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Thread: Series 4 Miniatures

  1. #151

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    Pre-order available from the Warstore as well.

  2. #152


    CoolStuff has the right price, however...

  3. #153


    Quote Originally Posted by Cujo8-1 View Post
    CoolStuff has the right price, however...
    I've used the Warstore in the past and have very satisfied with them. But after seeing your post and checking out CoolStuff I'll have to think on my next order. Minis are $1.50 less and from all the reviews I came across at various sites, they got rave reviews.

    Also interesting about both stores, two-seaters are the same price as fighters. In the past they have always been about $3.00 higher everywhere I found them.

  4. #154


    Default Pre order series 4

    Ive just pre-ordered one of each aircraft from Amazon UK, apparently no payment is taken until dispatched, delivery date early October or earlier if available, good price for UK as well with free shipping. Oh and I don't work for them either

  5. #155


    Quote Originally Posted by Coog View Post
    I've used the Warstore in the past and have very satisfied with them. But after seeing your post and checking out CoolStuff I'll have to think on my next order. Minis are $1.50 less and from all the reviews I came across at various sites, they got rave reviews.

    Also interesting about both stores, two-seaters are the same price as fighters. In the past they have always been about $3.00 higher everywhere I found them.
    I ordered from CoolStuff as well, hard to beat those prices. $8.49 each (even the two seaters) and free shipping. It doesn't get much better than that.

    Can't wait to check out the SE5a's!

  6. #156

    Default Pre-order in spain

    In Edge Spain they are finally announced:

    By the moment, they are only avalaible in preorder...

    This is good news. There had been no official announcement so far.

    We read...

  7. #157


    I'm a big fan of coolstuff. My local brick'n'mortar store gets the stuff, but they are so expensive I can't spend my bucks there.

  8. #158


    I have used services of CoolStuff with pleasure, it's great place to shop and hunt rare miniatures (for example vessels from Star Wars: Starship Battles).

    And I just pre-ordered all six planes, can't wait for the release day. 8D

  9. #159


    Quote Originally Posted by Jäger View Post
    And I just pre-ordered all six planes, can't wait for the release day. 8D
    There are twelve planes in this set.

  10. #160


    Ah, sorry, that was my meaning - all twelve planes.

  11. #161


    FRP has series 4 for sale today! WooHoo!

  12. #162


    Order placed with CoolStuff -- all 12 of them come in *just* over the limit for Free Shipping.

    [Cartman] Yes, I'm that awesome, who wants to touch me? I SAID WHO WANTS TO ****IN' TOUCH ME!? [/Cartman]

  13. #163


    I spokento my retailer this morning and I will have all my planes on friday! Woohoo!

  14. #164


    Wow, too cool -- getting them all at once. I have thought about that, but have been pretty good about buying one a week or so from my LGS. Gives me something to look forward to, and prolongs the agony/gratification (at least I think it does... Keeps the wife happy at least!).

    Now, when the bombers come out -- that might well be another story!

  15. #165


    Quote Originally Posted by KiltedWolf View Post
    Wow, too cool -- getting them all at once. I have thought about that, but have been pretty good about buying one a week or so from my LGS. Gives me something to look forward to, and prolongs the agony/gratification (at least I think it does... Keeps the wife happy at least!).

    Now, when the bombers come out -- that might well be another story!
    Bombers. Mmm
    "Courage is the art of being the only one who knows you're scared to death."

  16. #166


    Quote Originally Posted by WilliamBarkerVC View Post
    I spokento my retailer this morning and I will have all my planes on friday! Woohoo!
    I believe at CoolStuff they say that the order doesn't bill your credit card until it ships, and I see today that my credit card has been billed. With any luck, I'll get to see series IV this Friday.

