offensive operations in support of the ground battle. The mission is best using altitude, but instructions are provided below if you are not using altitude – that’s part of the modification of the original scenario.

    Note: This mission isn’t meant to be balanced but to reflect “Bloody April”. Good luck!

    Mat Set-Up: A trench mat with any other non-trench mat joined on their long sides. The non-trench mat is German held territory.

    British Forces: 3 or 4 aircraft (Player’s choice to use 3 or 4 aircraft)
    • Two (2) scout aircraft (initial aircraft) – one armed with incendiary ammunition and the other will be armed with le Prieur rockets. If you do not have an aircraft with rockets depicted, then both are armed with incendiary ammo. Note: if the aircraft has a Lewis machinegun it can switch to regular ammo by swapping drums which takes three phases; otherwise, it cannot fire at enemy aircraft. These are initially on the mat. These aircraft are at altitude 4.
    • One (1) 1 tandem equipped with 2 bomb loads, which can be dropped at the same time or at different times. This aircraft arrives on turn 3. This aircraft is at altitude 3.
    • Optional 4th aircraft: the British player’s choice of another tandem with bombs, a scout armed with rockets or incendiary ammo or a regularly armed scout. If you are the German player, roll a 6-sided dice: 1-2 = tandem bomber, 3 = rocket-armed scout (or regular scout if you don’t have a model with rockets), 4-6 regular armed scout. This aircraft will arrive on turn 3. This aircraft is at altitude 3 if the tandem and altitude 4 if a scout.
    • Position or arrival specifics:
    • The first two listed scouts will be on the mat at the start and positioned to attack one of balloon. They will be a half ruler West of the mat join and centred on the balloon with a half-ruler separation between them. The British player has the choice which balloon is attacked. The German player determines which one at random as well as which aircraft is with rockets or incendiary ammo.
    • The required tandem bomber and the optional 4th aircraft arrive on turn 3 at the Western edge within a half ruler of position 6 (the mat centre).

    Altitude: Summary for British planes - all scouts are initially at altitude 4, the tandem(s) are at altltidue 3. If you are not using altitude, then all aircraft are notionally at altitude 4. Therefore, the tandem will be bombing from a higher level than for players using altitude (see “bombing” below); in that case the tandem(s) must dive to altitude 2 before bombing.

    German forces: 1 target, 2 AA Guns, 2 barrage balloons and 3 or 4 aircraft (i.e., the same number as chosen for the British).
    • The target is located one ruler from the German (East) edge of the mat about mid-way along that mat’s edge. (as shown in the illustration).
    • Two AA Guns: One is located one ruler from the German edge and one ruler from the bottom (South) edge). The other AA Gun is located one ruler from the German edge and one ruler from the top (North) edge. See the illustration.
    • The two barrage balloons are located one-half ruler East of the mat join and are spaced equidistant across the front (i.e., along the long side of the mat). There will be roughly one ruler spacing from the mat edges and between the balloons. It is assumed that there are barrage balloons to the north and south so that the barrage barrier is along the whole length of the mat as shown. The balloons are at altitude 4.
    • One initial scout positioned at the centre of the German mat, facing West and at altitude 4. The choice of scout is up to the player.
    • Two additional scouts of your choice will appear on turn 2 at a random location (positions 1 to 5 marked on the illustration). These aircraft will be at altitude 4.
    • The optional 4th scout will appear at a random location (positions 1 to 5) and will be at altitude 4.

    Altitude: All German aircraft and balloons are at altitude 4. Note that the balloons will remain at altitude 4 until destroyed. There’s no change required if you’re not playing with altitude.

    Scenario Rules and Rule Reminders:

    Balloon Barrage Effect:
    Any aircraft which enters the barrage zone at the altitude of the barrage balloons or lower will be destroyed. If a barrage balloon is destroyed, then the barrage zone on either side of it will collapse – leaving only the other balloon and a barrage zone between that balloon and the nearest mat edge. Of course, if both balloons are destroyed then so is the barrage zone.

