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Thread: OTT-DYM Mission 7: Dit Fromage! 19 February 1916 - Zenlizard

  1. #1

    Default OTT-DYM Mission 7: Dit Fromage! 19 February 1916 - Zenlizard

    {Notes: for this scenario, I used altitude rules, height advantage, tailing/aim, random entry for all of: aircraft type (French only), turn, point of entry, and altitude at entry. Last point was on a weighted system, highest probability at recon aircraft’s altitude, etc. I controlled both my aircraft (Fokker #1, green) and Dinosaurier/von Flugsaurier’s aircraft (Albatros #1, light blue). French aircraft were two each of Nieuport 12 (historically it was used as a two-seat fighter), Nieuport 11, Morane-Saulnier Type N, with a pair arriving on turn 2 after spotting, and one/turn thereafter; Germans used 2 each of Albatros C-III, Fokker E-III & Halberstadt D-II, with the Halberstadts arriving on turn 5.}

    Liebe Mutter und Vater 22. Februar 1916
    Irgendwo im Frankreich
    Wir hatten eine weitere erfolgreiche, aber kostspielige Mission. Ich wurde erneut verwundet, obwohl es diesmal eine noch kleinere Verletzung war als die letzte. Bitte beruhigen Sie Wolfgang in diesem Punkt. Am schwierigsten zu berichten ist jedoch, dass wir einen anderen Abteilungsleiter verloren haben. Sie müssen Wolfgang diese Informationen nicht mitteilen.
    Wir waren befehlen worden, ein bestimmtes Merkmal der französischen Linien zu fotografieren, und solche Dinge sind normalerweise Routine. In diesem Fall sollten Detlef Reptil und ich Ludwig Dinosurier und Hugo von Flugsaurier sowie Sebastian Krokodil und Gustav von Schwantzpeitschend begleiten, während Oberleutnant Kalman Kesselstein und Emil Eidechse den Heimflug unterstützen würden.
    Wir hatten gehofft, die Wolken würden uns verbergen, bis von Flugsaurier und von Schwantzpeitschend bereit waren, die Fotos zu machen. Als wir uns jedoch dem Ziel näherten, sahen wir, wie ein rotes Licht aufflog. Das konnte nur eines bedeuten: Die Franzosen hatten unseren Flug beobachtet und waren bereit, abzufangen. Dinosaurier und Krokodil haben sich etwas weiter von uns entfernt, um uns Spielraum zu geben.

    Dear Mother and Father: 22 February 1916
    Somewhere in France

    We have had another successful, but costly mission. I have been wounded again, although this one was even more minor than the last. Please reassure Wolfgang on this point. The most difficult thing to report, though, is that we have lost another section leader. You needn’t tell Wolfgang about that.
    We had been ordered to take photographs of a certain feature of the French lines, and such things are usually routine. In this case, Detlef Reptil and I were to escort Ludwig Dinosurier and Hugo von Flugsaurier and Sebastian Krokodil and Gustav von Schwantzpeitschend while Obrleutnant Kalman Kesselstein and Emil Eidechse would provide support on the flight home.
    We had hoped the clouds would hide our approach until von Flugsaurier and von Schwantzpeitschend were ready to get the pictures. As we got nearer to the target, though, we saw a red flare go up. That could only mean one thing: the French had spotted our flight, and were ready to intercept. Dinosaurier and Krokodil flew a bit away from us, to give us some maneuvering room.
    {Note: Recon aircraft at altitude 3, escorts at altitude 4}
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	0. Approachin Target Area.jpg 
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Size:	154.1 KB 
ID:	272124 Click image for larger version. 

Name:	1. Close Formation.jpg 
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ID:	272125

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	2. Spread out.jpg 
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Size:	135.3 KB 
ID:	272126 Click image for larger version. 

