So what is everyone working on this month?
Post discussion of B-17s with Hedeby at Doncaster, I checked my inventory to find I only had 4, not 5 as I thought! Regardless, I determined to start repainting a couple of them so as not to have 3 B-17Gs with identical nose art and colour schemes. After sometime down the rabbit hole on the excellent site. I began on the first repaint to represent Little Miss Mischief, a B-17G that crash landed twice and was holed by flak once so badly that the whole rear fuselage was removed and replaced. Along with other repairs this resulted in an incredible patchwork of bare aluminium and camouflage.
Work in progress on the painting:
And work in progress on a plane card:
The second ship is likely to be less significant, adapting the stock "A Bit o' Lace" to another 447th BG machine, probably "Fuddy Duddy" or "Milk Wagon" although those are both late model machines with the staggered waist guns, whereas the ARES model has the early symmetrical arrangement.
I also need to take my paintbrush to the ARES model to correct numerous errors for "A Bit o' Lace" including overpainting the ID bands with insignia blue on the wing and medium green on the fuselage, olive drab instead of black anti-glare on the engines, white instead of yellow cowlings and grey not OD on the underside of the replacement aileron.