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Thread: Mess of the OTT Edgy Young Men Campaign 1917

  1. #101


    Cheers guys, already feeling a great deal better. Three days in bed, sleeping mostly during the day and awake all night. Travelling huh! But we had a wonderful time, so it was worth it

  2. #102


    Quote Originally Posted by mikeemagnus View Post
    Cheers guys, already feeling a great deal better. Three days in bed, sleeping mostly during the day and awake all night. Travelling huh! But we had a wonderful time, so it was worth it
    Glad you’re feeling better, Mike.

  3. #103


    I also am glad that you are coming through it so quickly. I was knocked down just like you for four days when I got it last year but on day five got up as usual and apart from running out of juice a couple of times each day for a week or so, was glad that I had had my booster a month or so earlier.
    Don't try too much for a while though.
    "Courage is the art of being the only one who knows you're scared to death."

  4. #104


    Sorry to hear about your Covid, "Le Micro".

    Hope you get over it very soon (I'm yet to get it myself - don't want a "freebie" @ Flight Club!)
    I laugh in the face of danger - then I hide until it goes away!

  5. #105


    Don't worry Tim, no longer infectious, but shall test tomorrow again to make doubly certain. All being well I'll see you at Flight club on Sunday, unless I'm flying in the wrong direction for any reason

  6. #106


    I also am glad that you are coming through it so quickly. I was knocked down just like you for four days when I got it last year but on day five got up as usual and apart from running out of juice a couple of times each day for a week or so, was glad that I had had my booster a month or so earlier.
    Don't try too much for a while though.
    Cheers Rob, Thanks for the good wishes. Yes, my experience pretty much matches your own. Been up and about the last two days now and apart from a cough, which is an on going problem with pleurisy, I feel right as rain if tired. Time the great healer huh

    Glad you’re feeling better, Mike.
    Thanks Paul

  7. #107


    Quote Originally Posted by mikeemagnus View Post
    Good morning all. Just made it back from Canada, bringing with us a hefty dose of Covid! I've a bit of catching up to do but no energy to do it right now, so things are on hold for a few more days. Looking forward to getting back into the swing of it

    Take care all,
    Sorry to hear that, Mike
    Just as well I didn't make it up north to hook up. (Calendar didn't work out this time.)
    My late brother lived in Port Coquitlam and my daughter lives about 20km from there in Surrey.

    Next time ...

    Finished your Mission 9 this afternoon.
    Bombing details noted on the Marshalling Yard mat.

    I haven't looked at your AAR yet as I want to get mine posted before doing so.
    Hope to get 'er done tomorrow.

  8. #108


    Just finished Mission 10 - a lively affair !

    Sapiens qui vigilat... "He is wise who watches"

  9. #109


    Nice to see the balloon special pack has new ace skills and cards in it - could have done with that info before flying mission 10 !
    Here they are in case any of you chaps want to try them out:
    When this pilot takes a damage card as the result of an exploding balloon, after looking at it he can decide to discard it and take another one from the same deck instead. After he takes the new card the original one is replaced into its deck and the deck is reshuffled.
    This can be used twice in a game but only once per turn.
    Adv: This same procedure can be used when a damage card is taken because of a collision with an airplane, a balloon, or a balloon barrage.

    Experienced Ground Crew:
    The balloon descends to the ground in one less turn than the scenario states (Normally 11 instead of 12)
    Adv: If the Descending Balloons rule is in use the first time the balloon is ordered taken to the ground it immediately loses a climb token. A second counter is lost at the end of the same turn.

    Marksman Observer:
    An observer on this balloon is a fierce soldier, well trained with firearms. he can perform infantry fire once in each turn.
    If the Balloon Observers rule is in use, choose which of the two observers is the marksman. He can fire only until he is either eliminated or bails out

    As well as cards for a couple of options already mentioned in the rule book:
    Balloon Buster:
    When the ace fires at a balloon the target must tell the firer if at least one zero card is drawn and from which deck or decks but the target does not have to say how many 0's are taken.
    If so the firer may require the target to draw one additional damage card from the same deck as one of the 0 damage cards.
    Take four recovery counters. Until all are removed 0 damage cards are not declared by any balloon the ace hits.