Name:	3. Flare goes up.jpg 
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ID:	272127

    Ich bin der Formation vorausgeflogen, um jeden sich nähernden Franzosen abzuschneiden. Es war eine gute Sache, die ich tat; bald erschien ein Doppeldecker mit zwei Insassen. Wir tauschten sofort Schüsse aus. Detlef flog einem anderen nach, der zur gleichen Zeit einflog. Ich flog vor Ludwig über das Ziel hinweg und hörte, wie der gegnerische Nachschütze auf mich schoss, aber es klang, als wäre es abgebrochen worden. Aus irgendeinem Grund vermisste er. Und dann war der Teufel los, und jeder scheint auf jeden zu schießen, und mitten im Geschehen hat sich meine Waffe verklemmt. In der Ferne konnte ich sehen, wie der Himmel immer dichter wurde. Herr Oberleutnant und Emil nahmen wie ein anderer Franzose in einem einsitzigen Doppeldecker am Kampf teil.

    I flew ahead of the formation in order to cut off any approaching Frenchman. It was a good thing; one soon appeared, a two-seater biplane. We immediately exchanged shots. Detlef attacked another that flew in simultaneously. I proceeded Ludwig over the target, and I heard the enemy rear gunner shoot a burst at me, but it sounded like it was cut short. For whatever reason, he missed. And then all Hell broke loose, and everybody seemed to shoot at everybody, and in the middle of it all, my gun jammed. In the distance, I could see the sky getting even more crowded. Herr Oberleutnant and Emil were joining the fight, as was another Frenchman, in a single-seat biplane. {Notes: Both Nieuport 12s at altitude 3, Halberstadts at altitude 4, Nieuport 11 at altitude 2, Gilbert applies sharp eye ability on first shot}
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	4. AAMG Fire.jpg 
Views:	44 
Size:	144.5 KB 
ID:	272128 Click image for larger version. 

Name:	5. First shots.jpg 
Views:	44 
Size:	161.0 KB 
ID:	272129 Click image for larger version. 

Name:	6. Reptil's attack.jpg 
Views:	47 
Size:	173.9 KB 
ID:	272130

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	7. Rear Guns.jpg 
Views:	44 
Size:	155.4 KB 
ID:	272131 Click image for larger version. 

Name:	8. Teufellos.jpg 
Views:	46 
Size:	219.7 KB 
ID:	272132 Click image for larger version. 

Name:	9. German reinforcement.jpg 
Views:	46 
Size:	122.1 KB 
ID:	272133

    Es war unmöglich zu sagen, wer auf wen geschossen hatte, aber ein Flugzeug eines Franzosen fing an zu rauchen, die Maschinengewehre am Boden begannen und hörten mehrmals auf zu schießen, und das schrecklichste von allen war, dass das Flugzeug von Dinosaurier & Flugsaurier in Brand geriet. Feuer in der Luft ist eine sehr gefährliche Sache, in der Regel führt es zu einem schrecklichen Tod für die Insassen. (Erzähl Wolfgang auch nicht darüber). Als einige Augenblicke später Sebastian und Gustav über das Ziel flogen, gerieten auch sie in Brand. Ich konnte nichts tun, um ihnen zu helfen; nicht einmal den Feind angreifen, da meine Waffe eingeklemmt war. Aber ich habe gesehen, wie Detlef einen anderen Franzosen angegriffen hat.

    It was impossible to tell in all the confusion just who shot at whom, but one Frenchman’s airplane started smoking, the anti-aircraft machineguns started and stopped shooting several times, and most horrible of all, Dinosaurier & Flugsaurier’s airplane caught fire. Fire in the air is a very dangerous thing, usually it results in a horrible death for the occupants. (Don’t tell Wolfgang that part, either).
    When, a few moments later, Sebastian and Gustav flew over the target, they also caught fire. There was nothing I could do to assist them; not even attack the enemy, as my gun was jammed. But I witnessed Detlef attack another Frenchman.
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	10. Delorme's Engine hit.jpg 
Views:	46 
Size:	147.6 KB 
ID:	272134 Click image for larger version. 

Name:	11. Albatros #1 Fire.jpg 
Views:	44 
Size:	155.0 KB 
ID:	272135

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	12. Fort AAMG Jam.jpg 
Views:	43 
Size:	153.0 KB 
ID:	272136 Click image for larger version. 

Name:	13. First Fire Card Alb #1.jpg 
Views:	45 
Size:	52.5 KB 
ID:	272137 Click image for larger version. 

