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Thread: Scenario 8 OTT DYM: Schlacht um Verdun Unternehmen Gericht - Zenlizard

  1. #1

    Default Scenario 8 OTT DYM: Schlacht um Verdun Unternehmen Gericht - Zenlizard

    {Notes: For this mission, I decided that I would use all available 8 pilots/aircrew, plus, as you will see, and excuse to use ‘extra’ personnel. Had to fit in the two-seaters somehow. Flights would be in 3-3-2 order, with the first flight taking a relatively high (out of the cut) approach, with the 2nd flight diving into the cut, and the third flight out of the cut again. My idea was that would have worked out in a way similar to the Japanese CAP at Midway. Aircraft outside the cut would have been able to fire at aircraft in the cut at ½ ruler length. Air-to-air shooting would get the +1 for height advantage with differing pegs, but the same would not be true for air-to-ground fire. As it turns out, well, none of these considerations came into play, as nothing beyond the first the first flight was necessary. I made my own railroad cutting by printing & cardstock, and I may have messed up the width. I wasn’t going to re-do that, though, after all the work I put into it. Another bit of “extra” work: I carefully preserved the crosshairs with the special bomb cards, and to reinforce them, glued the whole card to a bit of cellophane packaging.}

    10 Februar 1916 10 February 1916
    Irgendwo im Frankreich Somewhere in France

    Meine Lieber Eltern:
    Trotz des Verlusts von zwei unserer Abteilungsleiter in letzter Zeit ist es hier an der Spitze gut gelaufen. Herr Emil Eidechse wurde nach Oberleutnant befördert und ist auf die Stelle getreten. Als Beispiel führte er uns neulich zu einer weiteren ungewöhnlichen und erfolgreichen Mission, die eigentlich fast ein Abenteuer war. Er erzählte uns, dass eine benachbarte Abteilung kürzlich schwere Verluste bei ihren Piloten erlitten hatte, ihre Ausrüstung jedoch intakt war und sie immer noch ihre Beobachter hatten. Herr Oberleutnant bat die Freiwilligen unter uns, mit dem Personal der benachbarten Abteilung zu fliegen, um einen Eisenbahntunnel in der Nähe der Front zu bombardieren. Ich bin stolz zu sagen, dass wir alle sofort aufgestanden sind. Obwohl wir wussten, dass der Tunnel sowohl von FlAK als auch von französischen Flugzeugen stark verteidigt werden würde. Am Tag vor der Mission fuhren wir zu unseren Nachbarn, trafen sie und entschieden, wer mit wem fliegen würde.

    Da acht von uns zur Verfügung standen, planten wir zwei Dreierflüge und den letzten Zweierflug. Oberleutnant Eidechse mit Beobachter Anton führte den ersten Kette an: Leutnant Reptile und Beobachter Berta und Leutnant Stephan Warane mit Beobachter Cäsar waren in diesem Kette. Ich führte den zweiten Kette mit Beobachter Dora, während Leutnant Knopfknickser und Observer Beobachter und Leutnant Schildkröte und Beobachter Friedrich mit mir flogen. Vitzefeldwebel Dinosaurier & Leutnant Michael Brückenechse (neuer Nachfolger) und Feldwebel Kurt Gharial (anderer neuer Nachfolger) & Leutnant von Flugsaurier als letztes Paar.

    My dear parents:
    Things have been going well here at the front in spite of the loss of two of our section leaders recently. Herr Emil Eidechse has been promoted to Oberleutnant, and has stepped up to the position. As an example, the other day, he led us into another most unusual and successful mission, almost an adventure really. He told us that a neighboring abteilung had recently suffered severe losses among their pilots, but their equipment was intact, and they still had their observers. Herr Oberleutnant asked for volunteers among us to fly with the neighboring abteilung’s personnel to bomb a railroad tunnel near the front. I am proud to say that we all stood up immediately. Even though we knew the tunnel would be heavily defended by both FlAK and French aircraft. The day before the mission, we drove over to our neighbors, and met them, and decided who was going to fly with whom.

    As there were eight of us available, we planned to go in with two flights of three, and the last flight of two. Oberleutnant Eidechse with Observer Anton would lead the first flight in: Leutnant Reptil and Observer Berta and Leutnant Stephan Warane with observer Cäsar were in this flight. I was leading the second flight, with Observer Dora, while Leutnant Knopfknickser and Observer Emil and Leutnant Schildkröte and Observer Friedrich flying with me. In addition, Vitzefeldwebel Dinosaurier & Leutnant Michael Brückenechse, (a new replacement) and Feldwebel Kurt Gharial (another new replacement) & Leutnant von Flugsaurier as the last pair.
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	0. Target Area.jpg 
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ID:	273291 Click image for larger version. 

