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Thread: Border Reiver 2016

  1. #1

    Default Border Reiver 2016

    Border Reiver 2016.
    Saturday 3rd September.
    Gateshead International Stadium.

    Table booked. Any volunteers to assist?
    See you on the Dark Side......

  2. #2

    2nd Lieutenant

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    Sep 2015


    Hi Neil,
    Yes, I should be around for that.
    Last edited by Embis; 08-14-2016 at 02:44.

  3. #3


    Superb show. Glad to have you as my first wingman.
    See you on the Dark Side......

  4. #4


    OK Chaps Claymore this weekend, that gives you 4 weeks to book your seat at the wildest table at the Border Reiver show.

    Snoopy & The Angry Bird Squadron will be making a show plus all the usual regulars.
    See you on the Dark Side......

  5. #5


    Ok. For Border Reiver will definately be WW1.

    Some air battles arranged around the Somme.

    So some nice early birds action.
    See you on the Dark Side......

  6. #6


    Please Noooo! not the Angry Birds!!!! and Snoopy!!!!!

  7. #7


    Just for you Neil no they wont.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sparky View Post
    Please Noooo! not the Angry Birds!!!! and Snoopy!!!!!
    See you on the Dark Side......

  8. #8

    2nd Lieutenant

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    Sep 2015


    Looking a bit thin for the Border Reiver, is it just me 'n thee Neil?

  9. #9


    Come on chaps, back up Neil and Mark, otherwise we are going to lose these shows up North.
    "Courage is the art of being the only one who knows you're scared to death."

  10. #10


    I will be at the show, but possibly not till late morning, and I have a blog report of the show to do.
    I will pop by as usual, and try to give you a good billing on my blog!

  11. #11


    Looks like Embis, Sparky, Skipper (Seans last show before off to Uni) and myself, possibly with Sparky Tom and Ian. Yet to be confirmed.

    At least 3-4 possible 6.
    See you on the Dark Side......

  12. #12


    Good show Squadron Leader.
    That's the ticket.
    "Courage is the art of being the only one who knows you're scared to death."

  13. #13


    Don't know how many more years we can keep this going but after all next year is next year.
    See you on the Dark Side......

  14. #14


    We have shown the flag Neil.
    If the members want the shows they will have to support them.
    Put very simplistically, shows attract members,and new members buy aircraft.
    Aircraft keep the company going, and help to determine if it is worth bringing out new models which members buy and so on.
    I thank everyone on the Drome, and especially those who attend shows for helping to keeping our hobby going.
    "Courage is the art of being the only one who knows you're scared to death."

  15. #15


    I wonder how many new players are attracted by displays at shows, compared with other avenues of recruitment?
    As for myself, I was introduced by a friend at the club who liked the look of the plane models in a shop.

    One game (Flying and dying in a Spad XIII against a Fokker DRI) - and I was hooked!

    I had seen Wings of Glory at shows before this, thought 'Very nice' - and moved on to the next pretty game.

    I salute people who are willing to sacrifice their time and effort to put on games at shows...Well done chaps! - but I do wonder....

  16. #16


    I can tell you Richard, that we generally pick up from one to three new members at large shows, and the odd one from small shows within the week after. How many come into the fold as a result later on I can't say.
    "Courage is the art of being the only one who knows you're scared to death."

  17. #17


    I would imagine it's the same with most participation games Richard and Demo ones for that matter too. There aren't that many people who will spend 1-2 hours playing a game these days and get hooked. Clubs are the area that can concentrate time and effort I agree. Myself I am thinking of moving to areas where enthusiasts congregate, Air Museums. There is one is Scotland and 1 in Sunderland I am making contact with. Instead of competing with 20 other eras for the same punters why not specialise in an area where Air enthusiasts gather.

    Just an idea.


    Quote Originally Posted by Herkybird View Post
    I wonder how many new players are attracted by displays at shows, compared with other avenues of recruitment?
    As for myself, I was introduced by a friend at the club who liked the look of the plane models in a shop.

    One game (Flying and dying in a Spad XIII against a Fokker DRI) - and I was hooked!

    I had seen Wings of Glory at shows before this, thought 'Very nice' - and moved on to the next pretty game.

    I salute people who are willing to sacrifice their time and effort to put on games at shows...Well done chaps! - but I do wonder....
    See you on the Dark Side......

  18. #18


    Just to nail Border Reiver for those that CAN make it.

    WW1 table.
    No funny's.
    Squadron v Squadron mission based throughout the day with a drop in drop out at any time continuous play.
    Simplified climb and dive rules throughout.
    Adding in Chris' marvelous idea from York of damaged aircraft leaving the table and for each card off table they can remove 1 damage card. Entering play at the start of any 3 card sequence.
    Not worried about punters, they can join in when and where they want. All members will fly up to 2 aircraft each.
    Each player will have the opportunity to gain an ace card at the start as per Mike (OldGuys) Skype rules.
    See you on the Dark Side......

