Ares Games

Ramblings Over the Front

The Projects Are Now Piling Up!

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I recently received a few of the Gray PA12 planes from Shapeways to start working on. Alas, for four orders in a row Shapeways has jacked something up, in this case sending a second Halberstadt D.V instead of the Albatros C.I I ordered. At least their service has been good when handling these errors, but they could charge less per plane if they didn't have such errors adding into their costs!

The rest of the order consists of a Nieuport N.17 (will be painted Russian), a Nieuport N.23 (Belgian to go with the R.A.F. full color one I have already), a Sikorski S.16, and a Morane-Saulnier Type AI (painting up as David Putnam's plane from Escadrille 156). The aforementioned Halberstadt will be a Turkish model. And the plan for the Albatros when it arrives will be an Eastern Front version.

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