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Thread: If WoG were played as a chess game, what a/c would be the pawn?

  1. #1

    Default If WoG were played as a chess game, what a/c would be the pawn?

    In some ways WoG is like chess. There are prescribed moves, there are strategies. Or perhaps WoG is more like Stratego, but let's stick with the chess analogy.

    If one were to use WGF a/c for chess pieces, which a/c would be the pawn? Pawns are smaller in size, with limited maneuvering. For the Entente side of the chess game, perhaps the Morane Saulnier L?

  2. #2


    Well, if you go with a single-seater, yes. For two-seaters, the choice would have to be the RAF B. E. 2.
    On the Central Powers' side, the choice would have to be the early Fokker E-I or the Aviatik C-III.

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by Larry R. View Post
    If one were to use WGF a/c for chess pieces, which a/c would be the pawn? Pawns are smaller in size, with limited maneuvering. For the Entente side of the chess game, perhaps the Morane Saulnier L?
    Agreed, however, if sticking with 'official' model releases it would be the Morane Saulnier N, for the German's then it's the Fok A.III.

    Sapiens qui vigilat... "He is wise who watches"

  4. #4


    Ooh, that's a fun idea... WGF Chess as a custom scenario, each team gets 16 planes starting in standard chessboard formation to play by standard WGF rules, any pawn that goes off the opponent's map edge respawns as an aircraft of its controller's choice.

    The Kings would probably have to be Balloons. How else would we fill out the board?
    Chesspiece Entente Central Powers
    Pawn M-S N? Fok. E.III/A.III?
    Rook SPAD XIII?
    (h/t CrashCraig)
    Queen HP O/400? Staaken?
    King Balloon? Balloon?
    I thought the Giants as queens because while they're slow they can just mow down other planes wholesale.
    Last edited by Diamondback; 09-28-2023 at 19:43.

  5. #5

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    Roland CII A version. Can't hit you straight on, has to hit you on an angle

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by Diamondback View Post
    Ooh, that's a fun idea... WGF Chess as a custom scenario, each team gets 16 planes starting in standard chessboard formation to play by standard WGF rules, any pawn that goes off the opponent's map edge respawns as an aircraft of its controller's choice.

    The Kings would probably have to be Balloons. How else would we fill out the board?
    Chesspiece Entente Central Powers
    Pawn M-S N? Fok. E.III/A.III?
    Queen HP O/400? Staaken?
    King Balloon? Balloon?
    I thought the Giants as queens because while they're slow they can just mow down other planes wholesale.
    Neat idea. Excellent suggestion re: balloon serving as the king piece. Balloons were somewhat mobile, like the chess king. Now, who can come up with eight MS-Ns?

  7. #7


    How about a SPAD XIII as a rook? Goes straight really fast but can’t make quick turns that well.

  8. #8


    And then how to split the planes per player? A four-player game is obvious, split each team's side of the board in half, but a game this big I'm thinking 6-8 players would be better.

  9. #9


    the cp knight would definitely be the fokker DVII.

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