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Thread: Cheerio, Pip, and all that stuff.

  1. #1

    Default Cheerio, Pip, and all that stuff.

    Quote Originally Posted by Guntruck View Post
    Oh yes, put me down for some of this.

    Perhaps a scale model of the squadron mess for the Germans to bomb, with a likkle figure of F.O. Kyte standing outside and waving his pointy stick at the Hun.
    What's this old wingman chum? International take the p out of Kytey week.
    That is a silent P bye the way as in your bath.
    "Courage is the art of being the only one who knows you're scared to death."

  2. #2


    I am only suggesting that the mere sight of the famed Powdermeister (or a miniature equivalent) waving his halberd about will strike fear and trepidation into the marauding hun, which will result in a detrimental effect on his bomb aiming.
    Run for your life - there are stupid people everywhere!

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by Guntruck View Post
    I am only suggesting that the mere sight of the famed Powdermeister (or a miniature equivalent) waving his halberd about will strike fear and trepidation into the marauding hun, which will result in a detrimental effect on his bomb aiming.
    Ok. That's alright then. I'll just stand outside waving my Halberd at the hun, while he tries to bomb the cr** out of me. No thanks. I'll see you in the bar.
    "Courage is the art of being the only one who knows you're scared to death."

  4. #4


    That's just perfect. Never mind waving your thingy at the Hun, leave him a message saying where you're going to be! Thanks a lot! That's all of us in the cacky. I though the idea was to promote you to where you couldn't harm anyone. I bet someone's whitewashed a blooming great B A and R on the roof, too.... Chiz.

  5. #5


    I bet someone's whitewashed a blooming great B A and R on the roof, too.... Chiz.
    That was the adjutant's idea. He said people needed to know where A,B, and R flights regularly hung out, so that they could be found by new pilots easily.
    "Courage is the art of being the only one who knows you're scared to death."

  6. #6


    I donot know about the Hun, but the thought of F.O.Kyte brandishing his thingy, strikes fear into me.

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by Algynon View Post
    I donot know about the Hun, but the thought of F.O.Kyte brandishing his thingy, strikes fear into me.
    So it should young Bob.
    Wait a minute. Didn't I see you driving for Lord Melchet and Darling darling the other day. I'm sure Flash pointed you out to me. That explains why you are so afraid of my thingy.
    "Courage is the art of being the only one who knows you're scared to death."

  8. #8


    Curses, you spotted me!!!!!! Must go 2 lorry loads of paper clips have just arrived and I must audit them.

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by Algynon View Post
    Curses, you spotted me!!!!!! Must go 2 lorry loads of paper clips have just arrived and I must audit them.
    Check the pencils while you are there, I hear that a certain Captain Blackadder was seen with two of them from your stock.
    "Courage is the art of being the only one who knows you're scared to death."

  10. #10


    Cor, now he's got a picture of his crown and pip, he's worse than ever, Bob! I bet he didn't tell you that he nicked the lead out of those pencils before he let Blackadder have them. I suspect his pointy stick is just a big propelling pencil with a spikey bit to pop over the end.
    Judging by his purple prose, I hink he pinched one my crayons whist I was on patrol. Next, I'll have to hide my copies of The Wizard and Magnet, or he'll be telling all the jolly jokes to everyone in the mess.

  11. #11

    Talking Cheerio, Pip, and all that stuff.


    Now i know where he got the Polar Bear and the penguin Joke! He is off pointing his pointy thing somewhere else today!


  12. #12


    Quote Originally Posted by Flying Officer Kyte View Post
    I bet someone's whitewashed a blooming great B A and R on the roof, too.... Chiz.
    Could be worse!

  13. #13


    Perfect Dave.
    By the way, notice how the plane is tilted over - I said it would never fly properly without the top set of wings!

  14. #14

    Thumbs up Cheerio, Pip, and all that stuff.


    Of course they do. The man on the ground must not like his eggs scrambled in the shell.


  15. #15

    Talking Cheerio, Pip, and all that stuff.


    I found this and had to share it!


  16. #16


    Quote Originally Posted by bumblie3 View Post
    Cor, now he's got a picture of his crown and pip, he's worse than ever, Bob! I bet he didn't tell you that he nicked the lead out of those pencils before he let Blackadder have them. I suspect his pointy stick is just a big propelling pencil with a spikey bit to pop over the end.
    Judging by his purple prose, I hink he pinched one my crayons whist I was on patrol. Next, I'll have to hide my copies of The Wizard and Magnet, or he'll be telling all the jolly jokes to everyone in the mess.
    So that is where my copies of Wizard and Magnet ended up.
    As for penguins. What goes black white black white black white ......?
    "Courage is the art of being the only one who knows you're scared to death."