Name:	1. Approach.jpg 
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ID:	273292

    Der Tunnel befand sich in einem tiefen Einschnitt, der ein kleines Dilemma darstellte: Sollten wir tief fliegen und vielleicht den feindlichen Abfangjägern ausweichen, oder sollten wir hoch fliegen, riskieren, mit unseren Bomben vermisst zu werden und die Gefahr eines Einschlags in die Mauern von zu vermeiden der schmale schnitt? Herr Eidechse überließ es uns Flugführern, die Wahl zu treffen, aber er wählte die Hauptstrecke für seinen Flug. Wir wussten, dass die Franzosen auf der Hut sein würden, und als er sich dem Ziel näherte, sah ich, wie die FlAK auf ihn schoss. Unmittelbar danach erschien ein Franzose in einem Eindecker und griff Warane und Cäsar an. Cäsar erwiderte das Feuer, aber zu meinem Entsetzen erwies sich der Franzose als der tödlichere Schuss: Warane und Cäsars Flugzeug explodierten und fiel auf den Einschnitt.

    The tunnel was in a deep cutting, which posed a bit of a dilemma: should we fly low, and perhaps avoid the enemy interceptors, or should we fly high, risk missing with our bombs, and avoid the risk of crashing into the walls of the narrow cutting? Herr Eidechse left it up to us flight leaders to make the choice, but he chose the high route for his flight. We knew the French would be on the alert, and as he got close tot he target, I saw the FlAK start shooting at him. Almost immediately after, a Frenchman in a monoplane appeared and attacked Warane and Cäsar. Cäsar returned fire, but to my horror, the Frenchman proved the deadlier shot: Warane and Cäsar’a plane exploded, and fell onto the side of the cutting.
    {Note: de Bonald entered at 4 pegs height, so got a +1 on Warane, although that also proved completely irrelevant.}
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	2. Flak.jpg 
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ID:	273293 Click image for larger version. 

Name:	3. de Bonald.jpg 
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ID:	273294

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Name:	4. Explosion.jpg 
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Size:	201.9 KB 
ID:	273295

    Es sah aus wie eine der Schießbuden, über die wir in Amerika gelesen hatten. Das Flugzeug von Eidechse & Anton wurde von FlAK beschädigt und sie mussten die Bombe, die sie trugen, loswerden und umkehren. In der Zwischenzeit konnte Observer Berta ein oder zwei Schüsse auf den Franzosen werfen. Er brach seinen Angriff für den Moment ab, aber bald erschien ein weiterer. Und ein dritter, dieser in einem Nieuport, war nicht weit hinter ihm. Der Beobachter Anton versuchte, die Fliegerabwehrkanone auf dem Weg nach draußen zu betätigen, aber seine Schüsse schienen keine Wirkung zu haben.

    It was beginning to look like one of those shooting galleries we read about in America. Eidechse & Anton’s plane was damaged by FlAK, and they had to jettison the bomb they were carrying and turn back. Meanwhile, Observer Berta was able to get in a shot or two at the Frenchman. He broke off his attack for the moment, but another one soon appeared. And a third, this one in a Nieuport, wasn’t far behind him. Observer Anton attempted to strafe the antiaircraft gun on the way out, but his shots didn’t seem to have any effect.
    {Note: the new French Morane is Jean Delorme; the first Nieuport is Jacques Rouselle, both at 4 pegs altitude}
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	5. <acronym title=AA Hit.jpg  Views: 37  Size: 206.1 KB  ID: 273296" class="thumbnail" style="float:CONFIG" /> Click image for larger version. 

Name:	6. Delorme appears.jpg 
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Size:	150.4 KB 
ID:	273297

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	7. Anton's first miss.jpg 
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Size:	231.7 KB 
ID:	273298 Click image for larger version. 

Name:	8. Rouselle's entry.jpg 
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Size:	244.2 KB 
ID:	273299

    Leutnant Reptil weigerte sich, sich davon aufhalten zu lassen, obwohl er von verschiedenen Orten aus beschossen wurde. Ich konnte das sehen und auch sehen, wie Anton immer noch die AA-Kanone beschoss, obwohl es schwierig war zu sagen, wie schwer jemand getroffen wurde. Die französischen Bodenschiesser hörten jedoch erst auf zu schießen, als einer ihrer Eindecker Oberleutnant Eidechse fast eingeholt hätte. Dies ermöglichte es Reptil, sich dem Ziel zu nähern.

