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Thread: Martin Mars Flying Boat - XPB2M-1 Mars

  1. #1

    Default Martin Mars Flying Boat - XPB2M-1 Mars

    The last flight of the second remaining plane of the largest Allied Flying Boat to enter production. The concept aircraft was contracted in 1938. It didn't make it into WWII, as the airframes were delivered in 1947.

    The Hawaii Mars’ final flight will be Sunday, Aug. 11 with a flight path from Port Alberni to Campbell River, Powell River, then back to Comox and down the coast to Victoria.

    Youtube: FIRST FLIGHT IN 8 YEARS! - Hawaii Mars

    Link-> Wikipedia - Martin_JRM_Mars

    Link-> CHEK - Hawaii Mars Flies for First Time Since 2016

    On 25 April 2024, Pima Air and Space Museum in Arizona announced that it had acquired Philippine Mars, and that it will be delivered to the museum in late 2024.

    Philippine Mars at Coulson Aviation facility in BC, now in Navy colors, prepping for delivery to Pima:
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Mars_Philippine_File+2024-04-25,+8+03+22 AM.png 
Views:	56 
Size:	578.6 KB 
ID:	341265
    Last edited by OldGuy59; 08-03-2024 at 09:01.
    "Flying is learning to throw yourself at the ground and miss" Douglas Adams
    "Wings of Glory won't skin your elbows and knees while practicing." OldGuy59

  2. #2


    How cool is that; what a beastie !

    Sapiens qui vigilat... "He is wise who watches"

  3. #3


    That's certainly one extra large heavy weight. Lucky you, Mike. You'll be able to see that flight live I guess

  4. #4


    "monstrous big..."
    I laugh in the face of danger - then I hide until it goes away!

  5. #5

  6. #6


    I woulda hoped they'd find a way to fly her to Pima. Cutting up an airworthy rarity is sacrilege...
    Historical Consultant/Researcher, Wings and Sails lines - Unless stated otherwise, all comments are personal opinion only and NOT official Ares policy.
    Wings Checklists: WWI (complete, FINALLY!) | WWII (complete)

  7. #7


    Glad they could save such a fine beast of a plane.
    Interesting turns history could have made, if the US hadn't produced engineering units to make airfields and ports almost anywhere.
    It is impossible for a man to begin to learn what he thinks he knows. -- Epictetus

  8. #8


    I'm thinking it will be flown to somewhere closer to Pima.

    Looking on a map, and I can't find a lake anywhere near Pima. Not good for landing the plane. They did maintenance on the plane on land in Port Alberni, and there are images with the planes on wheels. Wouldn't do a great distance with them attached, though.
    "Flying is learning to throw yourself at the ground and miss" Douglas Adams
    "Wings of Glory won't skin your elbows and knees while practicing." OldGuy59

  9. #9


    No info yet.

    Link to Flght Tracker-> - C-FLYL

    PS: Update - 15:20 hrs for launch. Two-ish hours...
    "Flying is learning to throw yourself at the ground and miss" Douglas Adams
    "Wings of Glory won't skin your elbows and knees while practicing." OldGuy59

  10. #10


    The Hawaii Mars tracker is not working.

    Was told there was a Grummon Goose. Chase plane, and it was being tracked: - N39FG

    So, I managed to get a glimpse, but only just. It didn't do much over Comox but a distant fly-by.

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	IMG_20240811_1631082.jpg 
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Size:	72.0 KB 
ID:	341319
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	IMG_20240811_1631082~2.jpg 
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Size:	115.4 KB 
ID:	341320

    PS: The BC Aviation Museum plans to have an open display of the plane, when it is installed in Victoria. Sometime in September, visitors will be able to crawl through the plane.

    More photos to follow.
    Last edited by OldGuy59; 08-11-2024 at 22:19.
    "Flying is learning to throw yourself at the ground and miss" Douglas Adams
    "Wings of Glory won't skin your elbows and knees while practicing." OldGuy59

  11. #11


    Thanks Mike for the heads up. I watched a few restoration, and walk-through videos of this beast before watching the live feed of it's final flight. I'm glad these two huge birds are going to be preserved in museums.

  12. #12


    BC Aviation Museum Livestream on Youtube:

    Link-> Hawaii Martin Mars - Final Flight LIVE STREAM

    15 mins in for Fly-over of the Hawaii Mars with Snowbirds escort at Patricia Bay.

    24 mins in for Fly-over of Victoria waterfront and Snowbirds mini-demo

    35 mins for Hawaii Mars arrival and landing at Patricia Bay (Victoria Airport and BC Aviation Museum)
    "Flying is learning to throw yourself at the ground and miss" Douglas Adams
    "Wings of Glory won't skin your elbows and knees while practicing." OldGuy59

  13. #13


    Moving the Hawaii Mars to the BC Aviation Museum:

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	The-Hawaii-Mars-water-bomber-farrives-at-the-BC-Aviation-Museum_3.jpg 
Views:	14 
Size:	69.5 KB 
ID:	341555

    Link-> - The Hawaii Mars Finally Arrives at its Forever Home
    "Flying is learning to throw yourself at the ground and miss" Douglas Adams
    "Wings of Glory won't skin your elbows and knees while practicing." OldGuy59

  14. #14


    Lots of great links there, Mike.

    Not sure how I missed this when originally posted.
    I had been expecting something from you after seeing several posts/pic/videos from Facebook friends on the island of the final flight with The Snowbirds.

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