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Thread: BEACHHEAD 2018 - SATURDAY FEBRUARY 17TH Bournemouth International Centre

  1. #1

    Default BEACHHEAD 2018 - SATURDAY FEBRUARY 17TH Bournemouth International Centre

    I have received an invite today to attend this show at the begining of the new year.
    I have verbally said yes and asked for two tables for WW1 and the other for the other game based in the water and using canvas and wind powered vessels ( Dont tell Tim its Sails of Glory)
    Plenty of time as yet so not asking for a commitment but make a note in the diaries of course if you a definate already just say so.
    If you fancy doing a WW2 let me know and we will see if we can get a third table maybe

  2. #2


    Put me down for some of that. Most enjoyable last year.
    Run for your life - there are stupid people everywhere!

  3. #3


    Me too. We have a title to defend.

  4. #4


    I got an invite too Chris !
    We are being dealt with separately by the looks of it - I will deal with the WGF side of it if you'd like to handle SoG.

    Sapiens qui vigilat... "He is wise who watches"

  5. #5


    Goody - I'll make a note of it.
    I laugh in the face of danger - then I hide until it goes away!

  6. #6


    Yep, put me down too - see if I can actually make it this time !

  7. #7


    I have asked for the same size table as last time for the WW1 team so there'll be plenty of room for us, lets see if we can hang on to that trophy !

    Sapiens qui vigilat... "He is wise who watches"

  8. #8


    Booking is confirmed.

    Sapiens qui vigilat... "He is wise who watches"

  9. #9


    Just bumping this so as to remind people to put it in their diaries / on their calendars as it's coming to that time of year again.

    Sapiens qui vigilat... "He is wise who watches"

  10. #10


    Its in the diary already - accommodation booked too

  11. #11


    I’m booked in as well.
    Run for your life - there are stupid people everywhere!

  12. #12


    Fuelled and ready to fly.

  13. #13


    Excellent - we usually only get 4 tickets per table - the first four flying volunteers were Steve, Ajay, Me & Tim. I will bung out the tickets when I get them.
    Having said that things were more relaxed last year so you never know...

    Sapiens qui vigilat... "He is wise who watches"

  14. #14


    A couple of weeks to go before we assault Beachhead once more so a quick reminder for all those casual viewers & lurkers out there on the forum who may not have seen this thread yet but are able to come and join in the fun at this event and help us retain the Mick Owen Memorial Trophy for the Best Participation Game - named for our late wingman and Dorset flight leader Mick Owen.

    Even if you can't stop to play please come and say hello to the chaps & offer us some encouragement as we skirmish for the crown.

    Sapiens qui vigilat... "He is wise who watches"

  15. #15


    Speaking of which, do we need any toy planes brought along or anything else for that matter?
    Run for your life - there are stupid people everywhere!

  16. #16


    Best of luck chaps

    I'm learning to fly, but I ain't got wings
    Coming down is the hardest thing

  17. #17


    Quote Originally Posted by Guntruck View Post
    Speaking of which, do we need any toy planes brought along or anything else for that matter?
    Haven't spoken with Tim yet but he usually covers all requirements !

    Sapiens qui vigilat... "He is wise who watches"

  18. #18


    I will bung out the tickets when I get them.
    Having said that things were more relaxed last year so you never know...
    Already purchased mine

  19. #19


    Quote Originally Posted by flash View Post
    Haven't spoken with Tim yet but he usually covers all requirements !
    What including Sails

    I'm learning to fly, but I ain't got wings
    Coming down is the hardest thing

  20. #20


    Quote Originally Posted by tikkifriend View Post
    What including Sails
    Well, all things aerial - we have Boney for the other !

    Sapiens qui vigilat... "He is wise who watches"

  21. #21

    Pilot Roy's Avatar
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    I'm in attendance at Beachhead, though, like at ROBIN show, helping to work the Colonel Bill's Wargames Depot trade stand, but will make the effort to come across and say hello.

    I've not been to the Bournemouth show before, but Stu (my boss) has traded there before and said it really is good show, so I'm looking forward to it. Thankfully its an over-night sleep over for us, Friday night, as I don't fancy driving down from Scotch Corner in the NE the day of the show.

  22. #22


    We'll see you there Roy, have a look at this link from last years show for a taster:

    Sapiens qui vigilat... "He is wise who watches"

  23. #23

    Pilot Roy's Avatar
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    Thanks for the link. It looks a decent venue, and the photos are showing a lot of kit I'm not familiar with (though since I'm a newbie that isn't saying too much )

    See you at Bournemouth, and then I'm hoping to get a game or two in with some of the other chaps running their participation game at Hammerhead show at Newark on the 3rd of March.

  24. #24


    Well, if you get a break you can have a game with us - though that's probably a big if !

