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Thread: OTT DYM Mission 9 - Timing Is Everything! 6 March 1916 - zenlizard

  1. #1

    Default OTT DYM Mission 9 - Timing Is Everything! 6 March 1916 - zenlizard

    Note: I speak absolutely no French at all; I relied entirely on Google translate for that part of the briefing. It did seem appropriate, though, to give it in that language, so here you have it.

    Good afternoon, Gentlemen:
    Guten Nachmittag, Mein Herren:
    Bon après-midi, messieurs:

    As you know, the enemy has been moving reinforcements and supplies up to the front, in response to the recent fighting. Command has ordered us to stop them. Specifically, we are ordered to bomb a railroad tunnel mouth the enemy has been using to shelter supplies and personnel. In fact, the other end of the tunnel that we attacked the other day.

    Wie Sie wissen, hat der Feind als Reaktion auf die jüngsten Kämpfe Verstärkungen und Vorräte an die Front gebracht. Das Kommando hat uns befohlen, sie zu stoppen. Insbesondere wird uns befohlen, eine Eisenbahntunnelmündung zu bombardieren, die der Feind benutzt hat, um Vorräte und Personal zu schützen. Tatsächlich das andere Ende des Tunnels, den wir neulich angegriffen haben.

    Comme vous le savez, l'ennemi a déplacé des renforts et des approvisionnements vers l'avant, en réponse aux récents combats. Le commandement nous a ordonné de les arrêter. Plus précisément, il nous est ordonné de bombarder la bouche d’un tunnel de chemin de fer que l’ennemi utilisait pour abriter les fournitures et le personnel. En fait, l’autre bout du tunnel que nous avons attaqué l’autre jour.

    The importance of this target should be obvious, but in case it isn’t, I’ll explain further. The enemy has been running trains in and out of the tunnel as fast as they can be unloaded All night, and every day when the weather is too bad for flying. As the tunnel mouth is out of the range of our artillery, it is up to us to destroy the tunnel entrance, and any ammunition or troop trains in the vicinity. We will show them that we are brave and determined enough to stop their their tracks.

    Die Bedeutung dieses Ziels sollte offensichtlich sein, aber falls dies nicht der Fall ist, werde ich es weiter erläutern. Der Feind hat Züge in und aus dem Tunnel gefahren, so schnell sie entladen werden können. Die ganze Nacht und jeden Tag, wenn das Wetter zum Fliegen zu schlecht ist. Da sich die Tunnelmündung außerhalb der Reichweite unserer Artillerie befindet, müssen wir den Tunneleingang und alle Munitions- und Truppenzüge in der Nähe zerstören. Wir werden ihnen zeigen, dass wir mutig und entschlossen genug sind, ihre Bemühungen daran zu hindern, Früchte zu tragen.

    L’importance de cet objectif devrait être évidente, mais dans le cas contraire, davantage. L'ennemi a fait avancer et sortir les trains du tunnel aussi rapidement qu'ils peuvent être déchargés toute la nuit et tous les jours lorsque le temps est trop mauvais pour voler. L'embouchure du tunnel étant hors de portée de notre artillerie, il nous incombe de détruire l'entrée du tunnel, ainsi que toute munition ou train de troupes à proximité. Nous leur montrerons que nous sommes suffisamment courageux et déterminés pour empêcher leurs efforts d’être couronnés de succès.

    The forecast for tomorrow calls for heavy overcast skies, with occasional rain predicted. Therefore, the enemy will likely be running ammunition trains. In addition, the enemy knows full well the importance of this target, and reconnaissance has shown that it is heavily defended by both machineguns and antiaircraft guns. Finally, the enemy has lately been flying in weather that would normally stop anyone. There will likely be defending fighters present. Therefore, if the mechanics can get three bombers ready, we will use three; if only two, we will use both of them, and one escort. In either case, we will approach the target area above any cloud cover; once we are in the vicinity of the railroad, we will dive to an altitude where we can see the tracks, and follow them to the target. This way, perhaps we can surprise the enemy, hit the target and get away before they can return fire. Any questions? Good. Now, who would like to volunteer? Good luck, gentlemen.