  17. #17

    Wink Cheerio, Pip, and all that stuff.


    This is a joke about nun`s? No religion!!!


  18. #18


    Quote Originally Posted by richard m schwab View Post

    I found this and had to share it!

    It brings a new meaning to 'keep em flying'...


  19. #19


    Quote Originally Posted by Flying Officer Kyte View Post
    As for penguins. What goes black white black white black white ......?
    Could it be a penguin on a spit, or on a zebra crossing???


  20. #20

    Thumbs up Cheerio, Pip, and all that stuff.


    Over here i could be locomotives front end, some railroads stripe them.
    What is red, white and black? Red, white and black? Red white and black?


  21. #21


    I know what's black and white and red - a newspaper, or a penguin in a blender, but the only thing I can think of that is red white and black. red white and black, red white and black, is three very sunburnt penguins? Am I close?


  22. #22

    Wink Cheerio, Pip, and all that stuff.


    Those also of course!

    I thought that was how the Germans painted their stop gates back when!


  23. #23


    Quote Originally Posted by richard m schwab View Post

    This is a joke about nun`s? No religion!!!

    What has a penguin rolling down a hill got to do with nuns Rich?
    You missed out on the pun. We will have nun of that on here.
    I think that the joke you had in mind may have been about a
    Zebra crossing. Now you see me now you don't.
    "Courage is the art of being the only one who knows you're scared to death."

  24. #24


    John, you are quite right, there is no lead in his pencils!!!!!!!Also I want to know who drew the beards on the latest copy of magnet. Joanna just doesnot look the same to me anymore.F.O.Kyte and his pencils have a lot to answer for.

  25. #25


    Quote Originally Posted by richard m schwab View Post

    Those also of course!

    I thought that was how the Germans painted their stop gates back when!

    I'm not sure, but I think they may have stopped, when they realised that they had to be very tall, or allied pilots would ignore them, and just increase their altitude....


  26. #26


    Quote Originally Posted by bumblie3 View Post
    I'm not sure, but I think they may have stopped, when they realised that they had to be very tall, or allied pilots would ignore them, and just increase their altitude....

    That's why they made them swing up into a vertical position. I simply have not got enough flight pegs to get over them. Will have to resort to telescopic flight stands.
    "Courage is the art of being the only one who knows you're scared to death."

  27. #27


    Quote Originally Posted by Algynon View Post
    John, you are quite right, there is no lead in his pencils!!!!!!!Also I want to know who drew the beards on the latest copy of magnet. Joanna just doesnot look the same to me anymore.F.O.Kyte and his pencils have a lot to answer for.
    Graphite! Algy. Graphite.
    "Courage is the art of being the only one who knows you're scared to death."

  28. #28


    Couldn't you just drive round them Kytey, they're only long sticks - or tall stick when they're pointing up? Just a touch of 'left hand down a bit' should do it. Oh, in your outfit, that would be the straw side, not the wheat...

  29. #29


    Quote Originally Posted by bumblie3 View Post
    Couldn't you just drive round them Kytey, they're only long sticks - or tall stick when they're pointing up? Just a touch of 'left hand down a bit' should do it. Oh, in your outfit, that would be the straw side, not the wheat...
    I think that was the farm boys in the other Civil war over the pond. Yo know the real big Civil War. The one with two Presidents and no headless king. We had whistling kettles, they had whistling dixies.( see ref to cooking pots). They had long pointy bayonets. We had long pointy sticks.They had rifled guns, we just rifled country houses. That Civil war.
    "Courage is the art of being the only one who knows you're scared to death."

  30. #30


    I'm sure they did use that system in the ACW, Rob, but I think it goes back to the War of Independence, and maybe before. Among the American volunteers were a lot of farm boys who needed to be taught to march. I also remember reading somewhere that, in the UK in the 1850's, Highland recruits couldn't understand the accents of their NCO's and Officers, so the practice was to chalk the left boot, and when ordered to march off, the command was "Caulkit (chalked) foot first." I expect some of the stories are apocryphal.

  31. #31


    Hi John.
    I new about the A.C.W. Read it in several books. My great great uncle was killed at Cold Harbor, so I have an interest in the war. Not sure about the A.W.I. connection though. That is our clubs main period for wargaming , but I have not heard of it. It would not surprise me though. There is a lot of borrowing from earlier periods as you will know. If you can find chapter and verse on it I would be very pleased.
    "Courage is the art of being the only one who knows you're scared to death."

  32. #32


    If I can find it again Rob, I will let you know. Thinking about it, I'm pretty sure it was Straw and Hay, not wheat! My error. I first started reading about this stuff back in the 50s and 60s, so I am dredging it up from memory. But I will see if I can find anything.

  33. #33


    I had it as wheat and straw.
    "Courage is the art of being the only one who knows you're scared to death."

