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Thread: OTT-DYM Mission 5: Adler Tag-Team - 5th February 1916 by Zenlizard

  1. #1

    Default OTT-DYM Mission 5: Adler Tag-Team - 5th February 1916 by Zenlizard

    Liebe Mutter und Vater 14. Februar 1916

    Inzwischen hätten Sie gehört, dass Ihr Sohn im Kampf verletzt wurde. Bitte seien Sie versichert, obwohl ich in der Tat im Krankenhaus bin, war die Wunde relativ gering und ich bin ansonsten bei guter Gesundheit. Sorgen Sie sich nicht um Ihren Sohn - dies ist der Preis, der für die Verteidigung des Heimatlandes gezahlt werden muss. Das heißt aber nicht, dass ich gut drauf bin, denn unser verehrter Abteilungsleiter, Oberleutnant von Öffnungfächer, hat den Höchstpreis bezahlt.

    Dear Mother and Father: 14 February 1916

    By now, you would have heard that you son has been wounded in combat. Please rest assured, although I am indeed in the hospital, the wound was relatively minor, and I am otherwise in good health. Do not worry yourselves about your son-this is the price that must be paid for the defense of the homeland. This is not to say I am in high spirits, however, because our admired section leader, Oberleutnant von Öffnungfächer, has paid the ultimate price.

    So kam es: Letzte Woche wurde mir befohlen, mit Wolfgang Schildkröte eine Sperrflug Luftwachdienst zu fliegen. Es war spät, wir hatten zu wenig Treibstoff und wollten gerade nach Hause fliegen, als wir sahen, dass sich unsere Erleichterung für das Treffen zeigte. Dies waren Herr Oberleutnant und Leutnant Emil Eidechse in einem von Halberstadt gebauten neuen Doppeldecker-Jagdflugzeug. Es mag der Versuch eines Treffen gewesen sein, der uns dazu veranlasst hat, unsere Wachsamkeit zu verlieren, aber in diesem Moment waren wir von vier französischen Einsitzern überrascht. Wir waren sofort in Schwierigkeiten: Sie näherten sich uns nicht nur von der Seite, von der aus wir nicht zurückschießen konnten, sondern sie hatten auch einen Höhenvorteil, was im Luftkampf sehr wichtig war.

    It happened this way: Last week, I was ordered to fly a routine barrier patrol with Wolfgang Schildkröte. It was late, we were getting low on fuel, and about to turn to fly home when we saw our relief show up for the rendezvous. This was Herr Oberleutnant and Leutnant Emil Eidechse in a pair of the new biplane hunting aircraft built by Halberstadt. It may have been the attempt at rendezvous that cause us to let down our guard, but right then, we were bounced by four French single-seaters. We were in trouble immediately: not only did they approach us from the side, where we couldn’t shoot back, but they also had an altitude advantage, a very important thing in aerial combat.
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	0. Bounce.jpg 
Views:	36 
Size:	121.6 KB 
ID:	267791

    Wir wehrten uns jedoch hartnäckig: Ich hatte fast sofort einen französischen Doppeldecker im Visier und sah, wie eine Flamme von meinem Ziel ausbrach. Tatsächlich war es dasselbe Flugzeug, das Herrn Oberleutnant getötet hat, obwohl ich es damals nicht wusste. Die Infanterie, die Zeuge war, sagte, der Flügel der Halberstadt sei zusammengebrochen, und das Flugzeug sei in den Boden geschleudert. Herr Oberleutnant wurde entweder durch das Feuer des Franzosen oder durch den Absturz getötet.

    We fought back tenaciously, though: I almost immediately had a French biplane in my sights, and saw a burst of flame erupt from my target. It was this same aircraft, in fact, which killed Herr Oberleutnant, although I did not know it at the time. The infantry who witnessed it said that the Halberstadt’s wing crumpled, and the airplane spun into the ground. Herr Oberleutnant was either killed by the Frenchman’s fire, or by the crash.
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	1. First shots.jpg 
Views:	35 
Size:	111.4 KB 
ID:	267799
    (Notes: Altitude: All German aircraft have climbed (Fokker #2, Wolfgang Schildkröte, just this phase), therefore at altitude 5, with one climb counter. Morane #1 (no stripe fuselage, Lucien Cordonnier) has dived to altitude 5, as has Nieuport #2, (red and white fuselage, Jean Thierrens), just this phase; Nieuport #1 (camoflage, Paul Roques) and Morane #2 (red stripe fuselage, Antoine de Bonald) are at altitude 6 still. Therefore, no collision between Schildkröte & de Bonald. Damage notes: Fokker #1 (green, Leopold Säugejäger): 0, 2+fire; Halberstadt #1 (camoflage, von Öffnungfächer): 4, 1+right rudder jam; Halberstadt #2 (cream finish, Emil Eidechse): 1; Nieuport #2, explosion, 1+pilot wound. If the boom card had not made it irrelevant, the 1+ pilot wound would have been a 2+ pilot wound, due to diving advantage. Yes, there are three of us firing at the Nieuport. But remember, this is told from a limited point of view, so naturally Säugejäger is going to report what he sees. Last note here: this is the third or fourth scenario in a row (either face to face or solo) that I have, with my opening burst, set an opposing aircraft on fire. Somehow, I don’t think this is what Angolino had in mind with the “Fire Expert” ace skill, and yet, my character has it.)

    Die Schlacht wurde ziemlich verwirrt und ich vermied es knapp, mit befreundeten und feindlichen Flugzeugen zusammenzustoßen. Ich muss sagen, dass das flammende Leuchtfeuer etwas leichter zu vermeiden war.

    The battle became quite confused, and I narrowly avoided colliding with both friendly and enemy aircraft. I must say that the flaming beacon was somewhat easier to avoid.
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	2. Near Collision.jpg 
Views:	35 
Size:	95.0 KB 
ID:	267802 Click image for larger version. 

Name:	3. Fire Damage.jpg 
Views:	36 
Size:	77.4 KB 
ID:	267803 Click image for larger version. 

Name:	4. Another.jpg 
Views:	35 
Size:	130.5 KB 
ID:	267806
    (Note: Nieuport #1 at alt 6, I am at alt 5 with two or three climb counters, Nieuport #2 at altitude 5, no climb counters.)

    Ich sah den brennenden Nieuport herumwirbeln, als der Pilot versuchte, den Flammen auszuweichen, aber es schien auch, als wollte er auf Leutnant Eidechse schießen.

    I saw the burning Nieuport spin around, when the pilot was trying to avoid the flames, but it also seemed as if he wanted to shoot at Leutnant Eidechse.
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	5. Range.jpg 
Views:	35 
Size:	125.5 KB 
ID:	267810
    (Note: First screw-up of the day: I had forgotten that the Nieuport had a rudder jam, and wasn’t supposed to be able to turn right; but that’s what the charts said, and it made a lot of sense to me. It wasn’t until I was collecting the damage cards that I realized the error, and I wasn’t going to go back and re-set.)

    Aber dann drehte sich der Leutnant um und schoss den Nieuport ab.

    But then, the Leutnant turned and gave the Nieuport a burst, which shot it down.
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	6. Nieuport2 Down.jpg 
Views:	35 
Size:	79.7 KB 
ID:	267811

    Nach all dem sah ich beide feindlichen Eindecker meinen Fluggefährten angreifen; aber die Franzosen scheinen unglaublich schlechte Schüsse zu sein, oder vielleicht ist Leutnant Schildkröte gut darin, Kugeln auszuweichen.

    After all this, I saw both enemy monoplanes attack my flight mate; but it seems the French are incredibly bad shots, or maybe Leutnant Schildkröte is good at avoiding bullets.
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	7. First miss.jpg 
Views:	36 
Size:	93.4 KB 
ID:	267817 Click image for larger version. 

Name:	8. Second Miss.jpg 
Views:	35 
Size:	122.7 KB 
ID:	267818

    Eidechse drehte sich um und stieg auf den Schwanz eines der Moranes. Er hat jedoch nicht geschossen, möglicherweise war er außer Reichweite.

