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Thread: Hi!

  1. #1

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    Default Hi!

    Hi all, very nice to meet you!

    I was given a WWI starter set for Christmas and having played it a couple of times, I really enjoy the game but I'm a complete novice and there's only so much I can pester the wife to play! Any suggestions on how to get a bit more out of the game rather than just collecting the planes and playing ever so often?

    Thank you!

  2. #2


    Hi Tiago, welcome from Essex.
    Run for your life - there are stupid people everywhere!

  3. #3


    Welcome to the aerodrome Taigo. With all the active pilots in Old Blighty you should be able to link up with some and get some help. It's a great game and will give you unlimited enjoyment!

  4. #4


    Hi Tiago, welcome to the 'Drome!

    Try searching for local gaming clubs, and see whether any of them play, or try to attend a games Convention where we are putting on a game; we're always happy to accept cannon fodder/human shields to help us on the way to Glory , no, seriously, we'll let you in on all our tricks and schemes for more successful play.

    As for "getting more out of the game" do whatever makes you happy; some folks repaint the minis, some design scenarios, some buy books and dive into historical research, others just mine the Drome for all its articles and downloads in the Files section.
    I laugh in the face of danger - then I hide until it goes away!

  5. #5


    Hello Tiago

    Welcome from Hertford. You can try Dave's Solo charts in the files section. Keeps me happy. Dive in and enjoy

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by Lord Flashard View Post
    .. Any suggestions on how to get a bit more out of the game rather than just collecting the planes and playing ever so often?
    Well in addition to the suggestions by Tim if you have no local playmates then solo gaming is an option - there are a number of options available here in the files:,
    Welcome to the 'drome from a sunny(ish) Dorset Tiago - if you can get to the Beachhead show in Bournemouth in February we'll happily get you in the air and down again..
    Last edited by flash; 01-09-2022 at 09:20.

    Sapiens qui vigilat... "He is wise who watches"

  7. #7


    God to see you have decided to sign on Tiago.
    I can now give you a formal welcome to the Drome. You will find everyone here happy to help you with any questions you may have, so don't be afraid to ask away. I don't know which bit of Monmouth you are in but there are quite a few pilots based in Gloucestershire and around the Bristol and Somerset area which may be within your sphere of opperations. Failing that have a word with Flash about the solo campaign which we run here on the Drome.
    Hope to see you at one of the shows sometime.
    Till then fly safe.
    "Courage is the art of being the only one who knows you're scared to death."

  8. #8


    Hi Tiago, welcome to the 'Drome'! From over here in West Yorkshire.
    Have fun playing this great game and remember-always watch your six!

  9. #9

    Bishop33's Avatar
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    It’s a welcome from Glasgow. Happy Flying!

  10. #10


    Welcome, Tiago! Plenty of great folks and resources here for this great game. Enjoy!

  11. #11


    Welcome aboard Tiago, if you PM me I can give you a list of members in your area.

    Never Knowingly Undergunned !!

  12. #12


    I would recommend the WoG solo app for phone or tablet. Whilst not as fun as playing with a real person, it gives a good game.

  13. #13

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    Thank you for the great feedback, and it's good to see so many friendly folk! I'll definitely look into the solo gaming option at least until the rules relax a bit more. FYI, I'm currently based in Chepstow so easy reach of Bristol and even Gloucester!

    Chris, I'll PM you for the list if you don't mind!

  14. #14


    welcome to the drome from the land of buckeyes (ohio usa) Tiago for sheer fun, convention scenarios really cant be beaten.

  15. #15


    Welcome to the Aerodrome, Tiago, from here near Norwich.

  16. #16

  17. #17


    Bienvenue Tiago from Brittany France . The good thing about this game is like Tim said ou can make it what you want, a money pit of collecting the models or a simple get together with a few buddies to shoot it out over the skies of France ( as long as you have your Pass Sanitaire that is )

    I'm learning to fly, but I ain't got wings
    Coming down is the hardest thing


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