The last flight of the second remaining plane of the largest Allied Flying Boat to enter production. The concept aircraft was contracted in 1938. It didn't make it into WWII, as the airframes were delivered in 1947.
The Hawaii Mars’ final flight will be Sunday, Aug. 11 with a flight path from Port Alberni to Campbell River, Powell River, then back to Comox and down the coast to Victoria.
Youtube: FIRST FLIGHT IN 8 YEARS! - Hawaii Mars
Link-> Wikipedia - Martin_JRM_Mars
Link-> CHEK - Hawaii Mars Flies for First Time Since 2016
On 25 April 2024, Pima Air and Space Museum in Arizona announced that it had acquired Philippine Mars, and that it will be delivered to the museum in late 2024.
Philippine Mars at Coulson Aviation facility in BC, now in Navy colors, prepping for delivery to Pima: