On March 10, 1918, Great Britain's Independent Air Force (IAF) instructed pilots of No. 55 Squadron to advance towards Stuttgart, 150 miles - 241.402 kilometers East from their French based aerodromes. Guiding 12 De Havilland DH.4 biplanes between daylight, clouds and open sky, 11 aircraft dropped 2,842 pounds of bombs on railways, barracks, several munition factories, the Daimler-Motoren Gesselschaft (DMG) aircraft manufacturing plant, Bosch-Magneto plant and chemical plants. The twelfth aircraft went missing in action.
I continue to post my findings regarding Allied airstrikes on Stuttgart, during the Great War. For my latest message, this is all I know, after researching for many hours, many days between January-February, 2021. If anyone can offer additional information to my data, I truly appreciate your help!