Wildlife rehabilitator, proofreader, general smartass. Been playing simulation wargames since something like the age of 6. We're not really getting older, we're just getting more senile.
Fdhfn G-IIIa : Friedrichhafen G-IIIa in more subdued night camoflage, unknown aircrew. Note the G-IIIa variant has ...
Fdhfn G-IIIa management : A management card for the Friedrichshafen G-IIIa. Note the G-IIIa variant has the same "tunnel gun" ...
Medals Showcase - 10 Medals - 25 Aerial Victories
Name: Reputation 500
Award to members who have received 500 or more Reputation points from their peers.
Name: After Action Report
Awarded to members who have posted at least 10 After Action Reports to appropriate AAR threads on the site.
Name: Origins Ground Crew 2020 Bronze
Awarded to those members that helped the Aerodrome bring one of our overseas member to Origins 2020, not once but twice.
Name: PragueCon Ground Crew 2019 - Bronze
Awarded to those members that helped the Aerodrome with bringing one of it's North American members to Prague 2019. Not once, but twice.
Name: Origins Ground Crew 2018
Awarded to those members that helped the Aerodrome with bringing one of it's overseas members to Origins 2018.
Name: Doncaster Ground Crew 2017 - Bronze
Awarded to those members that helped the Aerodrome with bringing one of it's North American members to Doncaster 2017. Not once, but twice.
Name: Origins Ground Crew 2016
Awarded to those members that helped the Aerodrome with bringing one of it's overseas members to Origins 2016.
Name: Donations up to $10
Awarded for those that donate up to $10 to keep the site running.
Name: Aerodrome Campaign Medal
Awarded to members that have taken part in one of the various campaigns run on the site and have submitted at least 5 AARs for that campaign.
Name: 5 Years of Service and 3000 posts
Awarded to members for five years of service and 3000+ posts.