    Leutnant Reptil refused to be distracted, even though he was shot at from several different locations. I could see that, and also see Anton still strafing the AA cannon, although it was difficult to tell how badly anyone was hit. But the French ground gunners only stopped firing when one of their monoplanes almost caught up with Oberleutnant Eidechse. This allowed Reptil to run in on the target.
    {Note: in photo 11, Anton’s shot is at +1 for aim}
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	9. Bracket FlAK.jpg 
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Size:	310.6 KB 
ID:	273300 Click image for larger version. 

Name:	10. Anton scores.jpg 
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Size:	133.4 KB 
ID:	273301

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	11. de Bonald's shot.jpg 
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Size:	128.7 KB 
ID:	273302 Click image for larger version. 

Name:	12. Almost there, stay on target!.jpg 
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Size:	160.6 KB 
ID:	273303

    Während Eidechse versuchte zu fliehen, schoss Anton erneut auf den Franzosen, der sie angriff, und die FlAK schoss weiter auf Reptil und Berta. Reptil machte einen perfekten Bombenlauf und Berta ließ die Bombe genau zum richtigen Zeitpunkt los. Kurz darauf traf FlAK ihr Flugzeug, aber es war zu spät: Berta erzielte einen direkten Treffer! Reptil machte eine Steigkurve, um dem durch den einstürzenden Tunnel verursachten Bodenbrand und den Trümmern zu entkommen.

    As Eidechse was attempting to escape, Anton again shot at the Frenchman attacking them, and the FlAK continued shooting at Reptil and Berta. Reptil made a perfect bomb run, and Berta released the bomb at exactly the right time. Just afterward, FlAK hit their airplane, but it was too late: Berta had scored a direct hit! Reptil performed a climbing turn, to get away from the ground fire and debris caused by the collapsing tunnel.
    {Note: altitude 3 pegs at time of bombing, climbed to 4 after the turn, to escape MG fire}
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	13. Anton's second miss.jpg 
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Size:	166.0 KB 
ID:	273304 Click image for larger version. 

Name:	14. Bomb away!.jpg 
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Size:	217.4 KB 
ID:	273305

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	15. direct hit!.jpg 
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ID:	273306 Click image for larger version. 

Name:	16. climbing turn.jpg 
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ID:	273307

    Als sie vom Ziel wegflogen, griff ein anderer Franzose sie an. Dies ist der Zeitpunkt, an dem er verwundet wurde, sagt Reptil. Die beiden tauschten jedoch weiter Schüsse aus, bis die Waffe des Franzosen plötzlich aufhörte. Hat es gestaut oder war er auch verwundet? Wir konnten es natürlich nicht wissen. Der Nieuport flog dann unter Bertas Schwanz, sodass er nicht schießen konnte. Dann versuchten zwei andere Franzosen, sie anzugreifen; Inzwischen hatten wir alle unsere Bomben weggeworfen und waren herübergeflogen, um die Franzosen zu vertreiben.

    When they were flying away from the target, another of the Frenchmen attacked them. This is when, Reptil says, he was wounded. The two continued to exchange shots, though, until the Frenchman’s gun abruptly stopped. Did it jam, or was he wounded, as well ? We could, of course, not know. The Nieuport then flew under Berta’s tail, so he couldn’t shoot. Then two other Frenchmen tried to attack them; by now, however, the rest of us had jettisoned our bombs, and flew over to chase the Frenchmen off.
    {Note: Reptil’s shot is at +1 for height advantage, Rouselle’s wound forces an immediate RTB; the following shot is not at +1 for either pilot, due to aim interruption}
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	17. Mutual wounds.jpg 
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Size:	279.2 KB 
ID:	273308 Click image for larger version. 

Name:	18. Rouselle's gun jam.jpg 
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ID:	273309

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	19. blind spot.jpg 
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ID:	273310 Click image for larger version. 

Name:	20. Two pursuers.jpg 
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ID:	273311

    Reptil und Berta nahmen noch etwas Flak oder den Heimweg, wurden aber nicht wieder getroffen.

    Reptil and Berta took some more flak or the way home, but there were not hit again.
    {Note: I broke off the play-by-play at this point, since the Morane and Neiuport 11 couldn’t catch up with the Albatros, but of course, the FlAK could still have zapped them, so I resolved that}
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	21. First Flak miss.jpg 
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Size:	214.6 KB 
ID:	273312 Click image for larger version. 