    Incendiary Bullets:
    Some aces used special incendiary bullets that were especially effective against balloons.
    The effect of this skill are the same of the incendiary bullets rule.. ie:
    "When a shot from an airplane carrying incendiary bullets inflicts smoke special damage on an enemy airplane the damage should be treated as fire instead.
    When a single damage card inflicts 5 damage points, without bonuses, it causes fire special damage too.
    When a shot from an incendiary round causes engine damage the target airplane also takes smoke damage with normal effects.
    When a balloon takes smoke, rudder jammed, engine damage result from an airplane with incendiary bullets treat it as fire instead. Any 5 points damage card also inflicts fire special damage."
    This skill cannot be taken if the pilot has the chivalrous aptitude skill.

    Already added to the listed ace skills & optional rules in the files:

    Sapiens qui vigilat... "He is wise who watches"

  10. #110

  11. #111


    Good day all. Just a heads up - I shall be posting the result sheet for the bombing in mission 9 of OTT EYM, next Monday or Tuesday. For those who do not want the spoiler, I shall post it at the end of the original AAR, so you still have time to download the AAR without the result sheet, even if you do not have the time to play the mission itself.
    Chau for now,

  12. #112


    Thanks, Mike, I will link it to the copy in the collection when done.

    Sapiens qui vigilat... "He is wise who watches"

  13. #113


    Good to know, Dave, I haven't had time to dig into my set yet.

  14. #114


    Quote Originally Posted by mikeemagnus View Post
    Good day all. Just a heads up - I shall be posting the result sheet for the bombing in mission 9 of OTT EYM, next Monday or Tuesday. For those who do not want the spoiler, I shall post it at the end of the original AAR, so you still have time to download the AAR without the result sheet, even if you do not have the time to play the mission itself.
    Chau for now,
    Thanks, Mike I downloaded the info/pics a few days ago so will avoid looking there.

  15. #115


    Thanks Mike. I've flown it and have to do my AAR. I should get to it Monday so won't look till after I post.

  16. #116


    Added a pic with the final tally to my AAR

    Definitely need to go to bombing school

    Hit lots of targets - unfortunately most of them were civilian ones.
    Came very close to some of the red juicy ones, but managed to not hit any of 'em.
    Did manage to take out the church

  17. #117


    Tough call Pete, but the pilots did their job OK.

  18. #118


    Bombing results added to AAR for mission 9.

    German High Command will be pleased with 1 Primary target destroyed and 5 other primary targets with Blast damage. Minimal civilian structures hit. Overall a stonking success when added to the scouts destroyed.

    A thoroughly enjoyable mission, with German 2-seaters used for a change, thanks Mike.

  19. #119


    Quote Originally Posted by Stumptonian View Post
    ...Did manage to take out the church
    Should we be surprised ?!

    Sapiens qui vigilat... "He is wise who watches"

  20. #120


    Quote Originally Posted by Baz View Post
    Bombing results added to AAR for mission 9. German High Command will be pleased with 1 Primary target destroyed and 5 other primary targets with Blast damage. Minimal civilian structures hit. Overall a stonking success when added to the scouts destroyed. A thoroughly enjoyable mission, with German 2-seaters used for a change, thanks Mike.
    Top (blind) bombing, Baz !

    Sapiens qui vigilat... "He is wise who watches"

  21. #121


    Quote Originally Posted by Stumptonian View Post
    Added a pic with the final tally to my AAR

    Definitely need to go to bombing school

    Hit lots of targets - unfortunately most of them were civilian ones.
    Oh-oh. Hope to finish writing up mine today. Won't look until I'm done. I may be in for a rude awakening!

  22. #122


    Quote Originally Posted by Baz View Post
    Bombing results added to AAR for mission 9.