    Sapiens qui vigilat... "He is wise who watches"

  25. #25

    Pilot Roy's Avatar
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    Yes, hopefully all the traders will have a busy day. I'll come over before the show opens to say hello and see how it goes from then on. Thank you

  26. #26


    Message received from the organisers:

    1. Gamers can set up on Friday between 12 noon and 5pm if they wish, but must use the front entrance of the BIC to do so.
    2. On Saturday morning set up may be done from 0730 and gamers, (in cars only), are able to use the cliff road to access the hall. The show opens at 10am so please aim to have your game ready to go by then.
    3. Please remember that each game is only entitled to four free tickets which will be sorted on Saturday.
    That's Steve, Ajay, Me & Tim for WGF; there should be four for the SoG boys too. Any additional players need to pay for a ticket costing Ł5.

    I hope to get there before nine myself but reliant on a lift from sleepy children - see you chaps at the weekend !

    Sapiens qui vigilat... "He is wise who watches"

  27. #27


    I should be over the target before 09:00. Look forward to seeing you all there.

  28. #28


    Hoping to make it down as a punter, assuming I can shake off the cold the little darlings at work left me with as they buggered off for half term. Not going to rush so it will be mid morning before I make any sort of appearance. Please don’t all clear out Entoyment's stock of WGF goodies before then if you can possibly help it.

    - Neil.

  29. #29


    It will be great to see you again Neil, come and have a dabble if you have time; we're going to try what we did at Colours - wish us luck !

    Sapiens qui vigilat... "He is wise who watches"

  30. #30


    Alas I won't be able to make it this year. Hope you all have a wonderful day

  31. #31


    I have a ticket, looking forward to meeting you.


  32. #32


    Quote Originally Posted by David Manley View Post
    Alas I won't be able to make it this year. Hope you all have a wonderful day
    Thanks DM, you will be missed by MG's & Cannon alike ! Have a good weekend yourself.

    Sapiens qui vigilat... "He is wise who watches"

  33. #33


    Thanks to everyone at Beachhead today. A great bunch of chaps and some great games played. It was great to meet you all and see that impressive collection of planes- very inspiring. My first kill

    Cant wait for Salute now!

    Cheers all,


  34. #34


    Our pleasure Rob, great to meet you and happy to see you blooded in your first action with a forum team, you're going to feel right at home with the chaps at Salute and we look forward to seeing you at other meets.
    My thanks to all involved, it seemed to go to plan, I lost count of how many games were played and how many punters got involved but we did get to have three simultaneous games running on the table thanks to Rob & Mark, both new players, taking over a spare mat for a skirmish that encouraged others to join in - brilliant !
    Runners up for the trophy on the day - we was robbed - winners, of course, for playing the best game with the best crew and the most punters. Well done everyone.
    Hope someone can post some pics , I got about three !

    Sapiens qui vigilat... "He is wise who watches"

  35. #35


    Sorry to hear about the rankings for the Trophy Dave.
    But there is always next year. i'm sure it was not due to lack of enthusiasm from the contestants

    I'm learning to fly, but I ain't got wings
    Coming down is the hardest thing

  36. #36


    Not at all mate, it was more 'then we realised we gave it to you last year' !

    Sapiens qui vigilat... "He is wise who watches"

  37. #37


    No chance of a double gold then

    I'm learning to fly, but I ain't got wings
    Coming down is the hardest thing

  38. #38


    Yes, really enjoyed my day at the seaside and catching up with you guys. It was a good weekend all round having visited the Tank Museum on the Friday and meeting Boney10 (Chris) and Maverick (Simon) for a Thai meal in the evening.

    Sadly I think I am now on another slippery slope having purchased the Bolt Action rules and a bunch of figures. Thanks to Simon for putting me straight on unit builds.
    Run for your life - there are stupid people everywhere!

  39. #39


    Try Bolt Action in 15mm - cheaper, plus the ranges and movement don't look daft like they do with 28mm

  40. #40


    Sorry I didn’t make it yesterday, the cold I’ve been fighting all week since our little darlings left for half term, returned with a vengeance on Friday and left me for dead. ☹️

    Will hopefully catch some of you at Salute, though I will be there helping to sell and demo Mission Command, so it may well only be a passing “hello” before the rush.

    Definitely robbed on the trophy. If you put on the best game you should win it regardless. Make everyone else step up their game.

    - Neil.
    Last edited by NeilCFord; 02-18-2018 at 09:03.

  41. #41


    Great fun day out, played lots of "quick and dirty" mission games, and got plenty of exercise for the chuckle muscles!

    Sorry you couldn't make it Neil and Dave - look forward to seeing you some other time.

    I took a fair few pictures; will post them up when I get a chance.
    I laugh in the face of danger - then I hide until it goes away!

  42. #42


    Default Thanks!

    Dropped in to Beachead yesterday with my son. It was out first event of this type and I was pleasantly surprised with how friendly/inclusive it was. Special thanks to the WoG team who were welcoming, informative and patient.

    The 2 demo games we had with you were great and my son and I were then helped/guided through our first WoG purchase.