    Quote Originally Posted by bsmith13 View Post
    I'm a big fan of coolstuff. My local brick'n'mortar store gets the stuff, but they are so expensive I can't spend my bucks there.
    I've bought all my previous sets at my FLAGS, and they even give me a %10 discount, which here in Ohio is basically a wash with the sales tax (%7.75). The two seaters are usually $3.00 more than the single seaters too. With the free shipping at CoolStuff, it saves me nearly 50%, too hard to pass this time around.

    The cool thing about my FLAGS is that the owner, I believe (I could be way wrong about this), doesn't depend on the shop so much as a means of a living. I think it's more of a life's passion.

    It'd be a sad day indeed when/if shops like that become a thing of the past.
    Last edited by kaufschtick; 09-15-2010 at 16:23.

  17. #167


    I'd support my FLGS, but when ordering it from across the country is *3/4* the cost of buying local -- well, Oregon's economy sucks: There Is A Reason For This. :P

  18. #168


    I get a nice discount from my local so no reason to go elsewhere. Only one more day!

  19. #169

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    I gues Im giving a try to cool stuf...

  20. #170


    Looks like the CINC House (Commander in Chief - Wife) just approved the whole series purchase +1 for a repaint from my FLGS. It's a 20% off deal and I don't mind keeping the little guys in business either. (I think she loves me)

  21. #171


    One more sleep and they will be here

  22. #172


    Right after posting my FLGS called to tell me come and get them

    Look what just landed on the game table
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails series4.jpg  

  23. #173

    Default Series 4 On Its Way!

    I just received word from CoolStuff that my Series 4 planes shipped out today!

  24. #174


    Quote Originally Posted by Cujo8-1 View Post
    I just received word from CoolStuff that my Series 4 planes shipped out today!
    Same here, looks like an early next week arrival date. I still am having a hard time believing $101.38 for the whole freakin' set, and delivered to my front door to boot!

    I may sneak over to my FLAGS tomorrow on my day off and grab a couple extra of the British SE5a's. I've been wanting to double up on those balloons too, maybe snip off the rockets from the wing struts on the extra Nieuports.

  25. #175


    Quote Originally Posted by Cujo8-1 View Post
    I just received word from CoolStuff that my Series 4 planes shipped out today!
    Same here.

  26. #176

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    Quote Originally Posted by Cujo8-1 View Post
    I just received word from CoolStuff that my Series 4 planes shipped out today!
    Me too too!

    Being the skeptic, I called them.

    ETA is Monday delivery. I placed the order in this morning.

    Guess I will have them available for the Hurricon at Orlando next weekend.

    Thanks all of you for the heads up!

  27. #177

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    This is getting really depressing now....

  28. #178

    Default My store got em...

    Just picked up my Dallas SE5a and my Breguet Browning and Duke. So good looking...

    Can't wait to try them out. Wish I liked the decks of the German planes as much as I like the way they look.

  29. #179


    Ok, jealous now! I may have to rethink my normal route of buying one plane at time -- especially with the convention coming up (running my first con demo).

  30. #180

  31. #181


    Quote Originally Posted by CappyTom View Post
    Just got a SE5a and I thought the Spad was fast...

    How maneuverable is it? I haven't opened it's deck yet.

  32. #182


    Saw the series 4 planes yesterday and overall, they look great! My only disappointment was the 'blue' Rumpler C.IV actually looks purple, which doesn't look so great to me. The other two look great, though...Which is ironic, as I pre-ordered the blue one. Oh well, perhaps I will break out my paints again.

  33. #183


    Quote Originally Posted by DaveZee View Post
    Just picked up my Dallas SE5a and my Breguet Browning and Duke. So good looking...

    Can't wait to try them out. Wish I liked the decks of the German planes as much as I like the way they look.
    Yep, the Pfalz is not a good dogfighter. Sturdy though...makes it a good balloon buster.

  34. #184


    Quote Originally Posted by Kahlerclan View Post
    Right after posting my FLGS called to tell me come and get them

    Look what just landed on the game table

    Bottom right corner = my favorite looking model from the set. Guess I'll have to get it for balloons, right Herr Von Klugermann?

