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Thread: Passing Twenty Thousand and Climbing !

  1. #1

    Default Passing Twenty Thousand and Climbing !

    Belly up to the bar chaps, it must be my turn in the chair as I pass the 20k mark - it only took 13˝ years !

    A huge thanks to all for making this place what it is; the OTT comrades past and present, to those digital wingmen and those I've been fortunate to meet in person at the table, my life has been made richer by the experience.

    Sapiens qui vigilat... "He is wise who watches"

  2. #2


    Wow! Have I got to pick up the pace! If I can manage 12,000 posts in the next two years, I might catch up.

    Thank you very much for your contributions to all that make this Forum what it is. Welcomes, AARs, paint jobs, convention reports, discussion posts, etc...

    The Forum wouldn't be the same without you.

    "Flying is learning to throw yourself at the ground and miss" Douglas Adams
    "Wings of Glory won't skin your elbows and knees while practicing." OldGuy59

  3. #3


    Cheers Dave, we are a richer community with you as part of it.

    Never Knowingly Undergunned !!

  4. #4


    Congratulations Dave and thanks for all the work you do to make the Aerodrome a better place.

  5. #5


    Congratulations Dave. Quite a milestone and its been a pleasure for all of us. I'll join you in the bar any time

  6. #6


    Congratulations Dave, thanks for all your contributions.

  7. #7


    Congrats, Dave! That's quite a milestone

  8. #8


    That's a staggering number, Dave.
    Thanks for all you do here.

  9. #9


    Quite a milestone, Dave.
    All post were well worth reading, and we're ready for more.
    It is impossible for a man to begin to learn what he thinks he knows. -- Epictetus

  10. #10

  11. #11


    WOW. Awesome achievement. Congratulation for this.

  12. #12


    Awesome achievement! Your contribution to the forum is much appreciated!

  13. #13


    Excellent achievement, Dave. I'd be happy to have a drink with you.

  14. #14


    An amazing milestone Dave! Thanks for all you have done and do. The aerodrome is a much richer place for your contributions.

  15. #15

  16. #16

  17. #17

  18. #18


    Congratulations on this special milestone Squadron Leader.
    You are the first pilot to achieve this incredible number of posts.
    I will happily raise a glass or three of my favourite tipple to your achievement.

    "Courage is the art of being the only one who knows you're scared to death."

  19. #19


    Well, first one after you maybe, Rob ! You set the bar high, exemplo ducemus and all that (“By example shall we lead”).
    Thanks everyone, enjoy the party and mind the aspidistra !

    Sapiens qui vigilat... "He is wise who watches"

  20. #20


    Blimey Dave that's an amazing number of posts. You need to get out more mate.

    Seriously - as the others have said your contribution to the site and the information on it is second to none. Every time I've gone looking for information on a topic almost always there is a post from you pertinent to what I'm looking for, if indeed, you haven't started the topic in the first place.
    In addition, the work you put into the OOT campaign is greatly appreciated, certainly by me and I'm sure everyone who takes part. It must be quite a frustrating challenge at times, making sense out of the Butchers Bill in spite of our efforts to mess it up.

    You do realise we do it on purpose, it's not really because we're inept.

    Congratulations. and mines a Calvados, with an Absinthe chaser.

  21. #21


    Absolutely stunning achievement Dave. Well done that man. For all your contributions I'll join you at the bar for a drink or three

  22. #22


    Mine don't really count Dave.
    A lot of them are just welcome messages and sorting out problems for posters etc.
    You are about 6500 ahead of the next active member.

    "Courage is the art of being the only one who knows you're scared to death."

  23. #23


    A bit late Dave, but congrats on the milestone, Ill take a port if you dont mind

  24. #24


    Congratulations Dave on making this milestone. I knew that all that time spent in IT would pay off!

  25. #25

    Bishop33's Avatar
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    Well done that man!

  26. #26


    Quote Originally Posted by Ajay View Post
    Congratulations Dave on making this milestone. I knew that all that time spent in IT would pay off!
    Thanks mate, had to get something positive out it !

    Sapiens qui vigilat... "He is wise who watches"

  27. #27


    Congratulations, Dave, on the milestone. We appreciate your engagement with our posts, and helpful suggestions.

  28. #28


    congrats dave, you certainly have the gift of gab.

  29. #29


    Many (belated) Congratulations, Dave!

    It has all been said, but I'll say it again - the 'Drome would be a much diminished place without you, and all your efforts.
    Your knowledge, humour, banter and Campaign-wrangling skills are second to none.

    I'll have my usual Brandy, if you please!
    I laugh in the face of danger - then I hide until it goes away!

  30. #30


    Well, if the mess is still open, I'll join in with a brandy
    It is impossible for a man to begin to learn what he thinks he knows. -- Epictetus

  31. #31


    Quote Originally Posted by Jager View Post
    Well, if the mess is still open, I'll join in with a brandy Karl
    Always open to you and my other Origins wingmen, Karl

    Sapiens qui vigilat... "He is wise who watches"

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