    German High Command will be pleased with 1 Primary target destroyed and 5 other primary targets with Blast damage. Minimal civilian structures hit. Overall a stonking success when added to the scouts destroyed.

    A thoroughly enjoyable mission, with German 2-seaters used for a change, thanks Mike.
    Ditto for my mission, Baz, including the likelihood that German High Command was very pleased.

  23. #123


    Sorry guys. A bit behind with mission 10, let alone 11. Partly the fault of covid recovery, but also due to having Gettysburg in 15mm set up on my table right now. May have to ask permission to play Mission 10 in another room (Yon's sewing room - ).

    One way or t'other I'll catch up - promise

  24. #124


    Quote Originally Posted by mikeemagnus View Post
    Sorry guys. A bit behind with mission 10, let alone 11.
    You are not alone, Mike.
    Got myself a nasty cold (at least that's what I hope it is ...)

    Hope to get at least #10 done in the next week or so.

  25. #125


    I too am behind and I can't even claim a cold as an excuse. Hopefully I'll fly 10 over the weekend. and 11 at the end of next week.

  26. #126


    Quote Originally Posted by Stumptonian View Post
    You are not alone, Mike.
    Got myself a nasty cold (at least that's what I hope it is ...)
    No such luck.
    COVID finally go me ...

  27. #127


    Sorry to hear that Pete. I trust you will be over it soon.
    "Courage is the art of being the only one who knows you're scared to death."

  28. #128


    Quote Originally Posted by Stumptonian View Post
    ...COVID finally go me ...
    Hope you're feeling better soon old chap, after all the vaccinations it should pass reasonably easily.

    Sapiens qui vigilat... "He is wise who watches"

  29. #129


    Quote Originally Posted by Stumptonian View Post
    No such luck.
    COVID finally go me ...
    Booo! Get well soon, Pete!

  30. #130


    Get rid of it soon Pete

  31. #131


    Chaps,no one is slated for authoring Mission 12 so it's open for anyone who feels the need to put one on; I'm due and have a kernel of an idea, but will stand down if a volunteer jumps up in the next couple of days.

    Sapiens qui vigilat... "He is wise who watches"

  32. #132


    I have a mission almost ready. It was a toss up for the one I just submitted. Its another not so typical mission. Your call.
    Last edited by Teaticket; 11-18-2023 at 13:02.

  33. #133


    No such luck.
    COVID finally go me ...
    Hope you are recovering Pete - its nasty this covid beast. I'm just about fully recovered again although I now need to work on the fitness level Have finished playing Mission 10 and nearly there with the AAR. Have set up mission 11 ready to play so hope to be back on track soon.
    Sorry, I haven't given mission 12 any thought at all recently Dave, so its over to you and Peter.

  34. #134


    Quote Originally Posted by Teaticket View Post
    I have a mission almost ready. It was a toss up for the one I just submitted. Its another not so typical mission. Your call.
    I have it, Peter, save your torture for the next 'season'

    Sapiens qui vigilat... "He is wise who watches"

  35. #135


    Check your roster chaps, if you have any scout billets unfilled please PM me names to fill them as mission 12 will require your least used pilots, so the new boys will feature.
    Last edited by Teaticket; 11-23-2023 at 18:11.

    Sapiens qui vigilat... "He is wise who watches"

  36. #136


    Quote Originally Posted by flash View Post
    Check your roster chaps, if you have any scout billets unfilled please PM me names to fill them as mission 12 will require your least used pilots, so the new boys will feature.
    Great. I'll have a new rookie scout pilot at the start of mission 11. Hope he makes it to mission 12! If he doesn't survive, then there will be a different rookie ready for your fun.
    Last edited by Teaticket; 11-23-2023 at 18:23.

  37. #137


    "No Empty Chairs"
    I laugh in the face of danger - then I hide until it goes away!

  38. #138


    Check your roster chaps
    Are you going to tell us how many pilots we shall need for either side?

  39. #139


    Quote Originally Posted by mikeemagnus View Post
    Are you going to tell us how many pilots we shall need for either side?
    Yes, it's in the scenario, but looking at 3 scouts and a tandem each side.