Name:	22. Second Flak miss.jpg 
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Size:	197.5 KB 
ID:	273313

    Unsere beiden Abteilungen hatten an diesem Abend eine wilde Party. Der Schnaps und sogar etwas französischer Champagner flossen frei, wir tranken viele Toasts zu unseren Helden! Noch besser, Leutnant Warane kehrte am letzten Abend zurück. er sagt, die Verwirrung durch die Bombardierung habe ihm geholfen, sich vor den Franzosen zu verstecken, und er sei ohne große Probleme davongekommen. Er wird jedoch Zeit im Krankenhaus verbringen müssen, da er schwer verwundet war; Danach sollte er in der Lage sein, seinen Dienst wieder aufzunehmen. Der einzige schwarze Fleck war, dass es auf Beobachter Cäsar kein Wort gab.

    Wie immer, gib Schwester Helga meine Liebe, wenn du das nächste Mal von ihr hörst, und lass es den Bürgern Wolfgang und Onkel Ernst wissen.

    Our two abteilungs had a wild party that night. The schnapps and even some French champagne flowed freely, We drank many toasts to our heroes! Even better, Leutnant Warane returned the last evening; he says the confusion cause by the bombing helped him hide from the French, and he escaped without much of a problem. He will, though, have to spend time in the hospital, as he was badly wounded; after that, he should be able to return to duty. The only black spot has been that there has been no word on Observer Cäsar.

    As always, give my love to sister Helga when you next hear from her, and let brother Wolfgang and Uncle Ernst know.
    Last edited by zenlizard; 08-16-2019 at 06:25.

  2. #2


    Butcher’s bill:
    Albatros #3 (Ltn Warane/Beob. Cäsar) damage:
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	23. Albatros #3 Damage.jpg 
Views:	33 
Size:	92.3 KB 
ID:	273314
    Ltn Warane/SD-EXP-ET/-/0 victories
    C & W roll 6-3 EXP=3, Injured skip 1d6 weeks, roll 4, skip 4
    E & E roll 12-1 Boom, -1 BEL, -1 WIC = 9, They didn’t even see me!
    Total skip 4 missions

    Beobachter Cäsar/SD-EXP-ET/-/0 Victories
    C & W roll 5-3 EXP=2, KIA
    {Note: not part of official roster}

    Albatros #1 (ObLtn Eidechse/Beob. Anton) damage:
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	24. Albatros #1 Damage.jpg 
Views:	33 
Size:	123.6 KB 
ID:	273315
    ObLtn Emil Eidechse/FRTB-ENG/-/0 Victories
    Beobachter Anton/FRTB-ENG/-/0 Victories
    {Note: latter not part of official roster}

    Albatros #2 (Ltn Reptil/Beob. Berta) damage:
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	25. Albatros #3 damage.jpg 
Views:	33 
Size:	159.6 KB 
ID:	273316
    Ltn Detlef Reptil/RTB/WIA/0 Victories
    C & W roll 8-1 WIA, +1 landed safely =8, injured, skip 1d2 roll 1= Skip 1
    Total skip 1 mission

    Beobachter Berta/RTB/-/mission accomplished!
    {Note: not part of official roster}

    Morane #1 (S/Lt de Bonald) damage:
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	26. Morane #1 damage.jpg 
Views:	33 
Size:	119.9 KB 
ID:	273317
    S/Lt Antoine de Bonald/RTB/-/1 Victory

    Asp Jean Delorme/RTB/-/0 Victories
    {Not shot at, no damage}

    Nieuport #1 (Lt Rouselle) damage:
    {Note: bottom card at +1}
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	27. Nieuport #1 damage.jpg 
Views:	33 
Size:	134.5 KB 
ID:	273318
    Lt Jacques Rouselle/FRTB-W/WIA/0 Victories
    C & W roll 6-1 WIA, +1 landed safely= 6, injured, skip 1d3, roll 5 = skip 3
    Total skip 3 missions

    Asp Jean Thierrens/RTB/-/0 Victories
    {Not shot at, no damage}

    AA Cannon damage
    {Note bottom card at +1}
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	28. <acronym title=AA cannon damage.jpg  Views: 33  Size: 128.0 KB  ID: 273319" class="thumbnail" style="float:CONFIG" />

    Final thoughts: despite the numerous questions this scenario provoked, it was actually well thought out. I think I got lucky on the AA distribution: most of the MGs ended up in the cut, and hence, couldn’t fire at the aircraft. I still expected quite a bloodbath, though, and was shocked to lose only one airplane. Too bad I can’t have Beobachter (Observer) Berta as part of my roster, he’s sure to get a medal for his pinpoint bombing! Well, he’ll do well when the neighboring Abteilung is er-equipped with large bombers (G-types).
    Last edited by zenlizard; 08-15-2019 at 16:19.