  34. #34

    Lightbulb Cheerio, Pip, and all that stuff.


    On this side of the pond it is ether called " The WAR YANKEE AGGRESSION" or "THE WAR TO PRESERVE THE UNION" no half measures.
    I know England had only one Civil War. That rough period between 43 AD and 1746 AD is totally misunderstood by foreign historians. If i get it right the Romans, Welsh, Scot`s, Irish, Angels, Saxons, Danes, Frisians, Norman`s, French , Spanish and so many others were not really invaders. But simple immigrants trying to adjust to a culture they thought they could improve!


  35. #35


    Hi Rich. Apart from the dates, the Romans and the Normans, couldn't that equally apply to the USA?
    Seriously, though, I was always under the impression that a green recruit during your Civil War was often referred to as a 'Strawfoot' - or has my memory finally given out on me?

    Rob, If the following is correct, the usage was pre ACW, but I'm sure I've read about it being used in the war of 1776.

    'The Oxford English Dictionary has an entry with citations back to 1851:

    hay-foot, straw-foot: with right and left foot alternately (at the word of command). Also as v. In allusion to the alleged use of hay and straw to enable a rustic recruit to distinguish the right foot from the left.

    1851 Knickerbocker XXXVIII. 79 At company-training and was all ‘hay-foot, straw-foot’ with him. 1887 J. D. BILLINGS Hardtack & Coffee 208 Scores of men..would ‘hay-foot’ every time when they should ‘straw-foot’. 1898 J. MACMANUS Bend of Road 40 Poor fool, he's off, hay foot straw foot, an' small grass grows round his heels till he's there. 1911 R. D. SAUNDERS Col. Todhunter vii. 98 You never got in a thousand miles of one of 'em for all your ‘heppin’ and ‘hay-foot’ and ‘straw-foot’ drillin'. 1911 H. S. HARRISON Queed i. 12 They march like little lambs when I say the word. Hay-foot–straw-foot.'


  36. #36

    Thumbs up Cheerio, Pip, and all that stuff.


    I the Civil War unless they were Pre War State Militia or US regulars they were all greenhorns! The non experienced officers read some filed manual like Hardee`s Infantry Tactics or other text book. The private solders were drilled using whatever the officers learned the night before. The Union tended to raise new units and kept right doing the same thing throughout the war. That explains the high casualties and the length of the war.
    The 74th Ohio a unit raised in the county i was born in. Served from 1861 till 1865. They were used as guard troops around Nashville and generally wore out shoe leather till the Atlanta campaign. From there they went with Sherman on his March through Georgia and through Carolina` s. Then after Joseph E. Johnston surrendered they marched to Washington for a Victory Parade.
    From Atlanta the campaign and the next 100 days they were under enemy fire. It was then they thought themselves veterans!!


  37. #37


    Quote Originally Posted by richard m schwab View Post

    I know England had only one Civil War.
    Actually the jury is still out on that one Rich. Apart from the Barons wars, the Wars of the Roses et all. The Civil Wars of the mid 17th century were in three parts, and just like any good film, the sequels went down in standard each time. Then technically you could say that the 15 and 45 were civil wars as we had a union with the Scots at the time. I may have missed a few, but what the heck, you get my drift. So you were about right when you said,"A.D. 43 to 1746. Most of this time was concerned with very uncivil wars.
    Thanks also for the info on your home regiment Rich. Now if I could only find out which Regiment my ancestor served in I would be well pleased.
    "Courage is the art of being the only one who knows you're scared to death."

  38. #38

    Thumbs up Cheerio, Pip, and all that stuff.


    You failed to mention which side he was on. My guess would be the Union. The battle of Cold Harbor stretched for miles. They have preserved a couple hundred yards of a line that stretched for miles.
    I have been unable to track down any information on my Great Great Grandfather Gilbert. Legend is he fought in the Civil War, he came over here in the 1850`s and may have fought for the the South! They came to Ohio from Virginia after the war, my Grandmother said he was a forener he talked funny!!


  39. #39


    Quote Originally Posted by richard m schwab View Post

    You failed to mention which side he was on. My guess would be the Union. The battle of Cold Harbor stretched for miles. They have preserved a couple hundred yards of a line that stretched for miles.
    I have been unable to track down any information on my Great Great Grandfather Gilbert. Legend is he fought in the Civil War, he came over here in the 1850`s and may have fought for the the South! They came to Ohio from Virginia after the war, my Grandmother said he was a forener he talked funny!!

    I think it must have been the Union as he lived in New York. I've seen how many New York Regiments there were. So that is probably a non starter.
    "Courage is the art of being the only one who knows you're scared to death."

  40. #40

    Thumbs up Cheerio, Pip, and all that stuff.


