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Thread: Playing Online

  1. #1

    Default Playing Online

    Hello Everyone!!

    A few things are happening today, We will be hosting a Tripods game tonight @7pm est. As usual I will post a link to the Youtube channel at 7 and anyone who would like to play tonight please send me a message we always have seats at the table!!

    The Other news is we will be hosting a Tripods game on Saturday November 14th at 10am est as part of the HMGS Cyber Wars II. This game is open to everyone and would love to have some players that generally cant make the Thursday Night games.

    Thanks again


  2. #2

  3. #3

  4. #4


    I would like to thank everyone who joined us last night to play a quick game. Peters cuttlefish got tripped up which lead to his downfall. Overall we had a great time with lots of laughing. I have some sound tuning to do to be ready for Saturday November 14th. I hope to see everyone there!

  5. #5


    Mike, EXTREMELY fun game! Thanks for all the work to make these games happen!!!

  6. #6


    It was a sad day for the Martian invasion force to lose one of it's prized Cuttlefish. The cards in front of me portrayed a different turn's movement plot than those actually played on the table. The damn atmosphere of Earth didn't let me see the correct numbers on the cards. Looks like I'll be on Martian latrine duty for a while.

    A fun time for sure. (the game played, not the latrine duty)

  7. #7


    Great game and fun time guys!

  8. #8


    Hello everyone

    I will be hosting another tripod game on Wednesday Nov 11. I have a few seats available for the game. Send me a message for more details.


  9. #9


    Sorry I missed Thursdays game but will be there this Wednesday. Good to hear all had a good time.

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by BobP View Post
    Sorry I missed Thursdays game but will be there this Wednesday. Good to hear all had a good time.
    You missed out on a great moment in our games. I played an illegal move and fell to the ground, to be immediately rocketed and BOOMed!

  11. #11

  12. #12

  13. #13


    I am hosting another game tonight @ 7pm est. This will be my final tune up for the game on Saturday. If you want in on the game just send me a message.



  14. #14

  15. #15


    Great fun flying (or should I say walking) my first game with you guys - also my first go at playing a Martian.
    Looking forward to Saturday.

  16. #16


    I had a blast. Thanks for a wonderful game! Kudos to everyone who was involved. Great fun!

  17. #17


    Had a good time last night eventhough I took a beating. Those planes pounded my Locust but I did a little damage before blowing up. Good to see the guys again and meet another new person.

  18. #18


    I have to say, I like using the cannons more than the rockets. The rockets do more damage, but are hard to hit with.

  19. #19

  20. #20


    Wonderful - I am watching it during our boy scout virtual meeting and definitely want to join in future

  21. #21


    We played out CYBERWARS game this morning and it was fun. Had a number of new people join. Looks like we might some new people to our group. The Martian's had a good day taking out 2 planes and 3 objectives (and I didn't lose my Locust like I did the other night). A huge thanks to Mike for running the game on no rest, just getting home from a midnight shift. As always good to see all the other guys.

  22. #22


    Beginner's Luck for me, playing only my second try as a Martian, this time as a Locust.
    Took out two targets and a SPAD

  23. #23


    Fun game! Thanks to Mike for setting this up. Thanks to all the players!

  24. #24


    I would like to thank everyone who played this morning. It was a lot of fun. The Martins may have taken the day but humanity survived to fight another day!!

    Again thank you

  25. #25


    Quote Originally Posted by mikejr74 View Post
    That looks like a whole lot of fun Mike, I only dipped into it but where I landed at (2:16:50) I heard an error in the gameplay..!
    It was the two planes shooting at Bob's Tripod part - The purple plane got a shot into an edge of the tripod unprotected by armour but a loss of energy was counted.
    This is incorrect, a tripod only loses energy if you hit it's shield, if you don't hit the shield it only counts the numbers and special damage. (3 + wounded pilot in this case)
    I haven't watched it all so I don't know if that's how you play it generally, or, whether it was a one off error but thought I should point that out as losing energy makes life harder on the tripod.

    Sapiens qui vigilat... "He is wise who watches"

  26. #26


    I will have to go back and review that instance. Thank you for the spot.

  27. #27


    No worries, watched a bit more this morning; you do a great job and the banter between the guys is hilarious, a great morale boost I'm sure. keep up the good work.

    Sapiens qui vigilat... "He is wise who watches"

  28. #28


    My bad on that. When the game progressed after that firing phase I felt somethjing amiss. I looked back at the rules and saw my mistake but let it go as we had moved on.