    Die Wettervorhersage für morgen verlangt nach stark bewölktem Himmel mit gelegentlichem Regen. Daher wird der Feind wahrscheinlich Munitionszüge fahren. Darüber hinaus weiß der Feind genau, wie wichtig dieses Ziel ist, und die Aufklärung hat gezeigt, dass es sowohl von Maschinengewehren als auch von Flakgeschützen stark verteidigt wird. Schließlich ist der Feind in letzter Zeit bei einem Wetter geflogen, das normalerweise niemanden aufhalten würde. Es werden wahrscheinlich verteidigende Kämpfer anwesend sein. Wenn die Mechaniker also drei Bomber bereitstellen können, werden wir drei einsetzen. Wenn nur zwei, werden wir beide und eine Eskorte verwenden. In beiden Fällen nähern wir uns dem Zielgebiet über einer Wolkendecke. Sobald wir uns in der Nähe der Eisenbahn befinden, tauchen wir in eine Höhe, in der wir die Gleise sehen und ihnen bis zum Ziel folgen können. Auf diese Weise können wir den Feind vielleicht überraschen, das Ziel treffen und davonkommen, bevor er das Feuer erwidern kann. Irgendwelche Fragen? Gut. Nun, wer möchte sich freiwillig melden? Viel Glück, meine Herren.

    Les prévisions météorologiques de demain appellent des temps nuageux, avec des précipitations occasionnelles. Par conséquent, l'ennemi dirigera probablement des trains de munitions. De plus, l'ennemi connaît très bien l'importance de cette cible, et des reconnaissances ont montré qu'elle était fortement défendue par les mitrailleuses et les canons antiaériens. Enfin, l'ennemi vole depuis peu dans des conditions météorologiques qui pourraient normalement arrêter n'importe qui. Il y aura probablement des combattants en défense présents. Par conséquent, si les mécaniciens peuvent préparer trois bombardiers, nous en utiliserons trois; si seulement deux, nous utiliserons les deux, et une escorte. Dans les deux cas, nous approcherons la zone cible au-dessus de toute couverture nuageuse; une fois que nous sommes à proximité du chemin de fer, nous plongerons à une altitude où nous pourrons voir les pistes et les suivre jusqu'à la cible. De cette façon, nous pourrons peut-être surprendre l'ennemi, toucher la cible et nous échapper avant qu'ils ne puissent riposter. Des questions? Bien. Maintenant, qui aimerait faire du bénévolat? Bonne chance, messieurs.