    Eidechse turned and got on the tail of one of the Moranes; he didn’t shoot, though, he may have been out of range.
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	9. German Range.jpg 
Views:	35 
Size:	127.6 KB 
ID:	267819

    Ich hatte das Gefühl, dass einige Schüsse in mein Flugzeug geflogen sind, aber dies war nicht der Zeitpunkt, an dem ich verwundet wurde. In der Zwischenzeit sah ich Leutnant Eidechse auf ein anderes Eindecker schießen. Ich schoss erneut auf ein feindliches Eindecker und sah Rauch aus meinem Ziel. Ich kreiste, um einen weiteren Schuss zu bekommen, aber anstatt das Ziel zu treffen, klemmte meine Waffe. In diesem Moment wurde ich erschossen: Ich spürte, wie der Sitz zersprang und eine Kugel zusammen mit Splittern in mein Bein schoss.

    I felt some shots hit my airplane, but this wasn’t when I was wounded; that came later. But in the meantime, I saw Leutnant Eidechse firing at another monoplane. I did shoot again at an enemy monoplane, and saw smoke coming out of my target. I circled to get another shot at it, but instead of hitting the target, my gun jammed. It was that moment when I was hit: I felt the seat shatter and a bullet go into my leg, along with splinters.
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	10. My plane is hit.jpg 
Views:	36 
Size:	120.0 KB 
ID:	267820 Click image for larger version. 

Name:	11. Smoking.jpg 
Views:	36 
Size:	94.5 KB 
ID:	267821 Click image for larger version. 

Name:	12. Wounded.jpg 
Views:	35 
Size:	110.1 KB 
ID:	267822

    Während meine Wunde für einen Moment Ablenkung verursachte und ich fast mit einem anderen Feind kollidierte, schoss der andere Moran ebenfalls auf Leutnant Eidechse. Und während der französische Doppeldecker beinahe Leutnant Schildkröte abschoss, konnte ich nicht schießen, da ich aufgrund meiner Wunde Schwierigkeiten hatte, den Stau zu beseitigen. Leutnant Eidechse erzählte mir später, dass er es auch knapp vermieden habe, mit beiden französischen Eindecker zusammenzustoßen. Ich habe auch gesehen, wie Schildkröte einen frontalen Schuss auf den Nieuport abgegeben hat.

    While my wound caused a momentary distraction, and I almost collided with another enemy, the other Morane also shot at Leutnant Eidechse. And while the French biplane almost shot Leutnant Schildkröte, I couldn’t return the favor, as I was having difficulty clearing the jam due to my wound. Leutnant Eidechse told me later, that he also narrowly avoided colliding with both French monoplanes. I also saw Schildkröte make a head-on firing pass at the Nieuport.
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	13. Morane shot.jpg 
Views:	36 
Size:	97.2 KB 
ID:	267823 Click image for larger version. 

Name:	14. Three way.jpg 
Views:	35 
Size:	99.0 KB 
ID:	267824 Click image for larger version. 

Name:	15. head on.jpg 
Views:	35 
Size:	72.5 KB 
ID:	267825
    (Note: second screw-up, I forgot that a wound does not automatically force a return to base, but that’s the way I played it. It was also at or close to the turn limit for fuel in the scenario rules, so again, the action makes sense in the context of the game.)

    Zu diesem Zeitpunkt war ich verwundet, hatte wenig Treibstoff und meine Waffe war eingeklemmt. Ich vermutete auch, dass Schildkröte wenig Treibstoff hatte. Es war Zeit, nach Hause zu fahren. Leutnant Eidechse verfügte jedoch über genügend Munition und Treibstoff, weshalb er den verbleibenden französischen Doppeldecker angriff. Eidechse schoss mehrmals und sah schließlich seinen Gegner fallen, als seine Waffe klemmte.

    At this point, I was wounded, I was low on fuel, and my gun was jammed; I also surmised that Schildkröte was low on fuel. It was time to head for home. Leutnant Eidechse, though, had plenty of ammunition and fuel, so he attacked the remaining French biplane. Eidechse shot it several times, and finally saw his opponent fall, just as his gun jammed.
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	16. Heading home A.jpg 
Views:	33 
Size:	106.1 KB 
ID:	267826 Click image for larger version. 

Name:	17. Heading home B.jpg 
Views:	35 
Size:	89.7 KB 
ID:	267827

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	18. Second burst.jpg 
Views:	35 
Size:	112.2 KB 
ID:	267828 Click image for larger version. 

