Having received my copy of Tripods and Triplanes read the rules, I found a few things that needed to be addressed ... not many; minimal, in fact ... but enough to warrant the following. I figured I'd share.

The first issue I came across was altitude. Though the rules do allude to it in two separate locations, referring the reader to the WoG RAP, they don't really get down to how altitude would be applied to the game. So I put it down on paper as I see it.

Beyond that, as I've developed a number of WoG house rules of my own, it was necessary for me to adapt certain aspects of the T&T game accordingly. Anyone who has played and adopted said house rules may wish to take note.

That being said, ENJOY!


This section is devoted to incorporating Tripods into M.W.Bell's House Rules. First, assume that Tripods will utilize the same Game Turn Sequence as aircraft. Second, where applicable, they will be subject to the same issues of variable movement speed, turning while Running, range and altitude in firing at their targets, damage repair and crew casualties. The following rules are an attempt to blend them seamlessly into the modified game. The colored text herein denotes the required use of a six sided die (1D6).


Optional Variable Speed
Similar to the Airplane Variable Speed rule, Tripods also may "throttle down" their movement. This is applied ONLY to their turn cards (both forward and reverse) and Running card ("slow" straight cards are already provided in the deck). Merely place a half-throttle marker on the card during the Speed Determination Step as you would for an airplane. There is no minimum phase requirement for slow speed, nor is there any steep maneuver restriction; Tripods may accelerate and decelerate freely in each Movement Phase. However, acceleration WILL cost one energy point.

Optional Running Maneuvers
Similar to the Variable Climb/Dive Direction rule, Running is an action as opposed to a physical exertion. Therefore, a Tripod may play this card in conjunction with any other movement maneuver card; simply stack it with the desired card and play them both, applying the movement of the stacked card and paying the requisite running energy cost. If used with a half-throttle movement or "slow" straight card which is preceded by another such half-throttle or "slow" straight card, said requisite energy cost is ignored.


Heat-Rays and Altitude
When using Advanced Rules, Tripods fire their heat-rays as if they are at altitude 1. Conversely, they may be fired at by Earthling AA guns and aircraft as if they are a altitude level 1. They use the same range and altitude rules as AA Machine Guns. An airplane that overlaps a Tripod cannot be fired at. An airplane at altitude level 1 may be fired at normally, as well as at level 1.5; at level 2 an aircraft within half a ruler is fired at as if it is at long range. Anything beyond level 2 cannot be fired on, unless it is being fired on by a heavy heat-ray projector which will reach level 2.5 as long range. NOTE: If using MWBell's 12" Ruler option to measure range, Heavy Heat-Ray reaches 18".

Tripods firing through the side of an airplane's base are subject to the Deflection rule.

If firing at ground targets, Tripods receive the +1 bonus for attacking from a higher elevation, but are subject to Line of Sight restrictions.

Black Smoke and Altitude
Black smoke reaches from the ground all the way to level 2.5 and has no effect on aircraft flying at level 3 or higher.

Black smoke is subject to the Prevailing Winds rule.


Optional Damage Repair
Any damage received by a Tripod will be subject to the Variable Damage Repair rule. NOTE: +1DRM for Wounded Pilot.

Optional Damage Effects
Tripods use the Optional Modified Damage Effects Table in determining the outcome of an Explosion and Wounded Pilot.