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Thread: OTT-DYM Mission 2: 14 January 2016 – Coming and Going [zenlizard]

  1. #1

    Default OTT-DYM Mission 2: 14 January 2016 – Coming and Going [zenlizard]

    My degenerative disc disease has flared up again, I'm having great trouble moving around, and in general low on energy. So this time, instead of handwriting the German, I ended up typing it out. Side benefit is that it does make the German far easier to read. So, without further ado:

    17 January 1916
    Lieber Schwester Helga:

    Ich habe jetzt eine neue Hinzicht vor der Arbeit, die Sie bei der Pflege unserer tapferen Soldaten an der Ostfront leisten. Ich bin gerade von einem besiegten feindlichen Flieger im nahegelegenen Feldkrankenhaus zurückgekehrt. Krankenhäuser sind wirklich schreckliche Orte, und da Sie weitaus mehr Erfahrung als ich haben, kann ich nicht anders, als mich zu fragen, wie Sie es täglich tun.

    17 January 1916
    Dear sister Helga:

    I now have a newfound respect for the work you do in caring for our brave soldiers on the Eastern front. I have just returned from visiting a vanquished enemy airman in the nearby field hospital. Hospitals are truly horrible places, and as you have far more experience in this than I do, I cannot help but wonder how you do it day-to-day.

    Lass mich dir alles erzählen, was passiert ist. Vorgestern flog ein französisches Flugzeug hinter unseren Linien und bombardierte eine unserer Eisenbahnen. Leutnant Schildkröte und ich wurden angewiesen, den Feind abzufangen und dann zu patrouillieren, bis unser Treibstoff aufgebraucht war, falls ein anderer französischer Gentleman uns erneut angreifen wollte.

    Let me tell you what happened. The day before yesterday, a French airplane flew behind our lines and bombed one of our railroads. Lieutenant Schildkröte and I were ordered up to intercept the enemy, then to patrol until our fuel was low, in case any other French gentleman cared to have another go.

    Wir flogen nebeneinander, als wir den Bomber entdeckten, der versuchte, zu seinen Linien zu fliehen.

    We were flying in line abreast, keeping in close contact, when we spotted the bomber attempting to escape back to his lines.
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	1. The Approach.jpg 
Views:	49 
Size:	180.1 KB 
ID:	263043

    Dann planten der Leutnant und ich wie geplant unser Flugzeug und hofften, das französische Flugzeug im Kreuzfeuer zu fangen.

    Then, as planned, the Leutnant and I began to weave our aircraft, hoping to trap the French airplane in a crossfire.
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	2. Cross move.jpg 
Views:	49 
Size:	279.1 KB 
ID:	263044

    Leutnant Schildkröte flog ein bisschen, und ich ging auf den Feind zu. Dann machte ich eine scharfe Kurve, um hinter ihm zu kommen, während der Leutnant einen entgegengesetzten Weg flog.

    Leutnant Schildkröte was doing some fancy flying, and I headed towards the enemy. Then I made a sharp turn to get behind him, while the Leutnant flew an opposite path.
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	3. Immelmann.jpg 
Views:	50 
Size:	282.9 KB 
ID:	263045
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	4. Chase.jpg 
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Size:	266.7 KB 
ID:	263046

    Unsere Fokker sind wesentlich schneller als diese französischen Drückertypen - ich glaube, die Franzosen heissen sie "Voisin" -, und ich konnte in Schussposition kommen, nur um meine Waffe zu klemmen. Also, drehte ich mich um und versuchte, aus seiner Maschinenpistole zu sagen, während ich mich selbst entfernte.

    Our Fokkers are considerably faster than these French pusher types-I believe the French call them ‘Voisin’-, and I was able to get into firing position, only to have my gun jam. Therefore, I started to turn about, trying to say out of his machinegun, while clearing my own.
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	5. Shot.jpg 
Views:	51 
Size:	272.7 KB 
ID:	263047
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	6. Turning duel.jpg 
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Size:	230.7 KB 
ID:	263048
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	7. Behind him.jpg 
Views:	52 
Size:	204.5 KB 
ID:	263049

    Leutnant Schildkröte führte eine Art vertikaler Kreis aus, wir nennen ihn Immelmann, und schoss auf den Feind genau so, wie wir es erhofft hatten.