    Collisions: As stated in the rules, airplanes colliding with the barrage are destroyed. If the collision with an actual balloon, the balloon with take a C damage card. Resolve air to air collisions as you would normally. Also, note that an aircraft at altitude 4 with a climb counter will not collide with the barrage; it can fly over it as the balloons are at altitude 4 without a climb counter. If you’re playing without altitude, then, sorry, there is no way over the balloons. You will need to shoot your way through. That was one of the challenges with accommodating playing without altitude.

    See the OTT rules for instructions on bombing. If using altitude, then the bomber(s) MUST be at altitude 2. In that case bombs hit immediately – as per the rules. If you’re not using altitude, then it will be “high level” bombing and there will be an additional phase in which the bomb is moved forward before it hits. See “How to Bomb” in the OTT FYM Campaign Rules – steps 4 and 5 are repeated for the “high level”

    The target has four (4) points. Each partial hit by a bomb destroys one (1) point and each direct hit destroys two (2) points. Therefore, two bombs must directly hit the target for it to be completely destroyed.

    AA Guns:
    When playing a solitaire scenario, use the following rules for enemy anti-aircraft guns:
    Don’t place the 'shell' counter as per the multi-player rules but shoot as soon as any part of an enemy aircraft's base is within range of the gun (two rulers of distance).
    Draw an A damage card to see if the aim of the AA battery is correct.
    If there's no special damage on the card, the aim is wrong and the shot misses.
    If there's any type of special damage (including jammed guns) then a hit has been scored, ignore the result on the A card and draw a C damage card as the damage caused to the aircraft.
    Do not fire the gun as soon as it is reloaded, as per the multi-player rules. Instead, wait one phase, then shoot at any targets in range.
    (To clarify - a gun takes 3 phases to reload, it can then fire on the next ie the 4th phase)
    Don’t fire at a target if any point of the targets base is within a half-ruler of distance from a friendly balloon or aircraft base.
    If more than one target could be shot at by the AA gun, choose one randomly to be shot at, unless the scenario you are playing provides a specific rule stating which aircraft are more important. (For example, two-seaters may be seen as more important for artillery to shoot at than fighters.)

    If you want to adjust range for altitude that's the players prerogative:
    AA Gun range is 2 rulers for targets up to altitude 2, 1-1/2 ruler at altitude 3, 1 ruler at altitude 4, etc. – as per the rules, however, It is recommended to use 2 rulers for all altitudes in this scenario for consistency between players using and not using altitude.

    Forced to Return to Base when on the wrong side of the barrage !:
    If an aircraft on the enemy side of the barrage zone is at the barrage balloon altitude or lower (i.e., altitude 4 or lower) and is forced to return to base then it will instead head for the nearest north or south mat edge (i.e., to find a way around the barrage). Roll a D6: 1-3 = the aircraft doesn’t make and is downed. This will count as a kill for the other side with all the implications of being shot down (i.e., it will be in enemy territory if a British aircraft and No Man’s Land if German). Resolve any remaining fire tokens before determining if the aircraft finds a way around the barrage.

    Victory Points:

    5 points per target point destroyed
    -5 points for each bomb that completely misses the target (i.e., hits civilians)
    5 points per barrage balloon destroyed
    5 points per AA Gun destroyed
    5 points per enemy aircraft forced to return to base (FRTB) that also makes it home (even if it crashes on landing)
    10 points per enemy aircraft lost (including those that fail to find a way around the barrage)
    5 points per ace lost (shot down or fails to find a way around the barrage)

    5 points per target point still intact
    5 points per enemy aircraft forced to return to base (FRTB) and makes it home (even if it crashes on landing)
    10 points per enemy aircraft lost (including those that fail to find a way around the barrage)
    5 points per ace lost (shot down or fails to find a way around the barrage)

    The Original Thread is here.