Name:	14. Alb #2 ablaze.jpg 
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Size:	161.3 KB 
ID:	272138

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	15. Reptil damaged.jpg 
Views:	47 
Size:	188.5 KB 
ID:	272139 Click image for larger version. 

Name:	16. Reptil's attack.jpg 
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Size:	148.6 KB 
ID:	272140

    Ungefähr zu dem Zeitpunkt, als ich meine Wunde erhielt, schnitt mir ein Schuss mit einer französischen Maschinengewehr schwer in die Stirn. Ich wusste nicht, wie schlecht es mir ging, aber das Blut lief unter der Schutzbrille, die wir benutzen, und ich hatte große Schwierigkeiten mit meinem Sehen. Das Letzte, woran ich mich erinnern kann, war der Heckschütze im französischen Zweisitzer, der mich angegriffen hat, als er mit von Flugsaurier geschossen hat, als unsere beiden Aufklärungsflugzeuge weiter brannten.

    That was around the time that I received my wound, a cross-shot from a Frenchman’s gun cut my forehead badly. I was unaware of how badly but the blood ran under the goggles we use, and I was having great difficulty with my sight. The last thing I remember being able to see was the rear gunner in the French two-seater that attacked me exchange shots with von Flugsaurier, as both of our reconnaissance aircraft continued to burn. {Note: top card is Albatros #1 second fire damage, bottom card is Albatros #2 first fire damage}
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	17. Wounded.jpg 
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Size:	131.2 KB 
ID:	272141 Click image for larger version. 

Name:	18. Fire damage to both.jpg 
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Size:	94.7 KB 
ID:	272142

    Mir wurde gesagt, dass kurz nach dem Abflug von Dinosaurier & ich ein weiterer französischer Herr, diesmal in einem Eindecker, auftauchte. Ich fühlte, wie mehr französische Kugeln in mein Flugzeug schlugen, und Detlef erzählte mir, der Neuling sei über ihm geflogen, und der französische Flieger, auf den er zuvor geschossen hatte, tauchte nach Detlef-Dingen, die er möglicherweise am Motor des Franzosen getroffen hatte. Detlef ließ den entkommen und flog um den Neuankömmling anzugreifen. Immerhin war dies die wahre Bedrohung. Als ich endlich das Blut aus meinen Augen entfernte, konnte ich das Feuer in Dinosauriers Flugzeug löschen sehen.

    I was told that soon after Dinosaurier & I flew away, another French Gentleman, this time in a monoplane, appeared. I felt more French bullets strike my airplane, and Detlef told me the newcomer flew above him, and the French flyer he had shot at before dove for home-Detlef things he may have hit the Frenchman’s engine. Detlef let that one go, and flew after the newcomer. This one was the real threat, after all. When I finally cleared the blood from my eyes, I was able to see the fire go out in Dinosaurier’s airplane. {Notes: Morane entry altitude is 4; fire cards as before}
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	19. Frenchmen head-on.jpg 
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Size:	170.4 KB 
ID:	272143 Click image for larger version. 

Name:	20. Morane #1 Entry.jpg 
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Size:	156.5 KB 
ID:	272144

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	21. My final damage.jpg 
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Size:	160.9 KB 
ID:	272145 Click image for larger version. 

Name:	22. Frenchmen all over.jpg 
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Size:	85.9 KB 
ID:	272146

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Name:	23. Delorme's escape.jpg 
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Size:	126.6 KB 
ID:	272147 Click image for larger version. 