  2. #2


    Intro: apologies if this seems rather wordy, I tend to do this to answer any questions before they are asked. Measurements given here are in case anyone lacks the proper mapsheet. Things can be set up using just the measurements given.
    Scenario set-up:
    The area, and conditions:
    Use two mats, laid long end together. The total play area is 97.8cm tall, 135.9cm wide. Point of view is the bottom long side is south edge. Use altitude and standard bombing rules. (As intended, this will result in a one-turn delay before the bombs hit the target; see below). The entire target area is overcast with a thick stratus layer, filling the entirety of altitude level 2. Aircraft at Level 2 cannot see anything, including each other, nor can they be seen by anything. Therefore, I highly recommend using the base collision rule for aircraft at this altitude. That is, if any part of the base overlaps any other part of the base, and both aircraft have either any or no climb markers, they collide. Aircraft cannot see through the stratus layer to sight aircraft or ground targets. Aircraft can only see each other or ground targets (and can only be seen by AA) at level 1, or at higher altitudes if the line of sight passes through the hole in the clouds (see below). The left-hand mat should be the countryside; there is a (perhaps subway) railroad emerging from the southeastern side of the town, crossing the river, then making an almost 90 degree turn before heading back into a tunnel to the west of the town. With the mats oriented as above, the tunnel entry should be 28cm from the western edge, and 26cm from the southern edge. It is this tunnel that constitutes the target.
    There is, of course, an exception to the overcast-related rules: the hole in the clouds. Make one yourself by cutting an irregular shape 28cm long at its longest point, and 15cm wide at its broadest. It is important to remember that this does NOT represent a cloud: it represents a gap in the cloud cover. Therefore, make it a ring, so that things can actually be seen when the hole is overhead of the observation point. Here’s mine:
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Original Cloud Hole.jpg 
Views:	280 
Size:	116.1 KB 
ID:	273950
    Aircraft in the hole at altitude 2 can spot and be spotted as normal.
    The target:
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Original Tunnel target.jpg 
Views:	284 
Size:	250.0 KB 
ID:	273942
    Ignore any terrain except the tunnel entrance, and the railroad extending from that to before it makes the (from this point of view) left-hand turn. Extend the railroad by any convenient method straight to where it runs off the northern side of the map, which will be approximately 43.5cm from the west side. Set up a target card such that the back side of the target abuts the tunnel, with the actual tunnel (or target reference point) in the middle of the short side, and the long side of the card running parallel to the tracks (about a 12-15 degree offset, if DYO play area).
    The train card provided measures (or is intended to measure) 7mm x 22mm- about half a standard aircraft base long. It starts the game with the front end of the train 14cm done the railroad, and will proceed straight down the tracks. Moving each phase with a B card.
    The hole in the clouds will start with the long axis pointed at the target card; the closest point of the front edge of the hole will be set up approximately 1+3/4 ruler length from the south edge, and about the same length westward of the eastern edge of the western (countryside) map.
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	CloudHole Set Up.jpg 
Views:	282 
Size:	199.9 KB 
ID:	273944
    Each phase the cloud will move such that the long axis will overlap the target card for the maximum amount of time, i.e., more or less straight toward the southwest corner of the play area. Both the train and the hole will move similarly: using only the edge of the movement card, advance the train and/or hole to the edge of the movement arrow. The train will use a B card to move, the cloud will use an XD card to move (if you lack the proper movement decks, that’s 4.7cm/2.3 cm respectively.)
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	CloudHole Before Movement.jpg 
Views:	284 
Size:	210.3 KB 
ID:	273945 Click image for larger version. 

Name:	CloudHole After Movement.jpg 
Views:	285 
Size:	201.6 KB 
ID:	273946
    The defenders:
    Aerial: two single-seat fighters are in the area, using a racetrack pattern to patrol the target. Both are at altitude level 4. One should be set up anywhere to the west of the target, such that the edge of the aircraft base closest to the target is ½ ruler length from the west map edge. Aircraft facing can be anywhere from NW to NE. The other interceptor should be set up anywhere to the east of the target, such that the edge of the aircraft base farthest from the center of the target card is 1 ruler away. Aircraft facing can be anywhere from SE to SW.
    BTW, this picture also shows the proper placement fo the target card.
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Air Defense.jpg 
Views:	286 
Size:	226.7 KB 
ID:	273947
    Ground defenses are heavy. Use 6 A-firing machineguns, and 2 AA cannon. The two cannon are set up due east and west of the target card, with the center of the cards ½ ruler away from the center of the target card. Two AA machineguns are set up due north and south, similarly. The other four AA machineguns are set up at the corners-NE, SE, SW & NW; but these are set up so that their centers are 1 full ruler from the center of the target card. AA machineguns have a range of 1 ruler, up to level 2. AA canon can fire up to level 3 or 4 at 1 ruler range, or level 1 or 2 at two rulers range. Remember, except for the hole in the clouds, aircraft at level 2 cannot be seen or shot at; and aircraft at altitude level 3 or 4 cannot be seen or shot at, unless any part of the direct line of sight runs through the hole in the clouds.
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Ground Defense.jpg 
Views:	280 
Size:	286.2 KB 
ID:	273948
    The attackers:
    Use two or three bombers, your discretion. If using two, use 1 single-seat escort as well. The enter at the northeastern side of the eastern mapsheet. The reference card has its closest corner (to the target) 1/2 ruler from each the north and eastern sides. I strongly suggest setting it up so that the reference aircraft is angled about 12-15 degrees south of an east-west line. The other two aircraft are set up so that the front left point of aircraft #2’s base is ½ ruler in front and ½ ruler to the left of the reference aircraft. Aircraft #3 is similarly ½ ruler from aircraft #2, with its front edge even with the rear of the base of aircraft #2. Aircraft #3 is the escort, if you have one. Otherwise, it is another bomber. All attacking aircraft are at altitude level 3.
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Attacker set-up.jpg 
Views:	285 
Size:	229.1 KB 
ID:	273949
    The intention is to fly the current flight path, and then make a 30 degree turn, following the railroad-this was common navigation technique, before fancy things like INS and GPS were invented. If, by the time the bombers reach the railroad, the 30 degree turn puts them slightly askew to the railroad, fudge the turn so the aircraft is pointed straight down the tracks.

