There is a distinction between the two types of heat ray fitted to the tripods that denote the type of ruler deployed in the action - Heavy (red) with the longer, wider ruler; Medium (yellow) with the shorter, narrower ruler - but there is no distinction between the decks used with each weapon as the Tripods have a designated damage deck.
Tripods with a heavy fitted use the X deck, those with a medium use a Y deck for damage caused but where fitted with both, as the Mk IV 'Cuttlefish' is, should it not use the ruler and damage deck appropriate to the weapon deployed ? ie a Y with a medium heat ray; X with a heavy..?
An easy thing to house rule - I've asked Andrea for his thoughts, it may simply be the Cuttlefish is a most powerful beastie that chucks extra oomph out of its medium heat ray and just has the restricted arc of that weapon.