Ares Games
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  1. #1


    Two Nieuport 16 equipped with Le Prieur rockets (operated by Antsaintex) must destroy a balloon defended by a Fokker E.III and an Albatros D.II (Monse at the controls).

    The planes inflict B damage.
    Aircraft and balloon start at altitude 4.
    The game is played on two mats.

    1. First shot of the brown Nieuport at the balloon (0 damage points).

    2. Consecutive shot by the brown Nieuport that jams and shot by the green Nieuport at the balloon (5 points).

    3. The Fokker and Albatros fire jointly at the green Nieuport (1 point), which slows down and does not fire at the balloon in preparation for the rocket launch.

    4. Impact of the rockets on the balloon (3 points + Flame damage).

    5. Balloon reaches altitude 3.
    First Flame counter removed (1 point).

    6. The Fokker and both Nieuports turn around, with the green one shooting at the balloon (1 point) rather than at the Albatros.

    7. Green Nieuport shoots consecutively at the balloon (3 points).
    Second Flame counter removed (2 points).
    Overlap of the Albatros and the brown Nieuport as it prepares to launch their rockets.

    8. Impact of the rockets on the balloon that explodes.
    Overlapping of the balloon and green Nieuport at higher altitude (4 points).

    9. The Germans turn around and miss the brown Nieuport, which fires back at the Fokker (1 point).

    10. Mutual fire between the descending Fokker (3 points) and the Fokker at higher altitude (2 points).

    Result : the Nieuports return to their camp, having achieved their objective of destroying the balloon.
    5 damage points for the green Nieuport, 3 points for the brown Nieuport and the Fokker.

  2. #2


    Simon - the Nieuports did well today. Destroyed the enemy balloon for moderate damage to themselves. Congrats to Christian (Antsaintex)

  3. #3


    The Nieuport pilots did well to down the balloon and get home alive. I thihnk that they must not like each other. Firing their rockets while the other overlaps the balloon isn't very nice as a Boom could damage any plane overlapping. Looks like they got away with it and are sharing some cognac in the mess!

  4. #4


    Nicely done, Simon! Those rockets made quick work of things.

  5. #5


    Good game, and good AAR. Thanks

  6. #6


    An excellent AAR. Thank you for sharing Simon

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by malachi View Post
    Nicely done, Simon! Those rockets made quick work of things.
    Far too quick!

    Le Prieur rockets were hopelessly inaccurate - as soon as reliable incendiary bullets became available, the rockets were discarded, never to return.

    I know that they have to be "upgraded" in the game to make people want to use them, but I have never, in over 10 years, seen a balloon survive a game in which at least one attacker has rockets; if you put a rocket plane on the table, and it fires rockets at the balloon, the balloon is dead.
    Last edited by Flying Helmut; 06-07-2023 at 02:00.
    I laugh in the face of danger - then I hide until it goes away!

  8. #8


    Having said that, it was another entertaining AAR from Monse - many thanks for sharing it with us.
    I laugh in the face of danger - then I hide until it goes away!

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by Teaticket View Post
    .. Firing their rockets while the other overlaps the balloon isn't very nice as a Boom could damage any plane overlapping...
    Same level,or, one level above or below it and any other machine at the same alt within a half ruler range of it.. Not the way to keep your friends happy !
    Good bit of sausage roasting though, well done chaps

    Sapiens qui vigilat... "He is wise who watches"

  10. #10


    Most enjoyable little action Simon.
    More balloon action please.

    "Courage is the art of being the only one who knows you're scared to death."

  11. #11


    Nice game, lovely pics and great AAR! How long did the game actually last?

  12. #12


    Mission accomplished, Captain*! Luck was on our side today. Thanks to the wind, the balloon presented its flanks to us and we made the most of it. Our rockets hit the bull’s eye and cause the balloon to explode. Our opponents (Monse) saw nothing but fire. In our euphoria, once our objective had been destroyed, we didn’t think of engaging in combat and headed back to base without a moment’s hesitation. When do we go back*?

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