Ares Games


Solitaire Campaign with RB Solo rules: Scenario 2 - Two Swords and a Sea Bird

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Early morning. Still dark. Engine heating before lift-off. The captain's speech still ringing in the ears.

"Your last flight was a disaster, Rittmeister Joachim!" "Jawoll, Herr Hauptmann!" "You do understand that you were lucky to escape alive!" "Jawoll, Herr Hauptmann!" "You were even luckier to shot down an enemy airplane!" "Jawoll, Herr Hauptmann!" "I wouldn't have believed you if it wasn't for the report of the Oberstleutnant who saw your little stunt over the trenches!" "Jawoll, Herr Hauptmann!" "You will fly again alone today, because I don't want you to jeopardize any other pilot." "Jawoll, Herr Hauptmann!"


"You will do a patrol sweep, Rittmeister Joachim! And that's all. If you spot an enemy, even if it is just a balloon, you'll run from it, do you understand!?" "Jawoll, Herr Hauptmann!"

What is that in front of me? Two planes? Are they ours?


Two Spads XIII! I can't out speed them... Better head on towards them... What will Herr Hauptmann say about this?


I must sidestep them. They are fast...


They are reckless. I should have ran while I was able to do it... This won't be pretty.


I missed... And they made cheese of my plane... Turn... Turn... And take this, [I]mon frere[/I]!


Mein Gott!! How fast did they surround me... Will I be able to escape?


Lucky me... The [I]Americain[/I] need glasses... That was close...


I can't take this much more time. Must retreat, but they are cutting my way out.


Another like this and I'm gone...


When you can't escape become a wild cat...


Or a bear...


When I fire against one, the other gets me...


Ah well... Engine's gone. I'll glide back home... What will the Hauptmann say about this...


[B]After Action Report:[/B]

I played my second solo scenario with my rookie pilot - Rittmeister Joachim. I used this new table that I added to the Richard Bradley Solo Rules:

Die Roll: --------- 1 --------------------------- 6 --------
1/12 Stall/Straight/Stall --------- Straight/Straight/Loop
2/3 Hard Turn R./Stall/Hard Turn R. -- Straight/Straight/Loop
5/4 Straight/Loop/Straight -------- Straight/Loop/Straight
6/7 ---------------------- No changes ----------------------
8/9 Straight/Loop/Straight -------- Straight/Loop/Straight
10/11 Hard Turn L./Stall/Hard Turn L. -- Straight/Straight/Loop

It was a blast. The planes behaved in a much more offensive and unexpected way. The addition of stalls and more Himmelmanns made my decisions much harder to take and I was fired back a lot more.

I was fun!!
My plane received exactly 15 points of damage so I decided that my engine died on me and I glided my plane back and landed behind my lines.

What will the Hauptmann do, we'll see in the third scenario: [B]Recon in Force[/B]

[B][I]Characters in the Campaign:[/I][/B]

Rittmeister Joachim - 1 Kill

Hauptmann Schroeder (Jasta 23 Operational Officer)

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Updated 04-17-2012 at 13:01 by Blackronin (Re-uploading the photos.)



  1. Mikael's Avatar
    Great work. This encounter was harder than the first scenario. I was afraid that you should be shoot down for sure. Good decision to let the engine die and glide home.
  2. Blackronin's Avatar
    I received exactly 15 points of damage.