  3. #3


    Onkel says:

    Congratulations on your success - though I'm not sure the bombing is correct but it is difficult to judge without the cards shown in play. There should be four straight cards & a bomb card with the rules given at four pegs; with the C.III that's a range of nearly 12cm to the bomb card but it depends how you played it.
    Brave but reckless to make the run back alongside the cut - are you quite mad ?! Admired the pluck though.
    Good report, looking more dynamic now and a tidy tally which Onkel always appreciates.

    PM me a replacement for Warane as he is out wounded now.
    Last edited by flash; 08-15-2019 at 23:51.

  4. #4

    Thumbs up

    Well flown Sam!
    You made that look easy but I am sure it wasn't!
    Hope to fly mine on Sunday as I have been working on my scenery set up.
    Some Rep on its way.

  5. #5


    Nicely done Sam, very brave of you to fly back down the table, obviously a glutton for punishment - everyone else would just fly off it, or, out run the EA and call it there. You're right that there is no +1 height modifier for ground strafing, only for consecutive shots. Shame you couldn't involve your rostered crews by inserting them into the story as Onkel suggested.
    Last edited by flash; 08-16-2019 at 00:45.

    Sapiens qui vigilat... "He is wise who watches"

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by zenlizard View Post
    Onkel says:

    Congratulations on your success - though I'm not sure the bombing is correct but it is difficult to judge without the cards shown in play. There should be four straight cards & a bomb card with the rules given at four pegs; with the C.III that's a range of nearly 12cm to the bomb card but it depends how you played it.
    Oh, at bomb run & release, the altitude was only 3 pegs-immediately climbed to 4 after release and turn, to get out of the range of the machinegun at the mouth of the tunnel. I had meant to add a note explaining the climbing turn line; thanks for the catch, I can go back and edit that in, make things a little more clear.
    Last edited by zenlizard; 08-16-2019 at 06:31.

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by flash View Post
    Nicely done Sam, very brave of you to fly back down the table, obviously a glutton for punishment - everyone else would just fly off it, or, out run the EA and call it there. You're right that there is no +1 height modifier for ground strafing, only for consecutive shots. Shame you couldn't involve your rostered crews by inserting them into the story as Onkel suggested.
    Actually, I had intended to use the crews: it just became irrelevant. That's one of the reasons I reversed course after bombing-made a lot of sense that the heroes would fly towards support when chased by interceptors, and that the rest of the attackers would jett their bombs, and intimidate the defenders with numbers.

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by zenlizard View Post
    Oh, at bomb run & release, the altitude was only 3 pegs-immediately climbed to 4 after release and turn, to get out of the range of the machinegun at the mouth of the tunnel. I had meant to add a note explaining the climbing turn line; thanks for the catch, I can go back and edit that in, make things a little more clear.
    No, that wasn't it, the turn looked fine, it's just that the point of release and fall of the bomb is not clear to me - At alt 3, once the bomb's released it should be 3 straights, or, stalls, then the bomb card from the front of the model base to an immediate impact according to the BRF.
    I can't tell what card you released on, stall or straight, or the distance travelled without the cards in the pic so it's not clear how you've played the bombing.
    It looks like you may have put the bomb card in play in front of the base then did the movement to impact the following turn the following turn ?
    All the same it looks like you had fun with it and however you played it you got the desired result.

    Sapiens qui vigilat... "He is wise who watches"

  9. #9


    Nice one Sam, it's a tricky decision to make, do you fly in the cut or out ot it. I went for running in it but didn't think about what would happen once I emerged from it, and of course you have to face the AA fire along the edge, depending on the turn of the cards for what type of gun they are and therefore the range.
    Then there are the scouts as well. You maybe made the best choice.

  10. #10


    Well done, Sam.
    You got the job done right away and your fliers all made it through, although Ltn Warane is effectively done for the rest of the campaign.
    I opted for flying in the cut and paid for that decision.
    Just got the Butcher's to write up and then I will post mine.

    REP on the way.

  11. #11


    Well done Sam, rep inbound for a well flown mission.
    See you on the Dark Side......

  12. #12


    Nice one Sam. Ran in much the same way as my own except i used b awful RE7s that only had 9 damage points - hence they all went down. But it got the job done like yours did. Couldn't face a return journey so I had the aircraft running in a straight line down the track, over the target and home (not that any of them got that far). You were indeed very brave to fly back down the cut line again Rep inbound and congrats to your boys on a great performance

  13. #13


    You had a quick and easy one, just like Baz! (sorry Baz I feel do your pain though.) Well flown and excellent bombing! Not a totally pain free victory as 2 airmen are not to return, one at least will get to go home.

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