    New York, Pennsylvania and Ohio raised the most units and in that order! it says a lot about Ohio. New York and Pennsylvania were the largest pre Revolution Colonies. While Ohio was a War zone in the 1790`s.The worst military
    defeat between the White invaders and the nomadic tribes happened in Ohio. It was their last hurrah, within ten years Ohio was a State.


  41. #41


    Quote Originally Posted by richard m schwab View Post

    You failed to mention which side he was on. My guess would be the Union. The battle of Cold Harbor stretched for miles. They have preserved a couple hundred yards of a line that stretched for miles.

    When I was looking into the subject, I read a book by Gordon C. Rhea on Cold Harbor. It was then that I realized that there was no chance of finding out where he fell in such a complex battle.
    All I have to go on is one reference in my great great grandfathers diary which simply says " Isaac Clay, son of Samuel Clay, born May 19th 1831. Went to America June 14th 1851. Slain at Cold Harbour field June 3rd 1864. He was shot down and left behind in the field and heard of no more."
    Not a lot to go on really!
    "Courage is the art of being the only one who knows you're scared to death."

  42. #42

    Default Cheerio, Pip, and all that stuff.


    He died in good company then. You may have seen the photo taken in 1865 of bones being picked up with hay rakes and being put in wheel barrows. If you were lucky and fell near the lines your friends might have buried you.
    I did a quick look and could not find him. I found you a link you might try!


  43. #43


    Quote Originally Posted by richard m schwab View Post

    He died in good company then. You may have seen the photo taken in 1865 of bones being picked up with hay rakes and being put in wheel barrows. If you were lucky and fell near the lines your friends might have buried you.
    I did a quick look and could not find him. I found you a link you might try!

    Thanks for the trouble Rich. Got a bit sidetracked as my copy of Fire and Fury Regimental arrived in the post from the States today. I've been waiting for that for 5 years.
    "Courage is the art of being the only one who knows you're scared to death."

  44. #44

    Thumbs up Cheerio, Pip, and all that stuff.


    I have herd of snail mail, that must have come by Sea Slug Mail!


  45. #45


    Quote Originally Posted by richard m schwab View Post

    I have herd of snail mail, that must have come by Sea Slug Mail!

    Very amusing Rich. They had announced it in 2002 as being trialled. This has taken 8 years, before they would release the final version. I think Nexus are way ahead of this with their fast release dates for products.
    "Courage is the art of being the only one who knows you're scared to death."

  46. #46


    Dunno what you're complaining about! I've been waiting since 1914 for my copy of the rules for Ludo. I'm sure Guntruck goes out of turn, and Kytey just calls out whatever number he likes, and then hides the dice so he can't be challenged. In fact, I'm not sure he uses dice. I think he draws spots on a sugar cube, and if people wise up, he shoves it in his mouth and sucks the spots off! And they call themselves gentlemen, just cos they're allowed through a door marked that....

  47. #47


    Quote Originally Posted by bumblie3 View Post
    Dunno what you're complaining about! I've been waiting since 1914 for my copy of the rules for Ludo. I'm sure Guntruck goes out of turn, and Kytey just calls out whatever number he likes, and then hides the dice so he can't be challenged. In fact, I'm not sure he uses dice. I think he draws spots on a sugar cube, and if people wise up, he shoves it in his mouth and sucks the spots off! And they call themselves gentlemen, just cos they're allowed through a door marked that....
    Ludo told me that she has been waiting ever since 1914 for you to realize that in her game there are no rules, it just depends on the tariff that you are prepared to pay. Since the accident with Joanna and the airscrew, the tariff has risen steeply due to supply and demand factors plus the rising danger levels the game.
    As for the sugar cube, that is just a precaution to prevent diabetes.
    "Courage is the art of being the only one who knows you're scared to death."

  48. #48


    If Ludo thinks she is getting two sucks on my stick of rock, she's got another think coming! Last time she sucked all the pink off the first couple of inches and it was right down 'Worthing' near the very end. And I'd been saving it for my birthday, too! That woman is no lady - take it from me!

  49. #49


    Quote Originally Posted by bumblie3 View Post
    If Ludo thinks she is getting two sucks on my stick of rock, she's got another think coming! Last time she sucked all the pink off the first couple of inches and it was right down 'Worthing' near the very end. And I'd been saving it for my birthday, too! That woman is no lady - take it from me!
    I was not aware that your rock was lettered all the way through.
    "Courage is the art of being the only one who knows you're scared to death."

  50. #50


    Good Lord, Kytey, its not something I usually talk about, but surely you didn't think it was a stick of Edinburgh Rock? You know how easily that breaks into small pieces and dissolves almost as soon as someone start to suck it. No, mine is a stick that has lasting quality. I mean to say, I only brought the one!

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