  29. #29


    Well, it happens. We had a lot going on and Peter and Mike were taking care of it all. I think they both did an excellent job!

  30. #30


    It was a fun game Saturday, thanks to Mike and Peter for running a great show. Good to see the guys again.

    As a word of encouragement to anyone on the fence about joining: I was inexperienced and a bit apprehensive at first (didn't wanna mess up and squash the fun of the game for others). Those fears were completely unfounded... great group and a fun time is the goal. Now I look forward to the banter and always learn something each session not only about the game(s) but also the historical aspects. If you'd rather not commit to the regular sessions, there are plenty of one-off scenarios where additional pilots are welcome so jump in.

  31. #31


    Seeing how this was only the 2nd time we played like this we are still learning. Now we know. Having fun was the important thing. I did learn not to show my front, as a Locust with no shields there, to the earthlings. Always good to hear the thoughts of others and clear up things we might get wrong. Good thing to have observers and know we have a following for the on line games.

    Thanks Dave and Mike.

  32. #32


    Hello Everyone

    It has been pointed out that we played a rule...(or two) wrong. It happens from time to time. But what we learned early on in playing games via this platform was that the game must move forward. We have had discussions in game before and it will quickly kill a games momentum, and it does not look or sound good for anyone who is just watching. If an issue arises an email of chat will be sent and after the game and when the cameras are off we will cover the issue in question. Then moving forward the correction is applied. In this case it really did not affect the outcome of the game, even the hand of god could not help the humans, and in others it might. At that point we have to just chalk it up to really bad luck and move on. But we take it case by case.

    Again Thanks for the point out


  33. #33


    Well said mike. Rules discussion during the game can really kill it.

  34. #34


    This weeks Game the French take thier turn vs the Martians

  35. #35


    Fun game! Thanks Mike! Thanks to all who played!

  36. #36


    Look Out Huumons!!

    Here is the link for the game tonight.
    Last edited by mikejr74; 01-01-2022 at 12:00.

  37. #37


    The Huumons were a bit feisty today!

  38. #38


    Quote Originally Posted by mikejr74 View Post
    Look Out Huumons!!
    Here is the link for the game tonight. www.
    Too many www. in the link given - try this one:

    Great game by the way, always a pleasure to watch. Sean went out in a blaze of Martian glory !
    Last edited by flash; 01-07-2022 at 02:19.

    Sapiens qui vigilat... "He is wise who watches"

  39. #39


    This week Mars Attacks!! That right the group and I are starting a mini campaign of Tripods and Triplanes.

    Game time August 18, 2022 at 7 pm est
    Table Top Flights Presents
    A Live Game of Tripods and Triplanes

    Mars Attacks!!
    Mission 1: The Beachhead

    March 1919
    Somewhere in France

    The Great War has just ended and the world is trying to pick up the pieces. While the Great European powers deal with the post war
    cleanup, an illness is ripping through its population. Now, as if things need to get worse, the Earth just had the weirdest meteor storm
    of all time. Instead of the normal rocks falling from the heavens, they were metal cylinders. All of the cylinders seem to have landed
    near industrial centers. A large group of them landed not too far from here. We are going to send out a group of old Nieuport 17s to
    go check out these anomalies.

    Next up is On the Move - Mission 2 of the Mars Attacks Campaign

    The Mars Attacks Campaign is a 4 part campaign the will cover the Martian landing to the destruction of the nearby Industrial Complex.

    If you have not already subscribed to the channel please do so that you will be alerted for new videos.

  40. #40


    I just want to thank Baz publicly for all the rules help, cleared up a bunch of the game!

  41. #41


    Quote Originally Posted by zenlizard View Post
    I just want to thank Baz publicly for all the rules help, cleared up a bunch of the game!
    No problem, was good to watch

  42. #42


    After a week off we are back at it tonight with the next chapter of the Mars Attacks Tripods Campaign.

    Game time September 1, 2022 at 7 pm est

    Table Top Flights Presents
    A Live Game of Tripods and Triplanes

    Mars Attacks!!
    Mission 2
    On the Move

    March 1919

    Near the French Border
    Well those anomalies turned out to be some kind of three legged creature, and they are very dangerous. The few
    people still in the area are reporting to us that these creatures are on the move. We are being told that they are
    heading towards the main industrial complex to the west of our position. With this intel we are going to sortie a
    flight of SPAD VIIs to slow them down so that we can organize a defense of the Industrial complex.