Name:	24. More fire damage.jpg 
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Size:	39.1 KB 
ID:	272148

    Es gab zu viele Flugzeuge auf zu kleinem Raum, und früher oder später waren einige von ihnen dazu bestimmt, zusammenzustoßen. Als Detlef den neuen Franzosen verfolgte, flog einer der anderen vor ihm. Er traf definitiv dieses Flugzeug, was möglicherweise dazu geführt hat, dass es in ein anderes Flugzeug eingeschlagen ist, das sich dann in den Boden drehte. Detlefs Ziel jedoch flog unverletzt weiter (mit Ausnahme dessen, was Detlef ihm angetan hatte). Und er erzählte mir, dass, als ein weiterer Morane auftauchte, der verbleibende Zweisitzer Nieuport Krokokil & Schwandpeitsched angriff und sie in Flammen niederschoss, um im Gegenzug in Brand gesetzt zu werden. Schwandpeitsched hat, was immer das Schicksal für ihn bereithält, auch seinen Peiniger in Flammen niedergeschossen. Oberleutnant Kesselstein griff auch die Morane an, die Detlefs ursprüngliches Ziel gewesen war, und verursachte offensichtlichen Schaden am Motor der Morane. Stattdessen griff Detlef wiederholt einen Nieuport-Einsitzer an, der Emil angriff.

    There were too many aircraft in too small a space, and sooner or later, some of them were destined to collide. As Detlef flew after the new Frenchman, one of the others flew in front of him. He definitely hit this one, which may have been the cause of it smashing into another aircraft, which then spun into the ground. Detlef’s target, however, flew on unharmed (except for what Detlef had done to it). And he told me that as yet another Morane appeared, the remaining two-seater Nieuport attacked Krokokil & Schwandpeitsched, shooting them down in flames, only to be set on fire in return. Schwandpeitsched, whatever fate has in store for him, also shot down his tormenter in flames. Oberleutnant Kesselstein also attacked the Morane that had been Detlef’s original target, causing some obvious damage to the Morane’s engine. Instead, Detlef repeatedly attacked a Nieuport single-seater that was attacking Emil. {Notes: Latest Morane enters at altitude 2, image 28 is the fire damage to the Nieuport 12, destroying it; Kesselstein dived to altitude 3, and the last damage card pictured is Reptil’s damage dealt to the Nieuport 11, at +1 for aim}
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	25. Collision.jpg 
Views:	45 
Size:	133.0 KB 
ID:	272149 Click image for larger version. 

Name:	26. Albatros #2 shot down.jpg 
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Size:	125.1 KB 
ID:	272150

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	27. Nieuport 12 fire damage.jpg 
Views:	43 
Size:	52.9 KB 
ID:	272151 Click image for larger version. 

Name:	28. Halberstadt attack.jpg 
Views:	45 
Size:	146.5 KB 
ID:	272152

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Name:	29. Overflight.jpg 
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Size:	93.2 KB 
ID:	272153 Click image for larger version. 

Name:	30. Several shots.jpg 
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Size:	170.1 KB 
ID:	272154

    Unsere Mission war es nun, die verbliebenen Franzosen zu zerstören oder zu vertreiben. Jeder trat jetzt in einen sogenannten "Luftkampf" ein; schießen, drehen, versuchen, den Feind zu treffen, ohne zurückgeschossen zu werden. Detlef sagte, er habe weiter auf den Einsitzer geschossen, der außerordentlich viel Glück oder außerordentlich viel Kraft hatte. Herr Oberleutnant und der neueste Franzose gingen derweil frontal vorbei. Dies war der kritische Moment für Herr Oberleutnant; Der Franzose manövrierte ihn aus, er konnte nicht entkommen und fiel auf die Waffe des Franzosen. Dies ermöglichte es einem anderen französischen Flugzeug, sich zu lösen.

    Our mission now was to destroy or drive away the remaining Frenchmen. Everybody now entered into what is being called a “dogfight”; shooting, turning, attempting to get at the enemy without being shot in return. Detlef said he kept shooting at the single-seater, which was exceptionally lucky or exceptionally tough. Meanwhile, Herr Oberleutnant and the newest Frenchman made a head-on pass. This was the critical moment for Herr Oberleutnant; the Frenchman out-maneuvered him, he was unable to escape, and fell to the Frenchman’s gun. This enabled another French aircraft to disengage.
    {Note: Kesselstein dived to level 2 for the head-on pass}
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	31. Mutual miss.jpg 
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Size:	167.4 KB 
ID:	272156 Attachment 272157 Click image for larger version. 

Name:	33. Kesselstein and Rouselle.jpg 
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Size:	134.1 KB 
ID:	272158

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	34. No collision.jpg 
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Size:	155.1 KB 
ID:	272159 Click image for larger version. 