    Our games table is still full of W40K figures at the moment, but hopefully we will be finished and it can be cleared ready for our first 'home' game of WoG very soon.

    My son is already asking what exhibitions/shows we can go to next and two of his buddies are also interested. I seem to remember Devizes, Reading and somewhere else mentioned. If anyone can remind me and/or point me to other similar events south of Manchester that would be great

    Thanks again


  43. #43


    Hi Sean, welcome to the 'Drome!

    Great to meet you both at Beachhead - glad to hear you both enjoyed yourselves!

    "Hammerhead" is next, @ Newark in 2 weeks time (Saturday 3rd March)
    We have just received details of "West Midlands Military Show" in Wolverhampton on Sunday 18th March.
    "Salute" at the Excel in London is on Saturday 14th April.
    "Legionary" in Exeter is Saturday 12th May.
    "Partizan" in Newark (Again!) is Sunday 20th May - I believe we are awaiting confirmation on this one.
    The Bovington Tank Museum event is Sat/Sun 14/15 July - we are waiting for confirmation that we have a table.
    "Attack" @ Devizes is Sat/Sun 21/22 July.
    "Colours" at Newbury is Saturday 15th September.
    Our Annual Gathering is at Doncaster Air Museum on Fri/Sat/Sun 21/22/23 September.

    "Warfare" in Reading is not until November - we are awaiting confirmation.

    Plenty of sorties for you to choose from; hope you can make it to some of them.


    I laugh in the face of danger - then I hide until it goes away!

  44. #44


    Quote Originally Posted by Bentandbroken View Post
    .... my son and I were then helped/guided through our first WoG purchase....
    Led to the top of the slippery slope - Sorry about that !
    Glad you had a good time Sean and look forward to seeing you again somewhere on the circuit; maybe with a clutch of recruits in tow.

    Sapiens qui vigilat... "He is wise who watches"

  45. #45

    Default Flash Photos - Beachhead 2018

    Not very many but here's what I got:

    Tim sharing the love !
    Name:  SAM_9799.JPG
Views: 188
Size:  197.8 KB

    Our boys in blue in action - Ajay (Andy), Mike (Mikeemagnus), Steve (Guntruck)
    Name:  SAM_9800.JPG
Views: 208
Size:  206.1 KB

    The first kill of the day on the bomber table ?
    Name:  SAM_9801.JPG
Views: 207
Size:  224.2 KB

    Andy commiserates with the dad but chalks up another kill !
    Name:  SAM_9802.JPG
Views: 207
Size:  206.8 KB

    The bomber scenario - me in the Camel failing to cover Gunner's approach - he wasn't convinced I was on his side !
    Name:  SAM_9803.JPG
Views: 204
Size:  201.8 KB

    A reluctant dad playing the recon game under the watchful eyes of his son Ryan, Mike and Ajay - Ryan turned out to be a bit on the lethal side and played several games with our chaps - dad ended up doing some shopping !
    Name:  SAM_9804.JPG
Views: 202
Size:  197.7 KB

    An escort having a bad day !
    Name:  SAM_9805.JPG
Views: 198
Size:  215.4 KB

    But it didn't always go the attackers way !
    Name:  SAM_9808.JPG
Views: 200
Size:  214.8 KB

    Three games running - Mike & Andy in the foreground on the bomber game, tim in the middle with the recon game and Rob (Rabscallion) reaching onto the table on the left in green & Mark (aka Bear) in 'The Who' Tee, both rookies, attract a crowd of local young gamer's at the far end of the table with their two on two dogfight - well done chaps !
    Name:  SAM_9809.JPG
Views: 524
Size:  195.0 KB

    That's the best of what I got - look forward to seeing what the other chaps might have captured.
    Last edited by flash; 02-27-2018 at 10:00.

    Sapiens qui vigilat... "He is wise who watches"

  46. #46


    Quote Originally Posted by NeilCFord View Post
    Sorry I didn’t make it yesterday, the cold I’ve been fighting all week since our little darlings left for half term, returned with a vengeance on Friday and left me for dead. ☹️...
    The little blighters are generous with their lurgy - you were missed fella, get well soon.

    Sapiens qui vigilat... "He is wise who watches"

  47. #47


    A few more pics

    Before kick-off, Tim explains to Mike why you absolutely, positively, need over 1,000 WoG planes in your collection

    Mark, Andy and Dave having a chinwag before the punters arrive

    An RE8 on a recce gets the better of a Pfalz D.III

    And then falls victim itself

    DH4 on a bombing mission isn't so lucky, being shot down by a Pfalz D.XII

    Retribution is soon at hand

    Two scurvy swabs on the Sails of Glory table - Simon and Chris

    Run for your life - there are stupid people everywhere!

  48. #48


    Great pics Steve, at least that Harry Tate set both the Pfalz on fire before it succumbed.

    Sapiens qui vigilat... "He is wise who watches"

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