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Thread: OTT FYM Mission 6 - No One Left Behind - 12 May 1917 - Teaticket

  1. #1

    Default OTT FYM Mission 6 - No One Left Behind - 12 May 1917 - Teaticket

    OTT FYM Mission 6 - No One Left Behind - 12 May 1917 – Teaticket

    All too common, on a routine flight one or more planes could be shot down behind enemy lines. With experienced pilots at a premium, the retrieval of downed top pilots became, if possible, one more mission added to the daily work load.
    Picking up a valuable pilot from behind enemy lines or plucking him out of the English Channel was a dangerous challenge. A challenge for sure and one eagerly taken on to bring back a friend.

    Today’s mission is a sea rescue of a downed friendly pilot. (If you do not have any planes that float, then you will be going behind enemy lines to save your comrade.)

    Sea rescue.

    Flying for the Entente

    Friendly forces – (use Entente Map)
    One floating plane – if a 2 seater the rear seat will be empty until filled with the rescued pilot. The rear gun can be fired by the rescued pilot.
    (If a single seater the rescued pilot will have to squeeze himself in the fuselage or on the deck behind the pilot.)
    Two escorting B firing scouts.

    Enemy forces – three scouts, two A firing, one B firing. (Albatros DII and or DIIIs. One has a permanently jammed gun.)

    Flying for the Central Powers

    Friendly forces - (use German map)
    One floating plane – if a 2 seater the rear seat will be empty until filled with the rescued pilot. The rear gun can be fired by the rescued pilot.
    (If a single seater the rescued pilot will have to squeeze himself in the fuselage or on the deck behind the pilot.)
    Two scouts, one A firing, one B firing. (Albatros DII and or DIIIs. One has a permanently jammed gun.)

    Enemy forces – three Sopwith Triplane scouts (use whatever planes you have but use Triplane stats)

    Friendly planes are, A = rescue mission plane, B & C friendly scouts.
    Enemy scouts are at 1, 2 & 3.

    Friendly mat edge is to the south at the yellow line. Both mats are enemy territory.

    Each rescue search area is 1 x 3/4 range rulers.

    See photo #3 for search area placement.
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Entente setup.jpg 
Views:	111 
Size:	95.2 KB 
ID:	341256

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	German setup.jpg 
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Size:	95.0 KB 
ID:	341257

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	search areas.jpg 
Views:	104 
Size:	72.7 KB 
ID:	341258

    The rescue.

    The rescue plane must first find the downed pilot. Once the downed pilot is found you must land in the area he was spotted in to pick him up.
    First fly through the area with the ‘1’. Fly a stall in it and roll a d6. On a 1 the pilot is spotted. The rescue plane must leave the area before it can land in it. (You first have to spot the downed pilot, then leave the area, turn back, re-enter the area and land to pick up the pilot.) If the roll was over 1, fly to area 2. Stall in the area and roll a d6. On a 1 or 2 the pilot is here. Leave the area and return to land. If the downed pilot is not here fly to the 3-4 area. Stall in the area and roll a d6. 4 or less and the downed pilot is here. Leave the area and return to land. If the roll was above 4, fly to the 5 area. Stall in the area and roll a d6. On a 5 or less the downed pilot is here. Leave the area and return to land. If the roll was a 6 the downed pilot cannot be found. Return home across the yellow line.
    If the downed pilot is found, land with the normal landing sequence of dive, straight, stall. Wait 2 movement cards before starting the take off sequence, stall straight, climb.
    The rescued pilot must be returned by leaving across the yellow line.

    Special rules –
    Enemy scouts will engage the friendly scouts. When one scout (either side) is either downed or FRTB the enemy will then be able to attack the rescue plane. Each turn roll a d6 for each enemy plane to see if the rescue plane becomes its target.
    Make the die roll reasonable depending on how engaged the enemy is with the friendly scouts. Minimum of 2 chances in 6. Chances can be higher if the enemy has a unimpeded path to the rescue plane.

    Land rescue –
    Replace the mats with all land mats of your choice. Planes will set up as shown. Search and exit area will remain the same.
    Replace the floating plane with a tandem.

    If using altitude, rescue plane starts at level 2, all scouts are at level 4.

    Victory conditions -

    If you rescue the downed pilot and have none of your pilots die or are captured, you can claim victory.

  2. #2


    Well that's a nice change. Interesting mission, Peter - I'm looking forward to playing it. I've given it the once over and thus far have no questions about it. Thanks

  3. #3


    Correction, Peter. I have two questions, having completed the set up.
    1) I have assumed that the home side are automatically heading towards the first search area and that the enemy are heading directly towards the flank of the home side. Is this correct?
    2) If playing altitude do we assume that all aircraft are at the same altitude to start? If so would that be altitude 4, or do we have the choice?