Name:	35. Kesselstein destroyed.jpg 
Views:	41 
Size:	144.1 KB 
ID:	272160 Click image for larger version. 

Name:	36. de Bonald's escape.jpg 
Views:	39 
Size:	171.5 KB 
ID:	272161

    Oberleutnant Kesselsteins Opfer ermöglichte es Dinosauriern, sich wieder dem Ziel zuzuwenden, nachdem sie das Feuer in seinem Flugzeug gelöscht hatten. Dies lenkte natürlich die Aufmerksamkeit eines anderen Franzosen auf sich, doch Emil griff ihn sofort an. Emil's Ölwanne wurde getroffen, aber er hat dem französischen Flugzeug noch mehr Schaden zugefügt (oder er sagte - ich war nicht da, also habe ich keinen Grund, etwas anderes zu glauben. Ich habe ihn jedoch schießen gesehen, und er ist ein sehr guter Schuss.) Von Flugsaurier schoss auch auf dasselbe Flugzeug. Detlef konnte auch schießen, aber er sagt, seine Waffe hat sich verklemmt. Der andere Franzose war inzwischen verschwunden; Vielleicht wurde er abgeschossen, vielleicht ist er in Sicherheit getaucht, niemand weiß es. Emil sagt, er habe den letzten Franzosen ein letztes Mal erschossen, bevor dieser entkommen konnte.

    Oberleutnant Kesselstein’s sacrifice allowed Dinosaur to turn back towards the target, after extinguishing the fire in his aircraft. Naturally, this drew the attention of one of the other Frenchmen, but Emil attacked him immediately. Emil’s oil pan was hit, but he dealt even more damage to the French aircraft (or so he said-I wasn’t there, so I have no reason to believe otherwise. I have seen him shoot, though, and he is a very good shot.) Von Flugsaurier also attacked the same aircraft. Detlef also was able to shoot, but he says his gun jammed. The other Frenchman had by now dissappeared; perhaps he was shot down, perhaps he dived to safety, noone knows. Emil says he shot the last Frenchman one last time before the latter managed to escape. {Notes: Picture 39, Eidechse applied his sniper ability: the original card instead of the 1 damage was a 0, jam; and the return fire was at +1 for aim; after the 42nd picture, Cardonnier had enough damage to force a RTB. I ended the scenario at that point, as there was no remaining aerial opposition, and the Albatros could easily remain out of range of the AAMGs while getting the remaining pictures}
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	37. Recon return.jpg 
Views:	41 
Size:	146.8 KB 
ID:	272162 Click image for larger version. 

Name:	38. Eidechse sniper.jpg 
Views:	42 
Size:	170.6 KB 
ID:	272163 Click image for larger version. 

Name:	39. von Flugsaurier's shot.jpg 
Views:	40 
Size:	132.6 KB 
ID:	272164

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	40. Reptil's gun jam.jpg 
Views:	42 
Size:	170.1 KB 
ID:	272165 Click image for larger version. 

Name:	41. Last shot.jpg 
Views:	43 
Size:	150.8 KB 
ID:	272166

    Schließlich gelang es von Flugsaurier, die erforderlichen Fotos zu bekommen, so dass es eine erfolgreiche Mission war. Wir sind jedoch traurig über den Verlust eines anderen Abteilungsleiters; Wir glauben nicht, dass es irgendeine Hoffnung für seine Rückkehr gibt. Und wir haben nicht gehört, was aus Krokodil und Schwantzpeitschend geworden ist; Wie gesagt, Feuer in der Luft ist normalerweise tödlich. Persönlich geht es mir aber gut; Helga wird dir sagen, dass Kopfwunden viel bluten und oft schlimmer aussehen als sie sind. Meins war in dieser Kategorie; Es erforderte ein wenig mehr als Baden und einen Verband, und ich musste überhaupt keinen Dienst verpassen. Schenke Schwester Helga und dem kleinen Wolfgang meine Liebe. Ihrer liebender Sohn, Leopold.

