May I ask you a favour? Fabzan & Magnoan are there also for the European Master tournament, that unluckly overlaps the second run of Taranto. I would...
I am not sure that this is true for every edition and reprint along the years. First editions were printed in Italy, then in Belgium, then in China....
The Italian team booked planes, cars, hotel. FabZan, MagnoAn and Angiolillo will join on Friday afternoon and leave on Sun day afternoon.
Is there a...
Desert Storm veteran, Staff Sgt. United States Air Force, Air Base Ground Defense (Air Force version of infantry) Right in picture.
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Young, Rodger W., Private, 148th Infantry, 37th Infantry Division (the Ohio Buckeyes); born Tiffin, Ohio, 28 April 1918; died 31 July 1943, on the island of New Georgia, Solomons, South Pacific, while singlehandedly attacking and destroying an enemy machine-gun pillbox. His platoon had been pinned down by intense fire from this pillbox; Private Young was wounded in the first burst. He crawled toward the pillbox, was wounded a second time but continued to advance, firing his rifle as he did so. He closed on the pillbox, attacked and destroyed it with hand grenades, but in so doing he was wounded a third time and killed.
His bold and gallant action in the face of overwhelming odds enabled his teammates to escape without loss; he was awarded posthumously the MEDAL OF HONOR.