  4. #4


    Good stuff, Peter. Good to use those seaplanes. Is it too early to use a Curtiss H12/H16; they supposedly started patrols for the RNAS in April 1917*. If so, it will be the Short Seaplane. Pity! I haven't used the Curtiss yet.

    * The aerodrome file on available aircraft and stats says 18Q3, but I assume that's an error since wikipedia and Wings of Linen say otherwise.
    Last edited by ShadowDragon; 08-04-2024 at 15:58.

  5. #5


    I still have the 2 balsa wood floats I made for someone else's mad idea of landing on water, they'll come in useful for this one. Another typical Teaticket mission....only to be undertaken by bold and courageous pilots, or mad impetuous fools.

    I guess that's us then.

  6. #6


    Forget the questions Peter. Mission already done and dusted and thoroughly enjoyed. I adopted the start positions described in question 1. But re altitude, I started all scouts at level 4 but the seaplane at level 2. Hope that was acceptable - well, in fact its too late if it isn't

    Nice mission!

    PS The AAR may be a while yet as I have a busy time ahead of me during the next two weeks.

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by ShadowDragon View Post
    Good stuff, Peter. Good to use those seaplanes. Is it too early to use a Curtiss H12/H16; they supposedly started patrols for the RNAS in April 1917*. If so, it will be the Short Seaplane. Pity! I haven't used the Curtiss yet.

    * The aerodrome file on available aircraft and stats says 18Q3, but I assume that's an error since wikipedia and Wings of Linen say otherwise.
    Quote Originally Posted by Vagabond View Post
    I still have the 2 balsa wood floats I made for someone else's mad idea of landing on water, they'll come in useful for this one. Another typical Teaticket mission....only to be undertaken by bold and courageous pilots, or mad impetuous fools.

    I guess that's us then.
    I painted up a DD8 for Origins that didn't get to fly. Had to get it on the table. I'm hoping most of us have some sort of plane that can land, and then take off of the water!

    Whatever a typical Teaticket mission is, this is another one!

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by mikeemagnus View Post
    Forget the questions Peter. Mission already done and dusted and thoroughly enjoyed. I adopted the start positions described in question 1. But re altitude, I started all scouts at level 4 but the seaplane at level 2. Hope that was acceptable - well, in fact its too late if it isn't

    Nice mission!

    PS The AAR may be a while yet as I have a busy time ahead of me during the next two weeks.
    You have the altitudes as listed so all is good. Hoping your boys got through ok and found the downed pilot.

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by Teaticket View Post
    .... I'm hoping most of us have some sort of plane that can land, and then take off of the water!
    Sadly nothing suitably boaty in my locker just yet, Peter, so no 'feet wet' action from me, my boys will stick to terra firma if it's all the same to you !

    Sapiens qui vigilat... "He is wise who watches"

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by flash View Post
    Sadly nothing suitably boaty in my locker just yet, Peter, so no 'feet wet' action from me, my boys will stick to terra firma if it's all the same to you !
    Do what you gotts to do Dave. Thats why I mention a land version for those floatless ones. I'm sure you'll do a great job with it.
    Last edited by Teaticket; 08-05-2024 at 19:05.

  11. #11


    Absolutely, have the paperwork done, just waiting for the grandson to clear the premises and it's game on.

    Sapiens qui vigilat... "He is wise who watches"

  12. #12


    Best laid plans and all that.. was going to play today and guess who came to visit !

    Sapiens qui vigilat... "He is wise who watches"

  13. #13


    I'm waiting for a 3d printed seaplane to paint before I tackle this one.

  14. #14


    I'm going to have to change the title from 'No One Left Behind' to 'Almost Everyone Left Behind'

  15. #15


    Quote Originally Posted by Vagabond View Post
    I'm going to have to change the title from 'No One Left Behind' to 'Almost Everyone Left Behind'
    ...or, Saving Private Ryan. I played my game over a week ago and just starting to get at the photo editing today. Neither the cards nor the C&W rolls were kind.

  16. #16


    Quote Originally Posted by ShadowDragon View Post
    ...or, Saving Private Ryan. I played my game over a week ago and just starting to get at the photo editing today. Neither the cards nor the C&W rolls were kind.
    It's a good job my chaps found a usefull floatation device. -1 sea, -1 enemy territory

  17. #17


    OK Nearly back to normal. The mission was played a few weeks back. The photos have been processed. Just got to work on the Butcher's Tally ( ) and write the AAR now. Hopefully towards the end of the week

  18. #18


    Quote Originally Posted by mikeemagnus View Post
    OK. Nearly back to normal...
    Normal for Devon ? Keep washing the tabs down with Doom Bar, Mike, you'll be fine !

    Sapiens qui vigilat... "He is wise who watches"

  19. #19


    Normal for Devon ? Keep washing the tabs down with Doom Bar, Mike, you'll be fine !
    Forget the tabs

  20. #20


    BTW I clarified with Peter that the one German permanently jammed means it uses the 'B' deck instead of the 'A'.

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