    In the end, von Flugsaurier was able to get the necessary photographs, so it was a successful mission. We are saddened though, by the loss of another Abteilung leader; we do not believe there is any hope for his return. And we have not had word of what has become of Krokodil and Schwantzpeitschend; as I said, fire in the air is usually fatal. Personally, though, I am well; Helga will tell you that head wounds bleed a lot, and often look worse than they are. Mine was in this category; it required a little more than bathing and a bandage, and I was not at all required to miss any duty. Do give my love to sister Helga and little Wolfgang. Your loving son, Leopold.
    Last edited by zenlizard; 07-20-2019 at 15:03.

  2. #2


    The Butcher’s Bill:
    Albatros #1 (Vzfwbl Ludwig Dinosaurier & Ltn Hugo von Flusaurier) damage:
    Ludwig Dinosaurier/RTB/-/0 victories
    Hugo von Flugsaurier/RTB/-/0 victories, all targets photographed
    {Note: bottom row is fire damage, total 10 points}
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	42. Albatros #1 damage.jpg 
Views:	41 
Size:	52.6 KB 
ID:	272167

    Albatros #2 (Fwbl Sebastian Krokodil & Ltn Gustav von Schwantzpeitschend) damage:
    Sebastian Krokodil/SD-FLM-ET/-/0 Victories
    C & W roll 10-2 FLM = 8, Injured - Skip 1d2 missions, roll 5, skip 2
    E & E roll 10-1 FLM, -1BEL -1WIC = 7 - Injured, skip 1. Total skip 2 missions.
    Gustav von Schwantzpeitschend/SD-FLM-ET/-/1 Victory
    C & W roll 7-2 FLM = 5, Skip 1d3 missions, roll 6, skip 3
    E & E roll 8-1 FLM, -1 BEL -1WIC = 5 - Injured, skip 1d2 missions, roll 4, skip 2. Total skip 3 missions
    {Note: bottom row is fire damage, total 16 points}
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	43. Albatros #2 damage.jpg 
Views:	41 
Size:	54.9 KB 
ID:	272168

    Fokker #1 (Ltn Leopold Säugerjäger) damage:
    Leopold Säugerjäger/FRTB-W/WIA/0 Victories
    C & W roll 9-1 WIA, +1 RTB = 9, all’s well when you landed well Skip 0 missions
    {Note: total 8 damage}
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	44. Fokker #1 damage.jpg 
Views:	43 
Size:	66.4 KB 
ID:	272169

    Fokker #2 (Ltn Detlef Reptil) damage:
    Detlef Reptil/RTB/-/0 Victories
    {Note: total 7 damage}
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	45. Fokker #2 damage.jpg 
Views:	41 
Size:	58.3 KB 
ID:	272170

    Halberstadt #1 (ObLtn Kalman Kesselstein) damage:
    Kalman Kesselstein/SD-EXP-ET/-/0 Victories
    C & W roll 5-3 EXP= 2 KIA
    {Note: Image missing, don't know when I deleted it, but it didn't show up on my phone camera either}

    Halberstadt #2 (Ltn Emil Eidechse) damage:
    Emil Eidechse/RTB/-/0 Victories
    {Note: bottom row at +1, total 3 points damage}
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	46. Halberstadt #2 damage.jpg 
Views:	41 
Size:	40.0 KB 
ID:	272171

    Nieuport 12 #1 (S/Lt Antoine Pelletier & Sgt Eugène Guerrier) damage:
    Antoine Pelletier/SD-COL-FT/-/0 Victories
    C & W roll 5-2 COL = 3 Injured - Skip 1d6, roll 3=skip 3 total
    Eugène Guerrier/SD-COL-FT/-/0 Victories
    C & W roll 7-2 COL = 5 - Injured skip 1d3, roll 6=skip 3 total
    {Note: bottom card collision damage, A/C down by collision}
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	47. Nieuport 12 #1 Damage.jpg 
Views:	40 
Size:	50.7 KB 
ID:	272172