    You control all bombers, and the escort, if any. Bombers will release all their available bombs at once. Contrary to the standard rules, bombs can be dropped at altitude level 1 (they just impact the ground immediately, see consequences below).
    You have two choices: fly the mission as briefed (diving down to altitude level 1, and facing the FLAK barrage. Or, try and use the hole in the clouds as your ally, and bomb from level 3. You must be able to see the target for at least one movement phase before dropping the bombs. Both antiaircraft positions and the locomotive of the train can be strafed. The locomotive takes 5 points of damage (or the boom card) to destroy-ignore any other special damage to the locomotive. Machinegun fire cannot damage the train otherwise. If the locomotive is destroyed, the train will stop immediately, and not move for the rest of the scenario. If an aircraft attempts to bomb the train, the train will go sky high if any part of the bomb card overlaps any part of the train card (direct or partial hit). The tunnel will destroyed only by a direct hit (any part of the bomb card overlaps the red dot in the center of the target card.) If the train is within one train length of the tunnel when the train explodes, the exploding ammunition will collapse the tunnel!
    Here’s the fine point of the timing: if done right, a bomb card can impact the train card, just as it’s going into the tunnel. The is what the attackers are hoping for: the exploding ammunition on the train will only add to the destruction caused by the bombs. There is of course, another catch:
    Any aircraft within one ruler of the train if and when the bombs hit it, at altitude level 1 or ½ ruler at altitude level 2 gets caught in the blast radius of the bombs, the locomotive, the ammunition, and various and sundry other debris. Draw two C damage cards, and apply them both. If an aircraft, at altitude level 1 drops its bombs, and the bombs actually miss all targets, then draw an A damage card: as usual, if there is any special damage (including a jam), then the aircraft is caught as above: draw a single C card, and apply that damage. If the C card is zero, or the A card doesn’t show any special damage, the aircraft flies through the fireball, and somehow manages to dodge the debris.
    Any aircraft forced to RTB, or any aircraft, after the last attacking bomber has released its bombs, or been shot down, may escape by hiding in the cloud layer. All it has to do is climb/dive to altitude level 2, and avoid the hole. Any aircraft may also escape by flying off any map edge (it is assumed they’ll hide in the clouds as above). Resolve any fires on escaping aircraft as normal. Otherwise, the entire map is considered friendly territory for the defenders: aircraft escaping off the eastern edge, and downed by fire are considered to be downed in No Man’s Land.
    Points for the scenario are awarded as follows:
    Destroying/saving the tunnel: 10
    Destroying/saving the ammunition train: 5
    A bomber escaping while still loaded with bombs (coward!): -8 for the attackers
    A shot-down bomber: 3 points for the defenders
    A bomber FRTB: 2 points for the defenders
    A shot-down single-seater: 2 points to the opposing side
    A single-seater FRTB: 1 point to the opposing side.
    Last edited by zenlizard; 08-25-2019 at 21:41.

  3. #3


    Thankyou Sam...I think.

    Sapiens qui vigilat... "He is wise who watches"

  4. #4


    I think I am coming down with a headache!
    Can we not get back to some simpler scenarios?

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by gully_raker View Post
    I think I am coming down with a headache!
    Can we not get back to some simpler scenarios?
    Hey, like all plans that depend in intricate timing, I'm expecting this one to jump straight into the handbasket.

    I just want to see where people swing that handbasket when it does.

