Although I am now getting used to the fine lines of the SRAM range, I’m afraid that I still have an engineer’s mentality at heart. Consequently, I beefed this one up just like my Pom with new wings and steel paperclip struts.
Mark out the wings with the official ones for templates, and cut out with a craft knife.
Shape and finish the wings with a needle file and fine wet and dry paper.
Position the engine and glue in place.
Glue in the pilot’s seat.
Drill out the prop boss and glue in a pin for the prop shaft.
Assemble the floats by drilling holes for the cross struts and glue into place.
Drill the holes in floats and fuselage for the support struts. ( A card template may help to get the compound angles correct.)
Clamp the wings together and drill for the struts.
Glue on the lower wing.
Glue the rudder to the tail plane.
Cut out and trial fit the engine decals (not supplied with the kit.)
Glue the float assembly to the fuselage.
Cut to size and glue the cross braces to the floats. (Check for handedness before you glue.)
Position the top wing and glue in the struts.
Position and glue in the cabines through holes in the top wing.
Position the tail plane and glue on.
Drill out the position for the rudder pintle in the fuselage, and glue it into place.
Drill out and fit the rear float struts and drill the gudgeon hole.
Place float on rudder pintle and use the struts to define the position for holes in the fuselage.
Glue the rear float into place.
Drill the hole for the flight peg.
Temporally assemble the parts and spray paint the aircraft with a white primer coat.
Paint the aircraft, pilot guns and prop.
Cut out the chequered decals to fit around the cabines.
Apply Micro set and wrap the decal around the engine housing.
When set, Micro sol and bend the front of the decal to conform to the front of the engine housing.
Glue on the lower Lewis gun, pilot and prop.
Apply micro set to the rest of the areas to be decaled, and apply the decals.
When ten minutes has elapsed Micro sol to gain better conformity to the contours of the model.
Glue on the upper wing Lewis gun if required.
Varnish to taste.