Ares Games

Ramblings Over the Front

Ohio Game Day

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Tossing around the idea of the Wright Flight hosting an all day event at Dragon's Guildhall near Dayton and using the blog to capture preliminary thoughts. Perhaps some prizes or an "Ohio Cup" for the player with the most points at the end of the day. This would be held on a Saturday (thinking late fall or early winter) and go until 6 or 7ish to allow players from a bit further afield to attend and make the drive worth their time. Fellow Wright Flighter camelbeagle I believe has a point system that we can use and we could mix in some of our house rules as well - such as once a plane has reached half damage or more it must move to exit the table.

12:00 - Game hosts arrive and setup
12:30 - Games kick off
3:00 - Mental break
3:30 - More games!
6:00 or 7:00 - tally points and award the Ohio Cup
7:00 - Grub and libations at a local pub

For those within a couple of hours of Dayton...are you interested? Any ideas to share? Are you willing to donate a prize? Please post replies below!

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  1. Jager's Avatar
    Certainly a good plan. Sadly, I'm out of schedulable vacation days for this year. So if planning goes into the next I'll see.
  2. predhead's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Jager
    Certainly a good plan. Sadly, I'm out of schedulable vacation days for this year. So if planning goes into the next I'll see.
    We'll see what we can put together for this year, if anything, and if it goes well we could o it again in the future!