  35. #185


    Quote Originally Posted by DaveZee View Post
    How maneuverable is it? I haven't opened it's deck yet.
    It's faster then the spad and has 90 degree turn but its wide. It's good if you have to get some where fast.

  36. #186


    Wow, looking at the UPS tracking info; 85 hours to go from Jacksonville Florida to Columbus Ohio. Not 85 hours to reach me, mind you. 85 hours just to make it from Jacksonville to Columbus.

    Maybe the guy ran out of gas, and had to walk?

    Anyway, hope to see them tomorrow! If they hit the FLAGS tomorrow as well, I'm going to have to grab one more Bishop SE5a...or two...or three, on the way home from work. Let's see, gonna have to remember to take the extra large lunch box tomorrow for..."Operation: Extra SE5a's".

    I find sneaking them in the ole' lunchbox easier than trying to explain to the Mrs.'s why I found the need to buy more "little airplanes" on the way home, when I knew there would be a box full of them when I got home from work.

    That avoids scenes like this:

    Wife: "You bought more planes? There's a box of them on the kitchen table, why'd you buy more?"

    Me: "Well, you know. That episode of Dogfights that had the four British SE5a's versus that..."

    Wife: "Episode of what ?"

    Me: "You know, that show I like...Dogfights. There was this episode where there was this one German in a Dr.I going up against these four British pilots in SE5a's, and the guy just wouldn't quit. You know, he was just a' spinning that little triplane around this way and that, and these British guys, they just couldn't get a good shot on him! So the one British guy... "

    Wife: "Hold on, hold on...what's that got to do with you buying more of the same little airplanes that just came from the UPS guy today?"

    Me: "Uh, well, um... that's, that's what... I'm trying to explain. You see, there were four British pilots against just the one German; and I already had the german plane, but the British planes? Noooooo, they had to go with the Sopwith Snipe in set II. I never could figure that one out either. I mean, almost everbody loves the SE5a..."

    Wife: "The what?"

    Me: "Oh...oh! That's right...yeah yeah, I forgot. You don't, uh, you don''t know what a...yeah. Here let me show you! You see, this one here is an SE5a, but it's got this crazy green camo all over it, and I just got it to collect the set; plus I though little Timmy might like it when we play..."

    Wife: "Wait a minute. You're saying you got that one for Timmie?" (my youngest son, he's 11)

    Me: "Well, not for, Timmie...I mean uh, you know...just in case he might want to use it when we play..."

    Wife: "Uh, huh. That's what I though. You were saying..."

    Me: "Oh, right! So this one here is an SE5a too, but it's American...I think (eyes go up and to the left trying to remember if those are American roundals or Russian)...ah, what were you asking me again? Oh yeah, oh yeah...uh, the SE5a, right! Let's see (still trying to figure out the roundals)..."

    Wife: "You did get Decaf like I asked you, didn't you? I told you to get decaffeinated coffee from now on..."

    Me: "Decaf? What's that got to do with airplanes?"

    Wife: "Forget it...just forget about it! I'm sorry I asked!" (Heads toward the kitchen to check the coffee)

    Man o' man, I can't wait until tomorrow! The good ole' SE5a, definately my favorite WWI plane, hands down.

    Oh sorry, I just drooled a little.


    Last edited by kaufschtick; 09-21-2010 at 19:14.

  37. #187

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    Just a quick note as the nice man at Esdevium's just given me a call.... Still fingers crossed and subject to the vagaries of customs clearance, but they're hoping to have Series 4 in hand next Friday, so *if* all goes to plan (big if, obviously, but here's hoping....) it could be with UK retailers (including me obviously - have just ordered stock) a week on Tuesday (ie. 5th October) or even a day or two earlier if we're really lucky.

    Dom, getting excited now....