  19. #19


    Two very important posts here Neil.
    I fully agree with your idea about punters and the niche market.
    The drop in and out for them is also something I have been advocating at shows for some time.
    Selling it with the examples where, pilots suddenly arrived to find another squadron in trouble, shot an enemy off a fellow pilot's tail and then left to get on with another assignment.
    If they think they only need to spend 20 minutes or so in a game they are more likely to stay.
    So I'm all for your innovations, and will be interested to see the results.
    Also running one game all day takes a lot of the work out of changing scenery about.
    "Courage is the art of being the only one who knows you're scared to death."

  20. #20


    Good luck with the show guys! - I agree with the venue of an air museum being an 'Ace' idea!
    I hope the interest shown at BR rewards the efforts of putting on the game

  21. #21


    We have 4 confirmed to put on the table at Border Reiver.

    I'll email all who are attending the games rules in advance so we're singing off the same song sheet.
    See you on the Dark Side......

  22. #22


    Rabbit3 (Scotland Squadron Leader) will be attending, once his train arrives and the border Brexit team don't stop the train to check passports at the border.
    See you on the Dark Side......

  23. #23


    Not really worried Richard. But if we don't put one on then we wont know.

    Quote Originally Posted by Herkybird View Post
    Good luck with the show guys! - I agree with the venue of an air museum being an 'Ace' idea!
    I hope the interest shown at BR rewards the efforts of putting on the game
    See you on the Dark Side......

  24. #24


    Looking forward to seeing you all tomorrow at Border Reiver. We now have 6 members present.

    Open invitation to all you other budding pilots.

    See ya all there.
    See you on the Dark Side......

  25. #25


    Have a good one Neil.
    "Courage is the art of being the only one who knows you're scared to death."

  26. #26


    Likewise - fly the flag buddy, we shall try to do the same at Hereward in Peterboro'

    Never Knowingly Undergunned !!

  27. #27


    Here are my pictures from the show today!
    The lads got a lot of interest from the public, and got a few people to try this excellent game!

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    Scafloc gently tutoring a new player!
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    The lighting was a horrible yellow in the hall, so sorry for the poor quality of the pics!
    Last edited by Herkybird; 09-03-2016 at 12:40. Reason: Text added

  28. #28


    Looking great! I like seeing the bald heads as well, the elves and I would fit right in!

  29. #29


    Thanks for the hot off the Press photos Richard.
    looks as if a lot of fun was had by one and all as usual.
    "Courage is the art of being the only one who knows you're scared to death."

  30. #30


    Quote Originally Posted by Flying Officer Kyte View Post
    Thanks for the hot off the Press photos Richard.
    looks as if a lot of fun was had by one and all as usual.
    Yes, the guys did sterling service to the game!
    They worked well with the public and were very welcoming to visitors --I take my hat off to them!

  31. #31

    2nd Lieutenant

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    North Yorkshire
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    Sep 2015


    Thanks to all who came along, especially Neil for getting the table organised. It was a good day out, if a little quieter than we had anticipated.. Nice to put a few faces to names. Thanks again all.

  32. #32


    Before the pics I would like to give a special thanks to the following:
    Rob (Rabbit3), coming all the way from Edinburgh.
    Mark (Embis), coming up from Yorkshire.
    Neil (Sparky), another year of support.
    Tom (indie55), for answering the call.
    Sean (Skipper), for taking a day off work and our last show before he heads off to University.

    Some of my pics from the show:
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    Stall laid out...waiting for the punters.

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    Game 1: early war stuff, meet the Central Powers team:lL/R: Sean (skipper), Tom (Indie55), Neil (Sparky). Flying Eindeckers and Halberstads.

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    The Entente FB5 is on a mission. Get those targets photographed. Covered by A Morane and a DH2.

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    The CP aircraft are zoning in on their targets. Rob (Rabbit3) is nearby in a DH2.

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    An Eindecker bleeds smoke.

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    A Halberstadt bleeds flames....

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    Mark, (Embis), flying the FB5 brings some artillery down on a target of opportunity with devastating results.

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    Eindecker 1 (Tom) is down.

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    Shortly followed by a Morane (skafloc)

    The Entente came out on top in this game. The Central Powers were up for revenge in game 2.
    Last edited by Lt. S.Kafloc; 09-04-2016 at 07:19.
    See you on the Dark Side......

  33. #33


    Game 2: wanting some payback we set up a destroy the enemy balloon whilst protecting your own balloon game.