    And if you want to see how it's done:

    Flash (Bulldog):

    ShadowDragon (Bulldog):

    Stumptonian (Eagle):

    Mikeemagnus (Bulldog):

    Tikkifriend (Bulldog):

    Vagabond (Bulldog):

    Teaticket (Bulldog):
    Last edited by flash; 05-30-2024 at 02:08. Reason: Adjusted

    Sapiens qui vigilat... "He is wise who watches"

  4. #4


    OTT-FYM Mission 3 - Bloody April - 19 April 1917 by Stumptonian

    The RFC's commanding officer, Hugh Trenchard, believed in the offensive use of air power and pushed for operations over German-controlled territory. It was expected the large numbers of aircraft assembled over the frontlines in the spring of 1917 would fulfil this purpose. However, the aircraft were, for the most part, inferior to German fighter aircraft.

    Crucially, British pilot training was not only poorly organized and inconsistent, it had to be drastically abbreviated to keep squadrons suffering heavy casualties up to strength.
    This was self-perpetuating, as it resulted in most new pilots lacking sufficient practical flight experience before reaching the front.

    The worst carnage was amongst the new pilots – many of whom lasted just a day or two.

    German pilot training was, at that time, more thorough and less hurried than the British programs. After the heavy losses and failures against the French over Verdun in 1916 and against the British at the Somme, they had reorganized their air forces into the Luftstreitkräfte by October 1916, which now included Jastas, specialist fighter units. These units were led by highly experienced pilots, some of them survivors of the Fokker Scourge period, and had been working up with the first mass-produced twin-gunned German fighters, the Albatros D.I, D.II and D.III.

    During April 1917, the British lost 245 aircraft, 211 aircrew killed or missing and 108 as*prisoners of war. The German Air Services recorded the loss of 66 aircraft during the same period.
    Under Richthofen's leadership,*Jasta 11*scored 89 victories during April, over a third of the British losses.

    In casualties suffered, the month marked the nadir of the RFC's fortunes. However, despite the losses inflicted, the German Air Service failed to stop the RFC carrying out its prime objectives.
    The RFC continued to support the army throughout the Arras offensive with up-to-date aerial photographs, reconnaissance information, effective contact patrolling during British advances and harassing bombing raids.

    During ‘Bloody April’ , as it came to be known, Richthofen himself scored 20 victories – a full quarter of his overall total.
    The following is a summary of MvR’s kills during the month of Bloody April.

    2-Seaters Count
    Sopwith 1+1⁄2 Strutter - 2
    B.E.2c - 6
    Bristol F.2A - 2
    R.E.8 - 1

    F.E.2b - 5
    N.17 - 2
    SPAD S.VII - 1
    Sopwith Tripe - 1

    Mission Setup

    2 Ares mats (or equivalent) placed side-by-side on the long edge.
    The left side will be No Man’s Land and the right side will be German territory.

    The Entente will have two groups, one consisting of 2 Recon aircraft and 2 Scouts and the other 1 Recon and 2 Scouts.
    Group One will be 'heading out' and the other 'heading home'.

    Roll once for each aircraft type (Recon / Scout) for each group as per the following chart, but at least one group should contain B.E.2c.
    [This table is based on the percentage of aircraft von Richthofen shot down in April 1917]


    The outbound group should be placed at the edge of the No Man’s Land mat, heading east toward German-held territory.

    Groups should be aircrew from your roster, but if you are short of pilots (or do not want to 'risk' them) they can be filled out with unnamed extras – especially those in Group 2.
    Any ‘unknowns’ will be considered rookies in keeping with the short life-expectancy of the RFC crews.

    [Note: For photo purposes I am showing a mixture of British scouts, but both in a group should be of the same type]*
    * Of course if you do not have the particular aircraft, or only have one, you can mix’n’match.

    Place a target of your choice in the corner of the German territory mat as shown.