    Leutnant Schildkröte performed a kind of vertical circle, we call it an Immelmann, and shot at the enemy exactly as we were hoping to. [Note: French crew is Lt Pierre Gilbert, who has Sharp Eye skill, along with Sgt Eugène Gurrier. I allowed the Sgt to use the Lt’s skill, as that would make sense for this particular configuration. Therefore, two damage cards at long range]
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	8. Second Immelmann.jpg 
Views:	50 
Size:	183.3 KB 
ID:	263050
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	9. Pursuit.jpg 
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Size:	338.5 KB 
ID:	263051
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	10. Wolfgang shots.jpg 
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Size:	294.5 KB 
ID:	263052

    Dann hatte ich noch eine Runde, nur um meine Waffe wieder zu klemmen! Ich war nicht glücklich, ohne Waffe zu kämpfen!

    Then I got in another attack, only to have my gun jam again! I was not happy to be engaged in combat with the enemy without a weapon!
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	11. Jam Again.jpg 
Views:	50 
Size:	228.8 KB 
ID:	263053

    Ich flog erneut gegen den Feind und schüttelte meine Faust, denn das war alles, was ich tun konnte. Ich weiß nicht, warum er nicht auch auf mich geschossen hat, es sei denn, seine Waffe hatte sich ebenfalls verklemmt.

    I flew at the enemy again, shaking my fist, because that was all I could do. I don’t know why he wasn’t also shooting at me, unless it was because his gun had also jammed.
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	12. Fist Shaking.jpg 
Views:	50 
Size:	219.9 KB 
ID:	263054

    Aufgrund der Geschwindigkeit meines Flugzeugs flog ich an seinem Leitwerk vorbei und flog dann ziemlich schnell an ihm vorbei, so dass er endlich mein Flugzeug schlagen konnte (wie stark ich das damals nicht wusste).

    Due to the speed of my plane, I flew past his tail, and then swiftly past him, so he was finally able to hit my airplane (how severely, I did not know at the time).
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	13. Close pass.jpg 
Views:	50 
Size:	148.9 KB 
ID:	263055
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	14.Flying wing.jpg 
Views:	47 
Size:	177.6 KB 
ID:	263056
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	15. Hit!.jpg 
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Size:	209.2 KB 
ID:	263057

    Ich drehte mich um und kollidierte bei meinen Bemühungen, seine Schüsse zu vermeiden, mit ihm.

    I twisted around, and in my efforts to avoid his fire, collided with him.
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	16. Collision.jpg 
Views:	50 
Size:	230.7 KB 
ID:	263058

    Mein Maschinengewehr war immer noch gestaut, aber er schoss noch ein paar Schüsse auf mich, bevor er in eine Wolke flüchtete.

    My machinegun was still jammed, but he got in a few more shots at me before he escaped into a cloud. [Note: rookie problem here, iit takes 4 phases instead of 3 for me to clear a jam]
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	17. Departing shot.jpg 
Views:	49 
Size:	161.2 KB 
ID:	263059
    Last edited by flash; 02-18-2019 at 23:58. Reason: space pics, Prefix Added

  2. #2


    Mein Flugzeug schien auch nach der Kollision in Ordnung zu sein, also signalisierte ich dem Leutnant, dass ich die Patrouille fortsetzen könnte. Bald kam ein anderes Paar französischer Flugzeuge dazu. Was hatten sie vor? Wir werden uns wieder bombardieren? Waren sie hinter uns her, weil sie versuchten, ihren Bomber aufzuhalten? Wollten sie eine Aufklärung durchführen, um zu sehen, welchen Schaden der Bomber angerichtet hatte? Es machte eigentlich keinen großen Unterschied. Unsere Aufgabe war es, sie aufzuhalten.