Name:	19. Nieuport1 Down.jpg 
Views:	34 
Size:	102.2 KB 
ID:	267829

    Die Franzosen hatten immer noch Zahlen auf ihrer Seite, aber Eidechse ließ sich davon nicht aufhalten; er hatte die Auflösung von von Öffnungfachers Flugzeug gesehen und wollte sich rächen.
    (Note: at this point, with my own aircraft heading back for base, I took over the planning of the Halberstadt’s moves, rather than have the AI program. This is really what made the scenario into the marathon session that it was. To save space and time, I’m omitting the majority of the remaining documentary. Suffice to say, the game went on for a total of 19 turns.)
    Für eine Weile sah es nach einer rücksichtslosen Entscheidung aus. Denn als er einen Moran angriff, griff ihn der andere an. Er war in der Lage, einen der Feinde mit einem Ausbruch zu vertreiben. Vielleicht hatte der Franzose, der entkommen war, auch Benzinprobleme; oder vielleicht hatte er keine Munition mehr; oder vielleicht wurde das Flugzeug schwer beschädigt; oder vielleicht war er einfach ein Feigling. Niemand wird es jemals erfahren. Dies ermöglichte jedoch Eidechse, den Vorteil gegenüber seinem Angreifer zu erlangen.

    The French still had numbers on their side, but Eidechse didn’t let this stop him; he had seen the destruction of von Öffnungfächer’s aircraft, and wanted revenge. For a while, it looked like a reckless decision. For as he attacked one Morane, the other attacked him. He was able to drive off one of the enemy with a burst. Perhaps the Frenchman that escaped also had fuel problems; or, perhaps he was out of ammunition; or perhaps he airplane was severely damaged; or perhaps he simply was a coward. No one will ever know. This did, however, enable Eidechse to turn the tables on his attacker.
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	20. Mutual support.jpg 
Views:	34 
Size:	112.5 KB 
ID:	267830 Click image for larger version. 

Name:	21. French +1.jpg 
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Size:	109.8 KB 
ID:	267831 Click image for larger version. 

Name:	22. Driven off.jpg 
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Size:	56.2 KB 
ID:	267832
    (Note: third screw-up: I shouldn’t have let the AI system fly the Morane off the map, but again, it made sense in the context of the game. I still haven’t decided what excuse to go with, so I left that to Säugerjäger’s speculation.)

    Die beiden umkreisten sich vorsichtig und ließen nur gelegentliche Schüsse zu. In der Tat kollidierten diese beiden an einem Punkt fast. Aber durch überlegenes Manövrieren gelang es Eidechse erneut, die Morane zu erschießen. In seiner Verzweiflung schien der Franzose versucht zu haben, frontal vorbeizukommen, was normalerweise ein gefährliches Manöver ist. Also bewies es: Eidechse erschoss ihn, er erwies sich als Held des Tages, nachdem er drei Franzosen vernichtet hatte. Dies mindert jedoch nicht unser Leid über den Verlust des Oberleutnants.

    The two circled each other warily, with opportunities for only occasional shots. Indeed, at one point, these two almost collided.
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	23. Another burst.jpg 
Views:	34 
Size:	86.3 KB 
ID:	267833
    But by superior maneuvering, Eidechse was again able to shoot the Morane. In desperation, it seemed, the Frenchman tried to make a head-on pass, which is usually a dangerous maneuver. So it proved: Eidechse shot him down, a proved himself the hero of the day, having destroyed three Frenchmen. Though this does not decrease our sorrow over the loss of the Oberleutnant.
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	24. Another close call.jpg 
Views:	35 
Size:	111.9 KB 
ID:	267834 Click image for larger version. 

Name:	25. After Immelmann.jpg 
Views:	34 
Size:	106.6 KB 
ID:	267835 Click image for larger version. 

Name:	26. Head-on.jpg 
Views:	35 
Size:	76.9 KB 
ID:	267836
    (Notes: A reminder that Eidechse has the sniper ability, meaning that most of his shots were effective. This is one of the reasons I, as a game player, was confident on taking on two slightly inferior aircraft. Also, the nearly decisive shot, where Eidechse did two points of damage, came off a mutual Immelmann maneuver: just that mine was timed a little better than the AI’s)
    Last edited by zenlizard; 05-14-2019 at 13:24.