    Group 1 recon aircraft should fly to within half a ruler of the target, play a 'stall' to get a quick photo and then head back across No Man’s Land and exit from the long edge.
    FRTB aircraft can exit from any edge of the No Man’s Land mat.


    The Adler will also have two groups. The first should consist of 4 Albatros D.III or D.II (or a mixture of your choosing) with pilots from your roster.
    They will be placed near the join of the two mats, spaced out from the left side toward the center.
    Any German FRTB should try to exit from any edge of the German territory mat, if possible, but may exit from No Man’s Land if necessary.

    The ‘returning’ group of British aircraft will be placed on the long edge of the German mat.
    As noted earlier, this group can be comprised of unknown aircrew.
    If you are feeling up to it you can add a second 2-seater to this group.

    German Group 2 will be Manfred von Richthofen and an unknown Jasta 11 wingman placed near the mat join facing the returning Brits.

    Manfred von Richthofen will have ace skills as per his Level 4 card:
    Acrobatic Pilot
    Itchy Trigger Finger
    Super Ace

    He will also be a “Lucky Pilot”
    If that skill is used MvR will try to exit the mission from any edge of the German mat during the next planning phase (and his wingman should follow him).

    Overview of the German mat.

    Overview of No Man’s Land.

    This could very well be a brutal mission for the Bulldogs and Bull Terriers, hence the option to have some aircrews be unknown rookies.

    Victory Points

    5 points for a photo that makes it back to base.
    3 points per scout shot down.
    5 points per recon shot down.
    2 points for any aircraft FRTB
    10 points if MvR is FRTB*

    *MvR is immune to being shot down. If he somehow manages to use his “Lucky Pilot” and then takes some other catastrophic hit he will be considered to have spun away and exited the mat.

    The Original Thread is here.

    And if you want to see how it's done:

    ShadowDragon (Bulldog):

    Stumptonian (Eagle):

    Mikeemagnus (Bulldog):

    Flash (Bulldog):

    Hu Rhu (Eagle):

    Last edited by flash; 05-02-2024 at 02:49.

    Sapiens qui vigilat... "He is wise who watches"

  5. #5


    OTT FYM Mission 4 – And The Show Must Go On – April 26th 1917 - by Mikeemagnus

    April 1917 came to be known as “Bloody April” because it was a period when the see sawing of air superiority over the western front had swung, once again, in favour of the Luftstreitkräfte, the German air service. The Battle of Arras was under way and the Generals wanted reconnaissance, artillery spotting, bombing and ground co-operation from their airmen, no matter what the cost. The fact that the latter’s resources were out of date and under strength made not a jot of difference. The jobs must be done.

    So, young men, barely out of school, with very little training and no experience at all, jumped into various pushers, under gunned scouts and the likes of the BE2c and flew off into the blue yonder never to return. Life expectancy was very short indeed.

    I believe that the true heroes of that period were not just the experienced guys; the hawks that lay in wait for the weak, successfully doing all the killing, although the daily strain they were under must have been enormous. No, for me the other true heroes of that month were those who learned very quickly indeed that they stood virtually no chance of surviving more than a couple of weeks at most, but still went ahead, following orders and trying to do the best they could for their fellows and their country, whichever side they were on. They did it successfully too , but more often than not they died in the process, having experienced nothing that life has to offer. Naive, yes, but very brave, certainly.

    So, whether you represent the Bulldogs or the Eagles, your mission is to act as Flight Leader and lead two other scouts, one a rookie, in support of a single tandem that is spotting for the artillery, up and down no man’s land, for ten “Turns” of the mission (including any of the moves during which their spotting may be disrupted). At the end of the runs across the mat, assuming it survives, the Tandem will leave the mission as if it has completed its patrol. So will the scouts, but only if the skies appear to be clear of enemy aircraft, or unless they are forced to do so.

    During the mission, the tandem will be assumed to be getting on with its job all the while it remains undisturbed by EA, regardless of the results of its efforts. But the moment it has received ten or more points of damage, it will dive away, its patrol incomplete, and head west (east if an Eagle) and home, leaving you and your flight to deal with the enemy alone.