    Next up is Crush the Complex - Mission 3 of the Great Martian Campaign

    The Great Martian Campaign is a 4 part campaign the will cover the Martian landing to the destruction of
    the nearby Industrial Complex.

    If you have not already subscribed to the channel please do so that you will be alerted for new videos.

  43. #43


    Fun game! Really enjoyed this one!

  44. #44


    After another week off, we are back for the 3rd mission of the Mars Attacks Tripod campaign!

    Game time September 14, 2022 at 7 pm est

    Table Top Flights Presents
    A Live Game of Tripods and Triplanes

    Mars Attacks!!
    Mission 3: Crush the Complex

    March 1919

    Near Metz, Germany

    The Creatures are at the edge of the industrial complex on the outskirts of Metz, Germany. The Humans are
    better prepared for the Martian Invaders! The Humans have a flight of Fokker D VIIs heading in to rip the Martians apart.

    Good Morning pilots

    Today’s mission:

    Team Human
    Your mission is to Destroy the Martians and Save the Industrial Complex at Metz. Some infantry has been called up
    to protect the complex but they are not enough, and we need you in there to help the PBI!

    Team Martian
    You have to destroy as much of the complex as possible. If the puny little Earthlings get in the way....eliminate the vermin.

    Next up is Time to Go - Mission 4 of the Great Martian Campaign

    The Great Martian Campaign is a 4 part campaign the will cover the Martian landing to the destruction of the nearby Industrial Complex.

    If you have not already subscribed to the channel please do so that you will be alerted for new videos.

  45. #45


    It that time again! We are going to finish up this part of the Mars Attacks! mini campaign.

    Game time September 29, 2022 at 7 pm est
    Table Top Flights Presents
    A Live Game of Tripods and Triplanes

    Mars Attacks!!
    Mission 4
    Time to Go!

    March, 1919
    Metz, Germany

    The Situation is not good for Humanity. The Human infantry did their job to slow the Alien Creatures
    advanced. But it came at a cost of over 90% of their numbers. The Industrial Complex is still mostly intact,
    but I fear not for much longer!
    After slogging it to the industrial complex, the Martians are hungry for energy!
    The Human High Command has just fled their HQ in the Industrial complex by truck. They are heading to the
    airfield to board their transport and escape to safety.

    Good Morning pilots
    Today’s mission:
    Team Human
    You have a busy mission! You need to protect the Handley Page as it tries to escape. Protect as much of the
    complex as possible. And destroy the Alien Creatures.
    Team Martian
    Destroy! Destroy! Destroy!
    If its human or human made Destroy it!

    Next up is Time to Go - Mission 1 of the Tuskegee Airmen and the 332nd Campaign

    The Great Martian Campaign is a 4 part campaign the will cover the Martian landing to the destruction of
    the nearby Industrial Complex.

    If you have not already subscribed to the channel please do so that you will be alerted for new videos.

  46. #46


    Some really cool games with few errors - dropping a HP to the floor being the biggest, Mike !
    Cannon firing crates can't fire their MG on the (non-steep) stall after firing the cannon as the cockpit is full of smoke from the auto-ejected case from the cannon. Multi-engine planes do take tokens for engine hits - they draw a 1 or 2 from a blind draw, yours may be a house rule though ?
    Well done the Martians for snatching a victory, commiserations Humies for burning out in style !
    Last edited by flash; 10-03-2022 at 07:31.

    Sapiens qui vigilat... "He is wise who watches"

  47. #47


    Thanks Flash! I will make a note of the none firing steep after firing the cannon. I just missed the multi-engine draw.

    As for the HP. It is still in pieces and I hope to have time tonight to put it back together again.

    Thanks for the feedback!


  48. #48


    The Handley is back from the repair shop and ready to fly again!

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	20221003_214810.jpg 
Views:	33 
Size:	105.5 KB 
ID:	319696

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	20221003_215832.jpg 
Views:	34 
Size:	104.9 KB 
ID:	319695
    Last edited by flash; 10-04-2022 at 03:56. Reason: Consolidate pics

  49. #49


    Good to hear, Mike.

    Was an ominous start for your mission.

  50. #50


    Quote Originally Posted by mikejr74 View Post
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	20221003_214810.jpg 
Views:	33 
Size:	105.5 KB 
ID:	319696
    More Martian fodder, lol, well done.

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