  6. #6


    Since this campaign is supposed to be mainly about the lives of scout pilots (and this makes two in a row focusing on 2-seaters) I am going with the two bomber, one escort option.
    We only have 4 missions left (including this one) and I would like Huebner or Giesebrecht to have at least a chance at getting to double ace.

    Gonna have another read or three to try to get my head around it ...
    Last edited by Stumptonian; 08-26-2019 at 21:11.

  7. #7


    The intention is to fly the current flight path, and then make a 30 degree turn, following the railroad-this was common navigation technique, before fancy things like INS and GPS were invented. If, by the time the bombers reach the railroad, the 30 degree turn puts them slightly askew to the railroad, fudge the turn so the aircraft is pointed straight down the tracks.
    You may have to fudge this a lot as only the XA & XB decks have 30° turns, the XC & XD decks have 45°, the rest have 60° turns.
    If it helps you can try this:

    Place the plane card under the base, remove the model, place the ruler inside the arc of fire as shown, then place the model alongside the ruler matching placement alongside the arrow.

    Sapiens qui vigilat... "He is wise who watches"

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by flash View Post
    You may have to fudge this a lot as only the XA & XB decks have 30° turns, the XC & XD decks have 45°, the rest have 60° turns.
    If it helps you can try this:

    Place the plane card under the base, remove the model, place the ruler inside the arc of fire as shown, then place the model alongside the ruler matching placement alongside the arrow.
    Ah, I had mis-measured the turn angle on, I think it was the G & Y decks. Thanks for the correction. One could always fudge the entry angle, as well-but again, the point is to fly to the general vicinity, and use pilotage to find the actual target. Fudge the turn, fudge the entry angle, it's all good. Trying not to take away from the base simplicity, so essentially, make one turn and fly down the tracks. The rest of the wordiness is to allow people to DYO setup.

  9. #9



    Sam, your instructions say
    The left-hand mat should be the countryside; there is a (perhaps subway) railroad emerging from the southeastern side of the town, crossing the river, then making an almost 90 degree turn before heading back into a tunnel to the west of the town.
    The map you are using is actually Industrial Complex.
    I assume you meant to use Countryside as the other map, lined up for the Eastern approach side.
    That's how I am setting mine up.
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Mat Setup.jpg 
Views:	66 
Size:	256.4 KB 
ID:	274153

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by Stumptonian View Post

    Sam, your instructions say

    The map you are using is actually Industrial Complex.
    I assume you meant to use Countryside as the other map, lined up for the Eastern approach side.
    That's how I am setting mine up.
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Mat Setup.jpg 
Views:	66 
Size:	256.4 KB 
ID:	274153
    Yeah I thought the Railroad & Tunnel were on the Industrial Mat as it looked familiar.

    When & If I get motivated to do another Tunnel Bombing mission I will use the Industrial & No Mans Land mats.

  11. #11


    Still trying to get a grip of this one -
    If the entire target area is overcast with a thick stratus layer, filling the entirety of altitude level 2 then how will the attacking aircraft entering at level 3 be able to employ their navigation technique of picking up and following the railroad ?
    Might just fly for the hole and hope for the best, though I'm also struggling to see how the attackers will get from the top right corner of the map to the target while the hole is still over it with the movement rates given...
    Last edited by flash; 08-31-2019 at 06:42.

    Sapiens qui vigilat... "He is wise who watches"

  12. #12


    Quote Originally Posted by Stumptonian View Post

    Sam, your instructions say

    The map you are using is actually Industrial Complex.
    Ah! Thank you; yeah, I got the map labels messed up, good on ya for the correction.

    Quote Originally Posted by Stumptonian
    I assume you meant to use Countryside as the other map, lined up for the Eastern approach side.
    That's how I am setting mine up.
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Mat Setup.jpg 
Views:	66 
Size:	256.4 KB 
ID:	274153
    The right-hand, or eastern map is almost irrelevant; your set-up is entirely correct.

