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Thread: New to the site!

  1. #1

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    Default New to the site!

    Hey everyone!

    I've played the BSG title for years, had a small collection before Ares announced they lost the license, then grabbed everything I didn't have already on the sales after the license was lost. In total I've got one of everything except the regular Viper Mk II add on ship (since it was just a Hardball viper again) plus four total standalone Cylon Raiders (so that I can do a "Starbuck takes on all 8" scenario when I use the Captured Raider and Scar).

    I just got into Wings of Glory a few months ago and am working on amassing a small collection.

    I've also dabbled in Sails of Glory, but I'm not interested in slugging matches between 1st Rates, so I've got a small collection of Frigates and Sloops.

  2. #2


    Welcome from the other side of the Baltimore Beltway in Columbia.

    We have a group playing WOG on the second Thursday of the month. It may be a little far from Bel Air but if your in the area sometime let us know.

  3. #3


    Welcome to the aerodrome Charles. You are lucky to be somewhat near a very active group.

    Big shame about BSG. Its a great game and I will continue to play it.

    Get all the Wings planes you can as once they are sold out you never know if they will be reprinted.

  4. #4


    Hello Charles. Keep enjoying your games and post an AAR if you have time.

  5. #5


    Hi Charles, welcome from the U.K.
    Run for your life - there are stupid people everywhere!

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by TerranRanger View Post
    Hey everyone!

    I just got into Wings of Glory a few months ago and am working on amassing a small collection.

    I've also dabbled in Sails of Glory, but I'm not interested in slugging matches between 1st Rates, so I've got a small collection of Frigates and Sloops.
    Welcome to you from here in Dear old Blighty Charles.
    Very wise choice for your Sails collection sir.
    Do join us for a G&t in the wardroom on the Anchorage, and we can swap a few ideas.
    "Courage is the art of being the only one who knows you're scared to death."

  7. #7


    Welcome, Charles

    BSG is a lot of fun, as are the Wings games. For WWI planes there are some good resources apart from whatever Ares planes you can find:
    Wings of Linen wiki has great cards and game stats on unofficial planes (most reviewed by an Aerodrome committee)
    shapeways Reduced Aircraft Factory full color models come ready to fly and are inexpensive
    All WWI and WWII maneuver decks can be printed for personal use - PM me for google links to the decks
    Litko generic 68 x 44mm bases will work for most scouts.


  8. #8


    Welcome to the 'Drome, Charles!

    I always found BSG a barrel of fun (I played in the first ever prototype game in Prague with Andrea and his paper minis - still got them!).
    I, too, swept up BSG minis and box sets when they were discounted as end of line...might have overdone it a bit, though

    I thoroughly approve of your choice of "Wings" - are you WW1 or WW2?
    I laugh in the face of danger - then I hide until it goes away!

  9. #9


    Ello Charles. Welcome to the 'Drome. Dive in n enjoy yerself. Lots of helpful people on here.

  10. #10

  11. #11


    Welcome aboard Charles, nice to see a mention of BSG again, such a shame ARES lost the licence, it was a great game, and the minis were gorgeous.

    Never Knowingly Undergunned !!

  12. #12


    And a warm welcome from the South West of these beautiful Isles. Enjoy the collecting. I just hope you have a deep pocket

  13. #13


    welcome to the drome Charles!!!

  14. #14


    Welcome and greetings from the Eastern Shore!!

  15. #15


    Hunh, missed this from a while back. But, (welcoming head bobs) from the lizard here in Central Md.

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