1. David Manley - 01-05-2011, 15:58
    Afternoon chaps, I've been doing a bit of painting recently and thought I'd share the results with everyone here in the Mess. Actually most of them were done last year, but I've just completed my HP 0/100 and that was the trigger to do some snapping and posting.

    My hunt for suitable decals to go on the HP's upper wing came to naught so I decided to use the night bomber scheme used by 207Sqn, RNAS (appropriate, given my naval activities), which makes life quite easy since the scheme used "low visbility" roundels that didn't feature any white elements

    I'm currently contemplating a Sopwith camel night fighter conversion. I have an old copy of Airfix magazine up in the loft somewhere that has details - and maybe a "STROPP" Albatros repaint.
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  2. Boney10 - 01-05-2011, 16:14
    Hi Dave, I got some 1:72 RFC roundals from Hannants for mine. If you still need some let me know and if I got spare you welcome