    Quote Originally Posted by flash
    If the entire target area is overcast with a thick stratus layer, filling the entirety of altitude level 2 then how will the attacking aircraft entering at level 3 be able to employ their navigation technique of picking up and following the railroad ?
    The original briefing (from the point of view of the one giving the briefing) imagined the aircraft flying to the general vicinity, diving down below the clouds, and picking up the railroad from there; the actual set-up assumes a fortuitous hole in the undercast; therefore, if the timing is right, the attackers can bomb from a safer altitude. But the timing has to be right.

    If it isn't, then they can attempt to go with the original plan.

    As a third alternative, perhaps one or more of the attackers can dive to strafe the train and stop it, and then bomb the stalled train (or even bomb the train while it's still rolling, but that's also a careful timing thing).
    Last edited by zenlizard; 08-31-2019 at 07:17.

  13. #13


    Quote Originally Posted by flash View Post
    Still trying to get a grip of this one -
    If the entire target area is overcast with a thick stratus layer, filling the entirety of altitude level 2 then how will the attacking aircraft entering at level 3 be able to employ their navigation technique of picking up and following the railroad ?
    Might just fly for the hole and hope for the best, though I'm also struggling to see how the attackers will get from the top right corner of the map to the target while the hole is still over it with the movement rates given...
    I am going with the attackers flying straight and then turning when the see the clearing, which amounts to pretty much where the railway line is.

    I took some rough dimensions and calculations from the starting point to the track with a yardstick, and using the dimensions Sam gives us for the train start and it seems the timing will be about right (barring attacks). I will say that train is damn small ....

    I am going to bomb from level 3 - no way am I sending my guys down to the meat grinder below.
    One thing I wanted to confirm was when the defending aircraft move at the attackers? Or do they just fly that "racetrack pattern" until they see something through the gap?

  14. #14


    The defending kites start at level 4 so perhaps they should move in once the tandems make a move for the gap Pete.

    Sapiens qui vigilat... "He is wise who watches"

  15. #15


    Quote Originally Posted by flash View Post
    The defending kites start at level 4 so perhaps they should move in once the tandems make a move for the gap Pete.
    Excellent clarification I had meant to write into the original description; the interceptors are flying a boring defensive patrol, but once they see trouble coming at them, they'll move in to do their job. Which is most likely right when the attackers appear on the map: the patrol is flying above the clouds, so unless the attackers are painted air superiority gray, the interceptors should have no real problems spotting them.

  16. #16


    All over, bar shoutin'

    I think it took longer to prepare and set up than the actual playing.
    An interesting concept, Sam, but fiddly when the crunch came (moving the gap and train and bombs and aircraft in a very tight space, especially with AA cards in the mix as well)
    One downside is having to pretend there's a cloud layer - I did not attempt to cover the board with grey ...

    My guys came out okay, so that's what matters to me.
    I'll get it posted sometime in the next few days.
    On to scenario Number 10.

    I see Carl is supposed to provide the next one.
    Have you heard from him at all lately, Dave?

    Last post was in early June but last activity August 28

  17. #17


    Quote Originally Posted by Stumptonian View Post
    All over, bar shoutin'

    I think it took longer to prepare and set up than the actual playing.
    An interesting concept, Sam, but fiddly when the crunch came (moving the gap and train and bombs and aircraft in a very tight space, especially with AA cards in the mix as well)
    One downside is having to pretend there's a cloud layer - I did not attempt to cover the board with grey ...

    My guys came out okay, so that's what matters to me.
    I'll get it posted sometime in the next few days.
    On to scenario Number 10.

    I see Carl is supposed to provide the next one.
    Have you heard from him at all lately, Dave?

    Last post was in early June but last activity August 28
    G'day Pete! Glad you were able to work your way through the overcast to complete the Mission.

    Re Mission 10--With Dave's permission I contacted Carl & offered to take his place to write the BRF for M10 for which he was very grateful as his Police detective work has been keeping him from any gaming for about 3 months.
    I promise there will be NO BOMBING in the mission!
    Last edited by gully_raker; 08-31-2019 at 16:24. Reason: additional info

  18. #18


    Has anyone else had problems with posting in this thread?
    I have continually had text changed or just omitted. I think it has to do with the Auto Translate due to the BRF being in various languages.