    Sapiens qui vigilat... "He is wise who watches"

  40. #140


    Quote Originally Posted by flash View Post
    Check your roster chaps, if you have any scout billets unfilled please PM me names to fill them as mission 12 will require your least used pilots, so the new boys will feature.
    I have 6 scout pilots, but Jan Kruger - the newest member - is recuperating for this mission. Do you want me to add another?

    My roster with missions for the current campaign / all campaigns / career kills are - ranked from least total missions to most:

    Jan Kruger (out for mission 12): 3 / 3 / 0
    Tom Watson: 2 / 4 / 3
    Jock MacDonald: 1 / 10 / 6
    Nigel Flashman: 4 / 18 / 11
    Bruce Dundee: 5 / 18 / 12
    Jack Wilde: 5 / 18 / 18

    Of these, really only Tom Watson fits the bill. Jock MacDonald hasn't been used much this campaign but he still has a decent number and is an ace.

    So, add another or go with Tom Watson, Jock MacDonald and Nigel Flashman? Doesn't exactly look like a group of rookies; I am an equal opportunity employer.

  41. #141


    Quote Originally Posted by ShadowDragon View Post
    .. only Tom Watson fits the bill. Jock MacDonald hasn't been used much this campaign but he still has a decent number and is an ace.
    The only number that counts is the number of missions this campaign, kills doesn't come into the equation, so your selection is apt; with Lannes & Perrin for the tandem.
    For the Eagles it'll be Hess, Büttner & one other from Hausmann, or, Schmidt who've each flown 3 missions but not been up for 3 either unlike a couple of the others.

    Sapiens qui vigilat... "He is wise who watches"

  42. #142


    Quote Originally Posted by flash View Post
    The only number that counts is the number of missions this campaign, kills doesn't come into the equation, so your selection is apt; with Lannes & Perrin for the tandem.
    For the Eagles it'll be Hess, Büttner & one other from Hausmann, or, Schmidt who've each flown 3 missions but not been up for 3 either unlike a couple of the others.

  43. #143


    OK - gotta share this with you all I'm on Turn 6 of OTT EYM Mission 12. There are only two aircraft left already. One on each side, and they both have 4 points of damage against them. Any bets on the outcome?

    OK that isn't a serious challenge. I'm just rather bushed at this stage and need to take a break and a cuppa. Really strange how things have gone, but I've given enough spoilers already - only because it is Christmas coming up

    Take care all

  44. #144


    Holy wotsit, Mike, it sounds like you've had a proper old school donnybrook, I look forward to the AAR when it comes.
    Hopefully I'll get to mine as soon as i clear the next game, I've got Justin and Sean round on Thursday for a bit of WW2 ground carnage

    Sapiens qui vigilat... "He is wise who watches"

  45. #145


    Aiming to get mish 12 played today if I can.
    Note I've made a very small tweak to the set up that may help it.
    Last edited by flash; 12-09-2023 at 04:01.

    Sapiens qui vigilat... "He is wise who watches"

  46. #146


    Too late for the "tweak" I'm afraid - about to post the AAR

  47. #147


    Ditto, have already played the game.

  48. #148


    For the info of the Mess members interested, the campaign will continue in the new year with OTT-FYM (Fierce Young Men). I will knock up the rules sticky in due course, have spent much of the day on AAR's & new rosters...

    Sapiens qui vigilat... "He is wise who watches"

  49. #149


    Quote Originally Posted by flash View Post
    For the info of the Mess members interested, the campaign will continue in the new year with OTT-FYM (Fierce Young Men). I will knock up the rules sticky in due course, have spent much of the day on AAR's & new rosters...
    Count me in, Dave. Thanks for your hard work.

  50. #150


    Quote Originally Posted by flash View Post
    For the info of the Mess members interested, the campaign will continue in the new year with OTT-FYM (Fierce Young Men). I will knock up the rules sticky in due course, have spent much of the day on AAR's & new rosters...
    Put me in please

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