I have been reading the Invasion rule set and wonder why the human player has a higher initiative then the Martian when both have tripods ? Seems the Martian would be more familiar with the machine then the human so the Martian would react quicker.
I have been reading the Invasion rule set and wonder why the human player has a higher initiative then the Martian when both have tripods ? Seems the Martian would be more familiar with the machine then the human so the Martian would react quicker.
This is an interesting premise.
Considering the thought that the Martians are tri-pedal, probably tri-armed and about the same size as a human, then you would need a third more humans to man the controls in the same space.
Following these considerations, it would require the coordination of a second person for each action in a tight space. This would cause delays in responses to an opponent’s actions and even normal operation. Following the assumption that the human operators would be in the military, their average height would be above 5’ 5” and possibly a little bigger than the average civilian, this would restrict movement, also.
So, initial operation should definitely have some movement and operations restrictions. Later, a specialized crew could be formed that could fit in the presumed confined space and operate more efficiently, if not just as efficient and the Martians themselves.
So an initial crew might have a 1-2 move delay and a specialized crew a 0-1 move delay.
This sounds like it needs more research.
Thoughts, Comments?
Last edited by PKHansma; 11-02-2019 at 23:44.
Maybe it's a little different to your thinking Peter.
The Martians are described in the original book as octopus-like creatures: the "body" consisting of a disembodied head nearly 4 ft (1.22 m) across, having two eyes; a v-shaped, beak-like mouth; and two branches each of eight 'almost whip-like' tentacles, grouped around the mouth, referred to as the 'hands'.
Depending on the set up it might be that the ten digits of the human hands are sufficient to cope with the controls; average heights apparently being 5'5" there'd be some smaller bods who could sit in the cockpit of a tripod. Whether that has any influence on initiative who knows but I'd say it involves more than just control of a vehicle anyway.
Subsequent books & movies have produced different looking Martians but many will prefer going with the description from the source document.
Sapiens qui vigilat... "He is wise who watches"
I never actually researched the Martians themselves, so your information actually could complicate my assumptions. But, eight “fingers” on each of two “hands” means, 16 digits, so you would/could still need another person in an assumed small cockpit to properly operate the machine efficiently. Also, considering how controls are arranged, it might actually require two additional people, at least initially. Odds are we would modify the controls to be more human compatible, so that only one pilot would be required.
That being said, more delay in the early human use of a Martian machine and less to no delay in later, use would still be valid.