    YES! I found if I clicked on "Show Original" My posts came out as written. Otherwise they get jumbled.

  19. #19


    Quote Originally Posted by gully_raker View Post
    Has anyone else had problems with posting in this thread?
    I have continually had text changed or just omitted. I think it has to do with the Auto Translate due to the BRF being in various languages.
    That's probably it, Baz.
    I get a popup asking if I want to translate and I respond "no".

    You need to change your setting to not auto-translate.
    It gets hairy when there are multiple languages like this one has.

  20. #20


    Finally got this one done - a very pleasant way to spend a rainy day ! - AAR to follow

    Sapiens qui vigilat... "He is wise who watches"

  21. #21


    As rainy as the cloud cover in the scenario?

  22. #22


    And then some !

    Sapiens qui vigilat... "He is wise who watches"

  23. #23


    Re Mission 10--With Dave's permission I contacted Carl & offered to take his place to write the BRF for M10 for which he was very grateful as his Police detective work has been keeping him from any gaming for about 3 months.
    I promise there will be NO BOMBING in the mission!
    Great Baz. Thanks for stepping in like that.

  24. #24


    I've just re-read this in detail with a view to playing the game and all I could think was "Blimey Govenor, it ain't half complex"

    Well if Pete's measured it out and you all managed to find the tunel and most of you hit it I must be overthinking things. What's interesting is that the preamble I already had in my mind may very well become reality.

    I'll just get on and do it,
    Wilco and out.

  25. #25


    It actually plays out surprisingly easier than you think John - fiddliest bits for me were the train & 'the hole'. If you get everything in place & use the measurements it should work out fine providing you get a decent run in and time your bomb release correctly.
    If I recall correctly the train starts 59.5cm from the tunnel ?

    Sapiens qui vigilat... "He is wise who watches"

  26. #26


    Bring it on John - looking forward to your AAR!

  27. #27


    Quote Originally Posted by flash View Post
    It actually plays out surprisingly easier than you think John - fiddliest bits for me were the train & 'the hole'. If you get everything in place & use the measurements it should work out fine providing you get a decent run in and time your bomb release correctly.
    If I recall correctly the train starts 59.5cm from the tunnel ?
    Dave you haven't seen my table, there is no tunnel, nor a train, I shall be playing this in the spirit of the game rather than the letter, and I'm hoping to enjoy it immensely.

    I have a cheeky little white wine to keep me company, the Stilton and a more sober Red will arrive in a couple of hours, the table is set and I'm very pleased with my efforts. If your D8 AI gives me the game it normally does there will be blood on the carpet tonight. My new Flight Commander is leading the attack and he seems to have some particular ideas about how to run a war.
    Hopefully he will survive to explain them.

  28. #28


    Quote Originally Posted by mikeemagnus View Post
    Bring it on John - looking forward to your AAR!
    You've got a lot to answer for Captain Mike, your terrain sets the standards that we all aspire to and so I've created a monster, I hope it doesn't devour me.

  29. #29


    John, the answer to your tunnel problem is undoubtedly near at hand. Half an empty toilet roll covered with lichen or anything else come to that. Worked for me Not too sure about the train though. How about a piece of doweling painted black with brown for the coaches. Really, is it that important? What I enjoy most is the humour in your AARs buddy, so I say again, bring it on John

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  1. AAR OTT-DYM Mission 7: Dit Fromage! 19 February 1916 - Zenlizard
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    Replies: 19
    Last Post: 10-09-2019, 11:29
  2. Replies: 8
    Last Post: 08-08-2019, 03:15
  3. AAR OTT-DYM Mission 5: Adler Tag-Team - 5th February 1916 by Zenlizard
    By zenlizard in forum Over the Trenches
    Replies: 10
    Last Post: 07-18-2019, 18:51
  4. AAR OTT DYM Mission 3- Knowledge is power - 19th Jan 1916: zenlizard
    By zenlizard in forum Over the Trenches
    Replies: 12
    Last Post: 03-24-2019, 14:47
  5. Replies: 24
    Last Post: 02-14-2019, 16:13


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