    I moved over and joined Neil and Tom so I could fly, for the first time, the lovely Dr1 Neil (Sparky) painted for me in my Verner Voss avatar colours.

    Sean (Skipper) joined the Entente where he is more at home and the team were joined by young Ronan trying out his hand.

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    Young Ronan is given some advice by Rob.

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    Tom (Richtofen) and Neil (Korner) fly off to take down the enemy balloon.

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    Tom tangles with Rob in the Brisfit.

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    Verner joins the fray (Neils lovely paint job)

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    and scores his first victory shooting down Mark's (Brown) Camel.

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    Tom makes a long job of shooting down the enemy balloon after many gun jams.

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    Ronan takes on the CP balloon in the Breguet. The balloon is on fire!

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    With 2 points remaining the balloon is safely down and the fire extinguished, a wounded observer very relieved. Unfortunately Ronan goes down right at the end.

    Game 2: Revenge is sweet!
    Last edited by Lt. S.Kafloc; 09-04-2016 at 08:42.
    See you on the Dark Side......

  34. #34


    Quote Originally Posted by Skafloc View Post
    I would imagine it's the same with most participation games Richard and Demo ones for that matter too. There aren't that many people who will spend 1-2 hours playing a game these days and get hooked. Clubs are the area that can concentrate time and effort I agree. Myself I am thinking of moving to areas where enthusiasts congregate, Air Museums. There is one is Scotland and 1 in Sunderland I am making contact with. Instead of competing with 20 other eras for the same punters why not specialise in an area where Air enthusiasts gather.

    Just an idea.

    I think this is an excellent idea and, increasingly museums are very much in favour of public participation events - especially child friendly ones. I think the trick would be to make the game/rules accessible to young(ish) children and try to tailor it for 30-45 minute games, which seems to be the current golden gaming period (see the ubiquitous space game or Tanks for example). The other advantage is that if you make it a free event you basically get the walk through attendees at the museum that day. And I imagine there would be opportunities to advertise the event (and by extension the game) on the museum's website.

    I'm going up to the RAF Museum at Hendon on Sunday 18 Sept with my youngest son (we're having a one on one day with my ex taking my eldest for the day) to look at the museum and talk to the archivist as well. I could easily make enquiries about the museum hosting a Wings of Glory exhibition/event. I'd be very happy to do this if others are interested.

    And great job on the Border Reiver event. The photos look fabulous.


  35. #35


    Will we see any of these pilots ar Donnie, Neil?
    <img src= border=0 alt= />
    "We do not stop playing when we get old, but we get old when we stop playing."

  36. #36


    Mark (Embis) has had to withdraw due to a family commitment. Rob (rabbit3) I am sure can't make it for work commitments (I could be wrong), Sean (skipper) my son will be at Canterbury University. Neil (Sparky) and Tom (indie55) might make an appearance but nothing definate.

    Quote Originally Posted by Nightbomber View Post
    Will we see any of these pilots ar Donnie, Neil?
    See you on the Dark Side......

  37. #37


    Game 3:

    This was a member v member game as the crowds had thinned to nothing in the late afternoon. Spad XIII'x v Albatros Dva's.

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    Mark (Embis)

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    Rob (rabbit3)

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    A draw was declared as we packed up and headed for home, some with longer journeys than others.
    My thanks again to, Rob, Mark, Neil, Tom, Sean and to our 3 players from the public for making this day a fantastic day out.
    See you on the Dark Side......

  38. #38


    Had an excellent day thanks to my C.O
    All the games were very enjoyable, the shooting down the Balloon was I felt a fast game, with one main objective get the enemy balloon before it is lowered and the other to protect your balloon.
    This game was easy for a novice to get to grips with, shooting a static target (balloon) and getting to grips with your manoeuvre cards.

    I'm not very vocal on the site, but will always try and support Neil when and where I possibly can.

  39. #39


    Great pictures of the games there! - It was nice seeing so many 'dromers there, well done again for your dedication and hard work!
    I had an early exit from the show as I was loaded with necessary purchases, and Phil with his sports car were waiting to give me a welcome lift home (it was raining!)

  40. #40


    Looks like you had the same crowd (or lack of) issues that we had in Peterboro...

    Never Knowingly Undergunned !!

  41. #41


    Thanks from myself to all the members who took part.
    If any of you are without a Minor Con medal, I'm sure that Neil will put you up for one.
    I will be very pleased to grant it after your sterling effort on our behalf.
    "Courage is the art of being the only one who knows you're scared to death."

  42. #42


    Note to Neil.
    I have already sorted out Sparky and Indie 55 as they already had GM so it only left participant for this year.
    Last edited by Flying Officer Kyte; 09-05-2016 at 11:50.
    "Courage is the art of being the only one who knows you're scared to death."

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