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Thread: OTT-FYM Mission 1 - First Outing - 5th April 1917 by Baz

  1. #1

    Post OTT-FYM Mission 1 - First Outing - 5th April 1917 by Baz

    For the scenario setup read here

    (NB As I am preparing to move house, all the planes are currently packed up in boxes so for the Entente I have had to use proxy planes for the Bristols, hence you see 2 x AWFK8’s (yellow and red dots) and an RE8 (green dot) but used the S deck (with Immelmann removed).

    The Albatros D.III’s are Ltn Friedel Lutz (white tail), Obltn Hans Tilkowski (Red/white stripe) and Ltn Karl-Heinz Schnellinger (Camo tail).

    Having spotted the enemy, the three Bristol fighters are set up in close formation, with the lead aircraft just in front of the other two aircraft in echelon to the left and right rear.
    Three Albatros D.III approach with two planes to the southeast and one to the northeast of the Bristols.
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    The Central planes are at a higher altitude as the Entente planes turn to the right in formation.
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    As they close on each other, and the Albatri dive, both sides achieve opportunities to fire on their opponents. 2Lt Alfred ‘Snowy’ Blizard hits the lead Albatros at long range for minor damage. Lt Henry Foot overlaps Tilkowski but his observer AM3 Ernest ‘Piggy’ Gammon, fires on Schnellinger from long range for 3 damage. 2Lt Arthur’Beefy’ Burger fires on Lutz causing minor damage and right rudder issues, but jams his gun, whilst his observer, AM3 Harold Pritt misses Schnellinger. In return Lutz misses Burger’s Bristol at short range, Tilkowski fires on Blizard with Altitude but also misses and Schnellinger hits Burger for minor damage.
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    Surprisingly, there is little fire this round as the formations fly through each other. Foot’s observer, ‘Piggy’ Gammon gets off a telling shot against Lutz, but Lutz and Schnellinger are in Burger’s blind spot. Schnellinger fires a consecutive shot at long range on Burger hitting for minor left rudder damage, but causing him to drop out of formation with the other two Bristols.
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    The remaining Bristols turn left in formation, whilst Burger stalls as he tries to clear his rudder jam. This allows observer Pritt to fire on Lutz which seemingly is a great long range shot as Lutz’s engine seems to judder and stutter (boom card) but it must be his lucky day as it starts up again, unscathed ( lucky Pilot). Lutz, who has Immelmanned fires back at Burger but just succeeds in jamming his gun. Tilkowski, Immelmanns too to get back in the fight as Schnellinger hits Burger at short range, causing a fire to break out and is lucky he is meticulous with his bullet packing or would have suffered a jam.
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    Click image for larger version. 

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    Burger is concerned now as his other colleagues fly off unaware of his rudder issues. He continues to unjam his gun whilst Pritt misses a shot at Schnellinger. Lutz starts to check his guns.
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    Burger who has stalled allows Pritt to fire consecutively at Schnellinger and hits for minor damage. Lutz continues to unjam his gun and overlaps Tilkowski who has performed a dive.
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    The fire on Burger’s plane causes more damage but he has now regained his rudder control and can attempt to rejoin the others.
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    Blizzard’s observer, Dougie Williams fires a short range shot at Lutz for minor damage but jams his gun. Lutz finally manages to clear the damaged bullet from his guns.
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    Lutz performs a Split-S and fires, but misses, at Foot from long range.
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    Blizard and Foot, still flying in formation both turn and find Schnellinger in their front gun sights at long range. Both hit for minor damage, whilst Lutz overlaps Foot.
    Click image for larger version. 

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    The fire seems to be dying down on Burger’s plane.
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    Burger passes his colleagues as they attempt to join up again, but he misses a shot on Lutz. ‘Piggy’ gets a rear shot at Lutz and is pleased to see smoke appear. Schnellinger Immelmanns and has a short range shot on Blizard and hits something vital causing the Bristol to explode and fall to enemy territory out of control, killing the pilot instantly.
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    The remaining pilots fly to gain advantage stunned at this turn of events, where it seemed the British had the upper hand.
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    Burger overlaps Tilkowski as Pritt in the rear fires at and misses Lutz from long range. Tilkowski dives again, and Schnellinger hits Burger for minor damage, which is starting to mount up.
    Click image for larger version. 

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    The fire peters out on Burger’s craft but adds a small amount of damage.
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    Closing on the fleeing Burger who is trying to return to base, Tilkowski hits for more minor damage and jams his gun at short range. Schnellinger sensing another kill pulls the trigger for serious major damage bringing down the second Bristol, killing the observer with a hail of bullets. There is a sting in the tail however as Pritt returns fire simultaneously and the Albatros engine explodes, but Schnellinger is able to crash land safely in friendly territory. A second kill to Schnellinger but at a cost.
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    Lutz closes again on Foot, firing at long range causing minor damage, whilst Tilkowski has jammed guns.
    Click image for larger version. 

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    ‘Piggy’ fires at long range on Lutz as he overshoots causing rudder damage.
    Click image for larger version. 

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    Foot, deciding discretion is the better part than valor makes a break for his lines, while the two Albatri Immelmann to take up the chase.
    Click image for larger version. 

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    Foot dives to escape the chasing Albatri and can now make it back safely to base. The two Central planes realise they are unable to catch the faster plane so turn back to home too.
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    Victory points

    Enemy plane shot down = 10points

    Enemy planes shot down (2) = 20 points

    Win to the Adlers.