    Nieuport 12 #2 (Lt Pierre Gilbert & Cpl Georges Regnier)
    Pierre Gilbert/SD-FLM-FT/WIA/1 Victory
    C & W roll 3 -2 FLM -1WIA = 0 - KIA
    Georges Regnier/SD-FLM-FT/-/0 Victories
    C & W roll 3 -2 FLM - = 1 - KIA
    {Note: middle card is fire damage, bottom card at +1, total 10 pts damage}
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	48. Nieuport 12 #2 damage.jpg 
Views:	41 
Size:	45.3 KB 
ID:	272173

    Nieuport 11 #1 (Asp Jean Delorme) damage:
    Jean Delorme/FRTB-ENG/-/0 Victories
    {Note: total 4 + engine damage}
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	49. Nieuport 11 #1 damage.jpg 
Views:	42 
Size:	55.3 KB 
ID:	272174

    Nieuport 11 #2 (S/Lt Lucien Cordonnier) damage:
    Lucien Cordonnier/FRTB-DAM/-/0 Victories
    {Note: bottom row at +1, total 7 damage}
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	50. Nieuport 11 #2 damage.jpg 
Views:	41 
Size:	55.6 KB 
ID:	272175

    Morane #1 (S/Lt Antoine de Bonald) damage:
    Antoine de Bonald/FRTB-ENG/-/0 Victories
    {Note: total 2 + engine damage}
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	51. Morane #1 damage.jpg 
Views:	41 
Size:	48.0 KB 
ID:	272176

    Morane #2 (Lt Jacques Rouselle) damage:
    Jacques Rouselle/FRTB/-/1 Victory
    {Note: both cards at +1, total 7 damage}
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	52. Morane #2 damage.jpg 
Views:	42 
Size:	55.5 KB 
ID:	272177

    Final accounting:
    Photos: 2 of Fort @ 2 each = 4 VP
    2 of each cardinal direction @ 1 each = 8 VP
    2 French interceptors destroyed @ 1 each = 2 VP
    Total 14 VP

    1 Reconnaissance plane destroyed @ 2 each = 2 VP
    1 Hunter aircraft destroyed @ 1 each = 1 VP
    Total 3 VP

    German Victory

    Final thoughts: the points show a decisive German victory, but with another section leader killed, and a reconnaissance crew missing for most of the rest of the campaign, it is a very costly one. Hard to tell where the luck factor fell: a whole bunch of the German shots were misses, but only a minimum number of gun jams, considering I mixed two B damage decks together. Engine damage to the French aircraft made up a lot for the missed shots. The early detection (turn 2) of the mission by the French also had a major effect on the game. Overall, though, I’d have to evaluate this mission as having a slight advantage to the offensive side, were I to choose. Fun to play, though, one really needs a lot of stamina to deal with it.

    Onkel Ernst, I will be submitting replacement roster names by PM soon. Should I also go with replacements for Krokodil & von Schwantzpeitschend? (Such a lovely name, translates roughly to “Sir Tail-whipper”)

    ETA; does anyone know how I get rid of that double pic attachment, appended to the original post at the end? That's majorly annoying.
    And again, re: above edit: I finally got it, I had to exit site, clear my browser cache, and reenter advanced edit, but i got the dang thing taken care of.
    Last edited by flash; 07-22-2019 at 10:27. Reason: Tally correction

  3. #3


    Onkel says:

    Well done all, mission accomplished but a heavy price had to be paid for those photographs - I hope the army makes good use of them .
    Ltn Gustav von Schwantzpeitschend will receive his air gunner's badge for his victory
    Ltn Emil Eidechse promoted to ObLtn & takes over the flight
    Ltn Stephan Warane has joined the flight.

    Make sure you enter the WIC (wounded in crash) modifier to the E&E - can make a difference sometime but this time it made no difference.
    Last edited by flash; 07-22-2019 at 10:40.

  4. #4


    - that's my job ! Onkel will be back later - exercise over Devizes today

    Sapiens qui vigilat... "He is wise who watches"

  5. #5

    Thumbs up

    That was full on Action Sam & it was a bit similar to my own game which I played this morning except there were more aircraft shot down or FRTB in mine. My AAR will be a couple of days away.

    I do like your letters home!

    Rep is on its way..

  6. #6


    Nicely played and displayed, Sam.

