Malta actually is my place of birth thanks to dad being in the RN.
My suggestion was to assist you by just opening up said organs without dirtying a...
At last back on, I can only concur with your comments although I would give them a free flight to Malta via a Hercules and then let them off there…....
Thanks for visiting my Profile page. I hope you will find the files and photos that I've uploaded useful. As you use the site, if you come across any thing that is not working correctly or you have an idea that you think will improve the site, please just let me know.
I hafe completed flight training and vas immediately sent to ze vestern front as a scout pilot. I hafe been assigned to Jasta 5, an elite group of fighting men. zey alvays seem to find ze trouble up zere, so nev pilots do not last long. If I can manage to surfife a fev sorties, zen ze experience of ze older pilots vill really helps me out. ze Jasta is flying Albatros D.Va upon my arrifal.
No doubt you are concerned with the strange penmanship you find this letter written in. It is with great sympathy that I have to inform you that Kiefer von Loganstein did not return from his sortie today. To save you some worry, I will say up front that Kiefer is alive, but has been captured by the enemy and has serious wounds.
The last mission handed down from high command was to take out observation balloons in our sector. This is always a very
It appears that the change in weather has brought a change to our effectiveness in the air. Our latest sortie was most successful. The morning started out clear and crisp and our flight of 4 aircraft where up at altitude and crossing the lines as dawn broke. Just inside their lines we spotted a formation of 3 below us. With the sun being low this early in the morning, neither side could gain a surprise. We turned towards each other about the same time and shortly
I must apologize for my lateness in the letter. I hope it's delay did not cause you any undo stress. These last few weeks have seen a lot of contact with the enemy.
Last week we saw the best flying weather in a very long time and we were able to fly two mission on one of the days. The first engagement again saw us trying to stop an enemy two seater (Intel says it is the RAF R.E 8 that we have seen over the font of late) from photographing our supply
I have had little time to recover from my injuries mentioned in my last letter and I have already had to fly another sortie. The enemy is pressing us hard in this sector.
Early this morning my flight was scrambled as three enemy planes had been spotted operating in the area. We circled above the aerodrome gaining altitude and then head off towards the front. Just before making the lines, we spotted them.
Name: Oberst Hajj Award
For supreme dedication to the establishment and maintaining of the Wings of Glory Aerodrome
Name: Charity Gold
Awarded for taking part in four Wings of War Aerodrome fundraisers.
Name: Children's Cancer Charity
Awarded to those selfless pilots that donated to Go Fold for kids with cancer fund in the name of my nephew Carter.
Name: Sebastian Charity
Awarded to those selfless pilots that donated to Sebastian's family to help with the expenses of his multiple heart surgeries.
Name: Recruitment 10
Awarded to members who have officially recruited at least 10 new members to the site.
Name: Reputation 500
Award to members who have received 500 or more Reputation points from their peers.
Name: How To Article Silver
Awarded to those who have written three articles for the How To section.
Name: Book Review Silver
Awarded to members who have posted at least 15 Book Reviews for the site.
Name: 1000 Photos
Awarded members who have uploaded at least 1000 photos to their Albums.
Name: File Upload Bronze
Awarded to members who have uploaded at least 50 Files for the community.
Name: Origins Event Organizer - 3 Year
Origins Event Organizer - Third Year Attending
Name: Origins Event GM - 1 Year
Origins Event GM
Name: Genghis Con Event Organizer - 1 Year
Genghis Con Event Organizer
Name: TaciCon Event GM - 1 Year
TaciCon Event GM
Name: Origins Ground Crew 2015 - Silver
Awarded to those members that helped the Aerodrome with bringing one of it's overseas members to Origins 2015. Not once, not twice, but three times!
Name: Origins Ground Crew 2014 - Silver
Awarded to those members that helped the Aerodrome with bringing one of it's overseas members to Origins 2014.
Name: Origins Ground Crew 2013 - Silver
Awarded to those members that helped the Aerodrome with bringing one of it's overseas members to Origins 2013.
Name: Origins Ground Crew 2012 - Silver
Awarded to those members that helped the Aerodrome bring one of our overseas members to Origins 2012.
Name: LGKR Memorial Medal
A medal made in the memory and honor of an esteemed pilot. May he forever fly in blue skies.
Name: Bovine Caritas
Awarded to those members that came to the aide of The Cowman in his time of need.
Name: Painting Contest Winner
Winner of a Painting contest sponsored by and held on the Forum.
Name: 5 Years of Service and 3000 posts
Awarded to members for five years of service and 3000+ posts.
Name: Wings of Glory 10-Year Anniversary Medal
Awarded to Aerodrome members who joined on or before the 11th of March 2014.
Name: Christmas 2011
Awarded pilots that flew sorties on Christmas Eve and Christmas day 2011.