  38. #188


    Quote Originally Posted by Dom S View Post
    Just a quick note as the nice man at Esdevium's just given me a call.... Still fingers crossed and subject to the vagaries of customs clearance, but they're hoping to have Series 4 in hand next Friday, so *if* all goes to plan (big if, obviously, but here's hoping....) it could be with UK retailers (including me obviously - have just ordered stock) a week on Tuesday (ie. 5th October) or even a day or two earlier if we're really lucky.

    Dom, getting excited now....
    Well done that man.
    To the bar.
    "Courage is the art of being the only one who knows you're scared to death."

  39. #189


    Quote Originally Posted by Dom S View Post
    Just a quick note as the nice man at Esdevium's just given me a call.... Still fingers crossed and subject to the vagaries of customs clearance, but they're hoping to have Series 4 in hand next Friday, so *if* all goes to plan (big if, obviously, but here's hoping....) it could be with UK retailers (including me obviously - have just ordered stock) a week on Tuesday (ie. 5th October) or even a day or two earlier if we're really lucky.

    Dom, getting excited now....
    Damn just in time to miss the Derby show

  40. #190


    Quote Originally Posted by chimpchoker View Post
    Damn just in time to miss the Derby show
    A very good point Paul.
    Is anyone else going to the World Championships and if so , how can we meet up? Rob.
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  41. #191

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    Sadly not - they will insist on putting it on Cambridgeshire and Arc de Triomphe weekend....

  42. #192


    Picked up my set today! Can't wait to give them a go.

  43. #193

  44. #194


    UPS website says my minis are in Portland.... [Igor-Olman-style twitching]

  45. #195


    In Germany you cannot order the set yet. SPIEL convention Essen could be the first chance to get them here...

  46. #196


    I picked my up at the LGS on Wednesday. I think the minis look really good this time around. They have little pilot blobs in them... but sadly they are just painted black.

    I knew it was coming, but I'm still just a little disappointed that both two seaters use the K deck. That makes what, 12 K maneuver decks I now own just from the minis... I can't recall if there was one or two more in the booster card packs that I bought

  47. #197

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    To be honest very few 2-seaters are destined for anything else - most C types and allied equivalents fall into the same broad performance range; 100 mph or so, unexceptional handling, with only a few particularly fast (DH4) or agile (Biff, CL types) 2-seaters having any noticeable performance edge.

  48. #198


    Yeah, I know... still sucks though. I can see the desire to give us two seaters for each period of the war, but I hate that it takes up 50% of the series to give us planes only used in a few scenarios I'd almost prefer they did special sets like BB for the two seaters. Give us both side's plane (or maybe two for side) in a single box. I think most of us would be happy with just two different paint jobs for the two seaters.

  49. #199

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    Must admit I agree there, but on completely different grounds - the two-seaters sell far more slowly than the single-seaters, which means they seem to be contributing to the poor miniature availability. (For Series 2 the UK distributor has long since sold out of Barker Snipes and all three D.VIIs, while Series 3 the Nieuports and D.IIIs are all gone, with other countries apparently being similar. Yet there's no word on reprints, presumably because there are still "lots of series 2 and 3 miniatures unsold"....)

  50. #200


    Quote Originally Posted by Dom S View Post
    Must admit I agree there, but on completely different grounds - the two-seaters sell far more slowly than the single-seaters, which means they seem to be contributing to the poor miniature availability. (For Series 2 the UK distributor has long since sold out of Barker Snipes and all three D.VIIs, while Series 3 the Nieuports and D.IIIs are all gone, with other countries apparently being similar. Yet there's no word on reprints, presumably because there are still "lots of series 2 and 3 miniatures unsold"....)
    I'm agree too with both.

    I think that there are enough two seaters in the previous series, and I don't understand why include Breguet and Rumpler when they use maneuver decks previously released in other miniatures.

    I would have preferred more one-seaters. I can say more, except the Raf 5e, I prefer the future serie 5...

    Sorry for my terrible english. See you!

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