  2. #2


    Butcher's Bill
    Fokker #1, Lt Leopold Säugerjäger/FRTB/WIA/0 Kills
    C & W 8-1(WIA), +1(Landed at Aerodrome)=8, skip 1d2. Roll 2, Skip 1 total
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	63 Fokker1 Damage.jpg 
Views:	35 
Size:	80.0 KB 
ID:	267838

    Fokker #2, Lt Wolfgang Schildkröte/RTB/-/0 Kills
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	64. Fokker2 Damage.jpg 
Views:	35 
Size:	69.0 KB 
ID:	267839
    (Bottom row of cards at +1: irrelevant in this case)

    Halberstadt #1, Gernot von Öffnungfächer/SD-FT/Exp/0 Kills
    C & W 5-3(exp) =2, KIA
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	60. Halberstadt1 Damage.jpg 
Views:	36 
Size:	76.5 KB 
ID:	267840

    Halberstadt #2, Emil Eidechse/RTB/-/3 Kills
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	67. Halberstade2 Damage.jpg 
Views:	36 
Size:	63.2 KB 
ID:	267841
    (Bottom card at +1)

    Morane #1, S/LT Lucien Cordonnier/RTB/-/0 Kills
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	65. Morane #1 Damage.jpg 
Views:	34 
Size:	65.9 KB 
ID:	267843

    Morane #2, S/LT Antoine de Bonald/SD-NML/-/0 Kills
    C & W 5-1(SD) -1(NML) = 3 skip 1d6. Roll 1, Skip1.
    E & E roll 11 +1(NML) = 12, They Never Even Saw Me! Total skip 1
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	66. Morane #2 Damage.jpg 
Views:	34 
Size:	81.8 KB 
ID:	267844
    (Bottom row of cards at +1)

    Nieuport #1, Lt Paul Roques/SD-ET/-/0 Kills
    C & W 2-1(SD) = 1 KIA
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	62. Nieuport #1 Damage.jpg 
Views:	34 
Size:	69.0 KB 
ID:	267845
    (Bottom row of cards at +1)

    Nieuport #2, Asp Jean Thierrens/SD-ET/FLM/1 Kill
    C & W 7-2(FLM) = 5 Injured, skip 1d3, roll 1, Skip 1
    E & E roll 7-1(FLM) -1(BEL) = 5. In hiding, skip 1d2, roll 5, skip 2. Total skip 2
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	61. Nieuport #2 Damage.jpg 
Views:	35 
Size:	66.1 KB 
ID:	267846

    Final result, and thoughts: German 3 aircraft destroyed, 9 (not awarding the one point for the screw-up, escaping morane); French, 1 aircraft destroyed, 1 forced off map (counting the wound as forced, it made a lot more sense than the other screw up), 4 points. German victory.
    I really didn't expect this scenario to go on for so long. First time I've used the d8 charts for the AI; I had previously been using the cards developed by...uh, name, I've lost track. Overall, the d8 system does seem to provide a little more variation in what the aircraft do, although that variation isn't always the best thing. But I've noticed in a lot of 1-on-1 games, either face to face or by AI, the game does become drawn out. Much less so than when multiple aircraft are involved. In the end, though, it was a quite enjoyable furball.

    Onkel Ernst, sein gedenken?
    Last edited by zenlizard; 05-14-2019 at 17:03.

  3. #3


    Onkel says:

    A sad day indeed for the Eagles with the loss of their leader but such is war when leading from the front. It is good to know he was avenged and that the French have paid a high price for his life.

    Ltn Emil Eidechse earns his pilots badge and the Iron Cross 2nd class for his victories - though somewhat tainted...
    (Notes: A reminder that Eidechse has the sniper ability, meaning that most of his shots were effective. This is one of the reasons I, as a game player, was confident on taking on two slightly inferior aircraft. Also, the nearly decisive shot, where Eidechse did two points of damage, came off a mutual Immelmann maneuver: just that mine was timed a little better than the AI’s)
    Note: Your pilot and some others on your roster will be given an inherent ace skill that can be used once per game & will be the first ace skill they achieve.
    Seems like a refresher visit to the rules section may be called for before the next outing Sam...