    NB The mission set up photos have an Entente orientation. When flying for the Central Powers just reverse everything, as in a mirror image, so that your enemy is attacking from the north west, from their territory and No Man’s land is on the east side of the mission.

    Set Up : Two mats or their equivalent laid long edges together. One mat representing No Man’s Land, the other mat enemy territory. Then as below.
    In keeping with “Bloody April”, all Entente aircraft will be “B” firing. Central Powers aircraft may be “A” or “B” firing.

    Friendly Tandem:
    The friendly tandem (whatever you like so long as it was available at the time), is placed at the south end of the No Man’s Land mat, in the centre position of the short side of that mat, facing north. It will fly, initially at altitude 4, on nothing but straights, unless forced to use a stall because of engine damage, or side slips because of fire damage. If attacked by enemy aircraft it “may” break off from its mission and fight back or retire (10 or more points of damage) using its normal movement deck. Once any enemy aircraft have ceased to attack, the tandem will attempt to resume its job, again using straights only for movement unless forced to do otherwise or unless forced to retire because of damage.
    When space runs out at the end of the south north run, simply turn the aircraft through 180 degrees and re commence the patrol in the opposite direction, again, from the centre of the short edge of the NML mat. If out of position having been attacked whilst flying north, but subsequently able to continue spotting, head for the nearest north edge of the NML mat, then having reached it, move the model back to its correct line and continue as above. Repeat this process until the end of turn 10. After that the tandem will head for the nearest friendly edge and leave, hopefully having completed its mission.
    NB. Do not be surprised if the tandem remains unmolested throughout. This will only mean that the escort has done its job well.

    Friendly Scouts:
    The nearest friendly scout (again, whatever you like so long as it was available at the time) to the tandem is placed on co ordinates 1 ruler length to the east (west if an Eagle) and 1 ruler length to the north of the tandem. The remaining two friendly scouts are placed east (west if Eagle) of that in a “V” formation, so that the flight leader is in the forward position, with a half ruler distance between each aircraft, as shown in the photo. This “scout” flight is facing north and is flying initially at altitude 6 (4 if you are not playing altitude).

    NB One friendly scout pilot will be treated as a rookie. Use your least experienced pilot or treat one as a rookie because they are distracted by really bad news from home. Either way they are not permitted any ace skills and will fly as the rookie. – (See page 22 of Rule Book) but in a nutshell:
    A rookie pilot can't shoot on a steep manoeuvre, Immelmann turn, Split S, or a climb.
    A gun jam lasts 4 turns, 5 if wounded.
    A rookie fires after all other non-rookie simultaneous fire is resolved; if he is shot down he doesn't get to return fire unless shot down by another rookie (not applicable in this game)

    Enemy Scouts
    Three enemy scouts (again your choice as above) appear in a “V” formation, at altitude 6 (or 4 as above), heading south west (SE if you are an Eagle) with the EA furthest north at co ordinates 1 ruler west (East if Eagle) and 1 ruler south of the NE (NW if Eagle) corner of the mat representing enemy territory, facing the SW corner of the NML mat (SE corner if an Eagle). Place the other two EA scouts a half ruler distance between each of the flight, again as shown in the photo. (In brief – the heading is 12/1 on the D8 charts, for all three EA).

    You may assume that the scouts have spotted one another from the outset.

    Friendly scout flight – protect the tandem for ten Turns. Enemy scout flight, stop the tandem from doing its job. (Remember, no matter your objective, AI controlled aircraft always target the nearest EA).

    Victory points:
    Friends: Each enemy scout shot down or Forced To Return to Base = 10 points
    Artillery spotting patrol completed = 10 points
    Enemy: Each scout shot down or FRTB = 10 points each.
    Artillery spotting mission terminated before completion (SD or left the area early) = 10 points.

