Ramblings Over the Front
The Shapeways Pfalz Dr.I Project
, 06-02-2023 at 17:55 (360 Views)
The grainy finish is evident in the picture, even after two costs of paint.
While I am awaiting the next Siemens-Schuckert D.I to make its way to Cincinnati, I have decided to work on another Shapeways plane, this one being the Pfalz Dr.I offering from Decapod. Ordered in the Gray PA12, which is my preferred base material due to inherent "primed" finish, I've had this cool little beast - for me one of the most aesthetically pleasing of all Great War aircraft - for well over a year. Thus far I have applied two coast of Vallejo Silver Gray, which is pretty close to the Pfalz factory silver gray.
The clean lines of the Dr.I are apparent in this threeview.
I finally removed the prop from the underside of the fuselage. Next steps are to get one more thin coat of base color, and then paint details such as the prop, cockpit opening, and the tailskid, and then add decals before varnishing, but this project should be moving to completion relatively easily since the paint scheme is simple (which is always a bonus). I need to order some decals (which are needed for the SS D.I project anyway), and Miscellaneous Miniatures have a couple of different sheets that should be suitable.
The Dr.I uses the O Deck, can take 15 points of damage, and has a climb rate of 1! While only 10 models were completed some were sent to the front, including this one used by Royal Prussian Jasta 73 pilot Fritz Anders.