    My aircraft seemed to be alright even after the collision, so I signaled to the Leutnant that I was able to continue the patrol. Soon, there came along another pair of French aircraft. What were they up to? Were they going to bomb us again? Were they after us for trying to stop their bomber? Were they going to photograph whatever damage the bomber had done? It actually didn’t make much difference; our job was to stop them.
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	18. Another Voisin.jpg 
Views:	48 
Size:	252.2 KB 
ID:	263060

    Eines der französischen Flugzeuge war ein Eindecker, der unseren Fokkern sehr ähnlich war. Dieses Flugzeug flog direkt in Leutnant Schildkröte, während ich den zweiten Voisin angriff.

    One of the Frenchmen was a monoplane, quite similar to our Fokkers; this airplane flew straight at Leutnant Schildkröte, while I went after the second Voisin.
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	19. Quick action.jpg 
Views:	51 
Size:	294.0 KB 
ID:	263061

    Ich stellte mich ziemlich vorsichtig auf und hoffte, dass meine Waffe diesmal vertrauenswürdig war. Es war in der Tat, und mein Ziel war perfekt. Mein Gegner zerfiel unter meinem Feuer, aber nicht bevor ich mehr Schüsse in mein eigenes Flugzeug spürte.

    I lined up quite carefully, hoping this time my weapon was trustworthy. It was indeed, and my aim was perfect; my opponent fell out of the sky after a short burst, but not before I felt more shots into my own aircraft. [Note 1: Here, the French aircraft has two potential targets: shot at the one who is shooting at you, or shoot at the closer one, as that might prove the greater danger. I assigned a 50/50 chance, and drew the short straw]
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	20. Boom!.jpg 
Views:	49 
Size:	286.8 KB 
ID:	263062
    [Note 2: Here, the Morane, faced with two opponents escapes according to the scenario rules Sumptonian presented]

    Am nächsten Tag, meine Schwester, durfte ich den gefangenen französischen Flieger besuchen: Ich habe erfahren, dass er Georges Hamot heisst, und er bei dem Absturz schwer verletzt wurde. sein Mannschaftskamerad wurde getötet.

    The next day, sister, I was allowed to visit the captured French airman: I learned his name is Georges Hamot, and he was severely injured in the crash, whereas his fellow airman was killed.

    Machst du weiter mit der tapferen Arbeit, die du erledigen, und wenn du zu Mutter, Vater und Wolfgang schreiben, schicks du meine Liebe.

    Do keep up the brave work you are doing, and if you write to Mom, Dad, and Wolfgang, be sure to send my love.
    Last edited by flash; 02-17-2019 at 11:24.

  3. #3


    Results and the Butcher’s bill:
    Bomber Escapes, Reconnaissance aircraft destroyed: draw
    Voisin #1
    Lt Pierre Gilbert/RTB/-/0 kills
    Sgt Eugène Gurrier/RTB/-/0 kills
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	21. Voisin damage.jpg 
Views:	47 
Size:	171.1 KB 
ID:	263063

    Voisin #2
    S/Lt Francis Guiget/SD Exp/ET/0 kills
    Fate roll 2 -3EXP = -1 KIA
    Cpl Georges Hamot/SD Exp/ET/0 kills
    Fate roll 6 -3EXP =3, Injured, Skip 1d6 weeks, roll 4= skip 4
    E & E roll 6 -1EXP -1BEL -1WIC = 3 Captured and Escaped; Skip 1d3, roll 2, skip 1
    Total skip 4 weeks

    S/Lt Antoine de Bonald/RTB/-/0 kills
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	24. Morane Damage.jpg 
Views:	49 
Size:	216.9 KB 
ID:	263064

    Beige Fokker
    Lt Wolfgang Schildkröte/RTB/-/0 kills
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	22. Beige Fokker Damage.jpg 
Views:	49 
Size:	223.1 KB 
ID:	263065

    Green Fokker
    Lt Leopold Säugerjäger/RTB/-/1 kill
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	23. Green Fokker Damage.jpg 
Views:	49 
Size:	210.9 KB 
ID:	263066

    Sowieso Onkel Ernst, wie gehts?
    Last edited by flash; 02-17-2019 at 11:50.