    Lt Jacques Rouselle has been posted to take command of the French Bulldogs - lets hope his luck holds better than the last two incumbents !

    Addendum: ObLtn Kalman Kesselstein is moved from the tandem section to the command slot. His P2 slot is taken by Vzfwbl Ludwig Dinosaurier, Ltn Hugo von Flugsaurier takes command of the tandem section.
    Last edited by flash; 05-15-2019 at 23:12.

  4. #4


    Sorry you lost Oberleutnant von Öffnungfächer - that is not good at all. However, he seems to have been well and truly revenged with the loss of three French aircraft and Lt Paul Roques (shame about his loss too )- a fine victory for the Adlers. Congratulations to them and well played. Still really enjoying the German lessons too - thanks for that and for sharing Hope the leg wound heals soon

  5. #5

    Thumbs up

    That was certainly a big furball!

    Always sad to lose your Kette leader but that's War.

    Found the photos were very small Sam. Did you have to reduce them to upload?

    Anyway Rep for your German Text & a great battle.

  6. #6


    19 turns!

    I have had marathons like that in the past where one starts to feel like calling it sooner, especially if there are only a couple of combatants left.
    Tough to lose your Oberleutnant to the BOOM card, but c'est la guerre ...

    A victory for our Adler, though, always a good thing.

    I have to agree with Baz, though:
    Found the photos were very small Sam
    Maybe it's our old guy eyes

    I wish I had drawn a more useful skill like your Eidechse - 3 kills in one mission - he will be catching Huebner soon. I'll trade ya for his "Bullet Checker"
    (You do realize that the inherent ace skills can only be used once per mission until the character attains actual ace level ?)

    I suppose I will be getting my own Halberstadts to the table soon - I do hope they perform more like Eidechse than von Öffnungfächer (a shame to lose such a terrific name)
    I had better get cracking and get my recently received Nieuport 11s converted to RFC, as well as my Bristol Scouts, also from The Hunter Collection. It might already be too late for them to be of any use in this campaign.

  7. #7


    Well quite a dust up - bad day for the French even if the result is a little dubious with the application of an ace skill the action was exciting and fitting for the story. Looks like being the French leader is a dangerous occupation - second loss in a week ! Onkel has posted his comments above.
    Last edited by flash; 05-15-2019 at 02:22.

    Sapiens qui vigilat "He is wise who watches"

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by Gully_raker
    Found the photos were very small Sam. Did you have to reduce them to upload?
    That is indeed, the case-I recently upgraded my Aerodrome membership to a subscription, but still was worried about image upload limits.

    Quote Originally Posted by Stumptonian
    (You do realize that the inherent ace skills can only be used once per mission until the character attains actual ace level ?)
    Ah, crap, no; thought that only applied to rookies. OK, count that as screw-up #4, then. Fortunately, Säugerjäger has the opportunity to live an learn.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sumptonian
    I do hope they perform more like Eidechse than von Öffnungfächer (a shame to lose such a terrific name)
    I really went all-out on the surnames of my roster. Yes, they are all reptile-related. "Säugerjäger" roughly translates to "Mammal-stalker": "Eidechse" is German for "Lizard": "Öffnungfächer" is roughly, "Throat-fan".

  9. #9


    Enjoyed it very much as usual Sam.
    With my screen set to my usual 200% the pictures were just fine thanks. I usually have to scroll the screen to see the whole picture. You can please some of the visually challenged some of the time.
    "Courage is the art of being the only one who knows you're scared to death."

  10. #10


    A fine victory, it's interesting the different way the same game is going, shows the randomness of the rules I guess.
    I ran out of space on my last game so I understand your concern over picture size, but as I'm reading this on a tablet they are very small without expanding the picture, but quite clear if viewed closely. I tried changing the colour picture to a black and white image but it didn't seem to reduce the file size at all?

    Emil Lizard it has a nice ring to it.

  11. #11


    Never trust a Hun! (at least thats what we French say in 1916) You have one of the best offensive skills to use. (once a game!) My poor rookie that started with an inherent skill didn't last long.

    Your luck was like mine with 1 KIA for each side. Bloody day.

    Well flown and a nice letter home. I'm sure it was censored and didn't get through with that much information.

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