    Thanks for including some closer shots in your AAR - made it much easier for me to follow.
    Another costly victory, but such was the life of Great War aviators.
    The Nieuport 12 crew also paid the ultimate sacrifice. (Nice to see the N.12s in action, too)

    das Ansehen komplimente sind auf ihrem Weg zu Ihnen

    i.e. Rep inbound

  7. #7


    Well done Sam - your lads got the pics but at a cost The Frenchies have started to add to their score at last !
    Onkel has spoken

    Sapiens qui vigilat... "He is wise who watches"

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by gully_raker View Post
    That was full on Action Sam & it was a bit similar to my own game which I played this morning except there were more aircraft shot down or FRTB in mine. My AAR will be a couple of days away.

    I do like your letters home!

    Rep is on its way..
    What happened to that post I made? Did it get scrambled by the Auto Translate I had activated??.
    Above is NOT what I originally typed
    Last edited by gully_raker; 07-22-2019 at 23:00.

  9. #9


    Not sure what you mean, Baz.
    It shows as post #5 above.

  10. #10


    Barry, what I saw as your original reply is what you said in the later one-IOW, from my point of view, nothing untoward happened to your post.

    Onkel-Oops, though I had accounted for the additional DRM for crash injuries. Good to keep in mind, though, as you say, it can make a big difference.

  11. #11


    Quote Originally Posted by gully_raker View Post
    What happened to that post I made? Did it get scrambled by the Auto Translate I had activated??....
    Maybe auto translate can't do Aussie Baz ?!
    Looked fine to me though - perhaps it didn't understand your banter..

    Quote Originally Posted by zenlizard View Post
    Onkel-Oops, though I had accounted for the additional DRM for crash injuries. Good to keep in mind, though, as you say, it can make a big difference.
    Indeed - if you include "Injured" in the results it should remind you ! I added it in

    Sapiens qui vigilat... "He is wise who watches"

  12. #12


    Quote Originally Posted by Stumptonian View Post
    Not sure what you mean, Baz.
    It shows as post #5 above.
    If you click on show original when you access Sams AAR it comes out as I wrote it but if you dont it shows as gobbliegook!

    It even messed up this one to some extent. Are you chaps reading it as OK?

  13. #13


    Ach so ! - I didn't click on translate so you came through clear Baz - having clicked on it now I see what you're saying.
    I never click on translate - no point as Sam presents it bi-lingual.

    Sapiens qui vigilat... "He is wise who watches"

  14. #14


    I seems to be trying to translate English back to ... English?

    There's a game of s/f story titles based on this premise.

  15. #15


    I only use the translate in the German and Czech forums, and do not have anything set to auto translate.
    I manually click on “Translate this page.”

  16. #16


    Must be his accent .....

    Sapiens qui vigilat... "He is wise who watches"

  17. #17


    Quote Originally Posted by flash View Post
    Must be his accent .....
    "His"...Barry's, or mine?

    Ahll Y'ahll don't know jack 'bout mah aksint.

    (No, IRL, I don't have much of a Southern-US stereotyped accent...except for some words. ARn, for example (iron), Arnj (orange).

  18. #18


    Accents and translations apart, this was another mammoth game, so many aircraft and so much going on.

    You did a great job with the storytelling, made a whole lot more sense than a blow by blow account, but what a story it was. I'm pleased I've been able to read the various game reports before I get to my own fight, I shall have to give some serious thought to having so many planes in the sky at one time.

    I like your flyers names but it does give some alarmingly long name tags.

  19. #19


    What John said I enjoyed it Sam except for the fact I'm supposed to be a Bulldog and therefore I shouldn't because you're an Eagle. But then, what the hell. REP inbound buddy - well played and sorry for your losses (i.e. ObLtn Kalman Kesselstein et al)

  20. #20


    Back and forth with some serious trading of heavy blows. I didn't know one plane could take more than one photo of each objective. My German score could easily have been higher! Oh well, the Hun obviously won anyway.

    Fatalities on both sides show how deadly a battle this on was.

    I do like your letters home. The names remind me or reading SF/Fantasy stories with a lot of complicated names. I just go by their first initial!

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