    Butcher's Tally:

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ID:	335982
    2Lt Alfred ‘Snowy’ Blizard: (P2) Bristol F2A (yellow dot): SD-EXP-ET / 0 kills
    C&W: rolled 5 -3EXP = 2 - Dead !

    AM3 Douglas Williams: (O) Bristol F2A (yellow dot): SD-EXP-ET / 0 kills
    C&W: rolled 7-3EXP = 4 - Injured- skip 1D6 scenarios, rolled 1 = Skip 1
    E&E: rolled 11 -1EXP -1WIC -1BEL = 8 - Landed almost home! - Skip 1 Scenario

    2Lt Arthur ‘Beefy’ Burger: (P2) Bristol F2A (red dot): SD-ET / WIA / 0 kills
    C&W: rolled 5 -1SD -1WIA = 3 - Injured skip 1D6 scenarios, rolled 4 = Skip 4
    E&E: rolled 5 -1WIA -1WIC -1BEL = 2 - Captured ! The war has ended for this pilot (POW)

    AM3 Harold Pritt: (O) Bristol F2A (red dot): SD-ET / 1 kill (Schnellinger)
    C&W: rolled 3 -1SD = 2 - Dead !

    Lt Henry Foot: (P2) Bristol F2A (green dot): RTB / 0 kills

    AM3 Ernest ‘Piggy’ Gammon: (O) Bristol F2A (green dot): RTB / 0 kills

    Click image for larger version. 

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ID:	335983
    Ltn Friedel Lutz: Albatros D.III (white tail): RTB / 0 kills

    Ltn Karl-Heinz Schnellinger: Albatros D.III (Camo tail): SD-EXP-FT / 2 kills (Blizard, Burger)
    C&W: rolled 7 -3EXP = 4 - Injured skip 1D6 scenarios, rolled 2 = Skip 2

    Obltn Hans Tilkowski: Albatros D.III (Red/white): RTB / 0 kills
    Last edited by flash; 02-19-2024 at 10:33. Reason: Tally Tidy

  2. #2


    A hard fought and deserved victory for your Adlers. It's always a nail biter when a "lucky pilot" skill has to be used so early in the fight. Especially, if you've combined decks and have multiple 'boom' cards lurking about.

    As for the post-game, game (i.e., the C&W/E&E rolls), those dice were particularly harsh on the Bulldogs.

  3. #3


    Well done, Baz, a hard fought win for your Eagles, they cut a swathe through the ranks of 57 Sqn.
    I realised I'd erred and Piggy should have been on the sick list but Onkel let it slide this time rather than mess further with the roster.

    Onkel says:
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    Well done gentlemen, it seems this new machine that Tommy has fielded is not all that much to worry about, maybe not as fragile as previous types but they still fall readily when hard pressed. A couple of victories for Karl-Heinz to celebrate when he gets back but I'm sure he won't mind if we start without him

    On t'other side:
    Lt Henry Foot is awarded the Military Cross for his continued service to King and country

    2Lts William Gompertz & Robert Hines report for duty with 57 Sqn as replacements.

    Good luck with the move
    Last edited by flash; 02-19-2024 at 10:46.

    Sapiens qui vigilat... "He is wise who watches"

  4. #4


    First off, Barrie, good luck with moving house. Hope it all goes smoothly Re the game - That was a splendid set to and a pretty decisive win for your Eagles. Well done and well done to that Lucky git who survived the boomcard REP inbound

  5. #5


    That was certainly hard for your Eagles but they forced the win in the end. Sorry for the losses on the tandem crews, they threw some unlucky dice.

    However well done to Schnelliger for his double and hopefully his wounds will heal quickly. Rep inbound.

  6. #6


    A great set-to, Baz.
    And another victory for The Kaiser's Adler.

    I think Paul may have send his dice to you
    Those After Action Rolls were were devastating to the Brits
    (those with nicknames were hit especially hard. 'Piggy' might have to change his to 'Lucky'

    REP inbound. Hopefully you put in a change of address notification

  7. #7


    A medal to anyone who moves house, especialy with all the Wings kit and other sundry games to transport. Been through that last year
    The German Swine certainly whittled the Bulldogs down this time. But there is always tomorrow, but not in the case of Blizzard and Pitt( hopefully not the younger)
    Well played and good luck with the move. Somewhere more spacious for games purposes I hope

    I'm learning to fly, but I ain't got wings
    Coming down is the hardest thing

  8. #8


    An Alder victory for sure but one with a very bleak result for the good guys.

    Well flown Baz. Hope the move has been as painless as possible.

  9. #9


    Nice one Baz. Hope your move goes O.K.
    Don't forget to update us here, and let Hedeby know if you are moving out of county. That will allow us to put the Flights straight.
    "Courage is the art of being the only one who knows you're scared to death."

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by Teaticket View Post
    An Alder victory for sure but one with a very bleak result for the good guys.

    Well flown Baz. Hope the move has been as painless as possible.
    Hopefully on the home straight now and the move will be around mid-May, fed up with living around boxes!

  11. #11


    Quote Originally Posted by Flying Officer Kyte View Post
    Nice one Baz. Hope your move goes O.K.
    Don't forget to update us here, and let Hedeby know if you are moving out of county. That will allow us to put the Flights straight.
    Will do, will be a move from Essex to Suffolk so not sure if much change.

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