  4. #4


    Onkel says:

    Well flown Eagles, at least you prevented the recon getting their bomb damage assessment home even if you couldn't bag their bomber. They will have to send another plane now so be ready for it !
    Pilots badge for Säugerjäger for his first victory.

    - I had a little trouble reading this with the bi-lingual twist so I made the German language bit over with the Comic sans MS font just to make the distinction. It also gives it that 'written' look. You could also set it up as quotes to make it clearer.
    I also popped a space between the multiple images so the don't all run together.
    All in all pretty good tally - only missed WIC on Hamot's tally but it made no difference to the outcome.
    Last edited by flash; 02-17-2019 at 11:49.

  5. #5


    Looks good Sam, nice clean mission, really enjoyed the action
    Hope the back eases up some too.
    Last edited by flash; 02-17-2019 at 11:29.

    Sapiens qui vigilat... "He is wise who watches"

  6. #6


    Sorry to hear you are having back issues, Sam. You have my sympathy, although mine is mainly 'old age' and not as serious as yours.

    Nice to see the new Voisins make it to the table, and they do look terrific in action.
    A draw is better than a loss, so take some comfort in that. And enjoy Saugerjager's first victory.
    My green E.III does better for me as well.

    [Note 2: Here, the Morane, faced with two opponents escapes according to the scenario rules Sumptonian presented]
    Wrong Peter in this instance - Teaticket gets the credit for this mission.

  7. #7


    I'm used to the robbing of Peter to pay Paul. Now I'm being robbed to pay another Peter!? Oh the injustice!

    Nice AAR Sam. One kill and no losses is a good day in the air. Good to see the rookie advancing his skills.

    Like seeing the Voisins. They really look great. Hmmm, gotta get to some of these myself.

    Take care with your back. I feel your pain.

  8. #8

    Thumbs up

    Sorry to hear about your back problem Sam.
    Hope it improves real soon.
    Nice AAR & I really like your Voisins. Very Nice job!
    The German Translation was a bit "off" in English but hey ho don't really care.
    Rep Inbound!

  9. #9

    Thumbs up

    Now that was interesting!
    First time I visited the page auto translate changed the German text into weird English but the second time it appeared in German so good work with the German text letter!
    Last edited by flash; 02-20-2019 at 00:34. Reason: fix smileys

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by Stumptonian

    Wrong Peter in this instance - Teaticket gets the credit for this mission.
    Oops-Teaticket. yeah, that's it, I totally meant to type Teaticket.

    Quote Originally Posted by gully_raker
    First time I visited the page auto translate changed the German text into weird English but the second time it appeared in German so good work with the German text letter!
    OK, I simply *must* clear my cache and reload, so I can see what the auto-translate did.

  11. #11


    A very nice storyline Sam, the letter home is working well and gives a different slant to the report, a most enjoyable read.

    I was greatly impressed with Lt Leopold Säugerjäger, when his gun jammed he rammed the enemy plane, I think he should be recommended for a gallantry medal, most pilots would have steered away from the enemy and fixed their guns first.

    Sorry to hear about your back, sounds pretty bad, I know how debilitating it can be. Hope there is some improvement for you soon.

  12. #12


    Really enjoyed that Sam - thanks. I have to say it - a lot easier to follow when typed than hand written and Uncles idea of putting the German in a hand written script worked for me. Good to know that I would be in caring hands should I also end up in the enemies Krankenhaus Hard fought mission, interesting AAR - a good read and a fair result.
    Hope your disc problem has eased REP on the way.

  13. #13


    Still catching up with these Sam, so expect a bit of incoming flack, sorry I mean Rep in the next week or so.
    "Courage is the art of being the only one who knows you're scared to death."

  14. #14


    And here, I was thinking FlAK was something Onkel dished out...

  15. #15


    Very witty Captain.
    "Courage is the art of being the only one who knows you're scared to death."

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