Ares Games

Ramblings Over the Front

Extra Decks - XD Deck

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Much like the post on the XB Deck, the decision here is relatively easy. While the choices are many, the focus is to fill in gaps, mostly from the Central Powers side. Also, there has to be a card already made by those wonderful folks here on the 'Drome who provide such things. Add to that the plane has to be available, and if not a full color print from R.A.F., then available in Gray PA12 so that the material is easier to work with. Oh, and let's not forget the paint scheme...cannot be beyond my capabilities as a painter.

Name:  albatros-ci_7c4.jpg
Views: 78
Size:  46.4 KB
Image by Guntruck

The XD Deck is the best of the Xx decks, only due to it is the fastest, which is not saying much. It covers a slew of early war aircraft that should see more service on our gaming tables, but because of the limitations of these Xx decks, we tend to avoid these less than desirable planes, unless it is one of the giants.

Narrowing down the options to fit my collection, I came up with the following choices: Albatros C.I, A.E.G. J.I, Fokker E.I, and the Fokker E.II. Based on the number of aircraft built and use across more than one theater. the Albatros is the winner! The A.E.G. is an interesting ground attack aircraft, but to have an XD Deck for a later war plane is tough, although I might eventually obtain an A.E.G. As for the Fokkers, I have a Pfalz E.II and E.IV that cover my early war German fighter needs.

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