    That’s it. Hope you enjoy the mission and watch your six!

    For those interested but not with us in the campaign, the original intention was to fly only one experienced pilot on the friendly side. Two scout pilots and the tandem crew were to be rookies. I play tested it this way with interesting results Try it yourself, solo or not.
    For practical reasons I present it as above.

    The Original Thread is here.

    And if you want to see how it's done:

    ShadowDragon (Bulldog):

    Flash (Bulldog):

    Mikeemagnus (Bulldog):

    Stumptonian (Eagle):

    Hu Rhu (Eagle):

    Last edited by flash; 05-28-2024 at 04:15.

    Sapiens qui vigilat... "He is wise who watches"

  6. #6


    OTT-FYM - Mission 5 - ‘Out on a Limb’ - 5th May 1917 - by Teaticket

    Out on a Limb

    A new pilot’s nightmare scenario, losing his flight.

    After a brief scrap with him at the tail end of his flight, this young pilot, unfortunately, finds himself on his own and a bit disoriented coming out of a cloud. After a moment of panic, he checks his heading, looks for any familiar landmarks, and then realizes he is behind enemy lines. He adjusts his course and heads directly home determined to see his flight mates again. Unfortunately for him, he is not alone. The experienced enemy spot him and will do their damnedest to stop him from escaping.

    Your pilot, choose a pilot from your roster with the least amount of kills. (preferably 0)
    If he already has a skill(s), use it and delete one of the three listed below starting with #1.

    Your young pilot will be fighting for his life and rises to the occasion. In this encounter he will get to use the following ace skills as full use skills.
    1 Lucky Pilot
    2 Acrobatic Pilot
    3 Daredevil
    If he survives and makes it home while flying, he can have either acrobatic pilot or daredevil as a one-time inherent ace skill until he achieves it as a true ace skill.
    If he is shot down, he could be a very lucky boy. +2 per unused skill for his Crash and Escape rolls.

    The enemy will have their three best scout pilots available. If no aces are available give one the following ace skills, lucky pilot, perfect aim and firm hand.
    A second enemy pilot will have strong constitution and bullet checker. At least two of the enemy must have ace skills.
    The enemy will have the best planes available. AI Germans fly Alb D.IIIs, AI Entente fly N17s or N24 firing A guns.

    Set up as on the photo below. Both mats are enemy territory.

    Your pilot starts on ‘A’. Roll a d12 for facing. Your friendly edge is 12.

    Enemy planes are located by d6 rolls. Place them 1 1/2 measure sticks from your scout on even locations and 2 measure sticks away on odd locations.
    Place the enemy planes at the rolled locations, only 1 per. Have them facing directly at your lost scout. Roll a d6, 1-2 pivot 45° left, 3-4 no change, 5-6 pivot 45° right.

    Place five clouds in the general area shown on the set up photo. Clouds will occupy all altitude levels except level 1 if using altitude.

    Clouds have no disorientation effect on enemy planes. (very experienced pilots)
    When your pilots plane’s peg is in a cloud, before moving roll a d6. On a 1-2, rotate your plane 45° left, 5-6 rotate 45° right.

    Clouds will block all shooting from or at any plane when its peg is in a cloud.
    The first phase any plane exits a cloud it cannot shoot but can be shot at.

    You are not allowed to cross the red line until you are released from the engagement. Your plane cannot disengage from the fight until one enemy plane is shot down or two are FRTB. Once either of these events happens you must head for home. Any remaining enemy will try to prevent you from getting away.
    You are only allowed to be FRTB if your plane is FRTB by damage. Wounds and engine damage will not by themselves allow you to disengage & fly home.

    Good luck!

    The Original Thread is here.

    And if you want to see how it's done:

    Hu Rhu (Eagle):

    Flash (Bulldog):

    ShadowDragon (Bulldog):

    Last edited by flash; Yesterday at 01:46.

    Sapiens qui vigilat... "He is wise who watches"

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