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Ramblings Over the Front

The Shapeways Pfalz Dr.I Project - Part II

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Name:  20230603_163751.jpg
Views: 1139
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So odd what the digital camera will pick up...this bird looks much nicer with the naked eye!

Prop in place, details painted, varnish applied, and the plane is nearing completion. Another touch up of matte varnish and perhaps before that a couple of touchups of paint. Then off to order decals!

Name:  20230603_163759.jpg
Views: 1148
Size:  64.8 KB

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Updated 06-13-2023 at 07:52 by predhead

Pfalz , Shapeways


  1. camelbeagle's Avatar
    looking good there Daryl!
  2. predhead's Avatar
    Thanks! It is getting there...just waiting decals and this tripe will be ready.