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The Shapeways Siemens-Schuckert D.I Project - Part IV - Epic Fail

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The digital camera is a harsh mistress....

After trying to match the colors correctly, instead I have an epic fail. The Vallejo middlestone is simply too yellow. And damn that cell phone camera picks on the littlest details, and hence mistakes, overly well. To the naked eye the paint job (other than the overly yellow middlestone) looks rather decent, but aye yi yi, the picture smacks of brush work gone amuck!

Regardless, some lessons learned along the way:
First - Do not use older cans of primer so as to not have to apply layers of paint that are overly thick.
Second - While the flat brown is not bad, it is a bit dark, so a lighter shade is needed.
Third - Find a green that looks a little more green and a little less yellow.
Fourth - the brown on the struts and prop needs to be a bit lighter as well.

So, back to Shapeways I go to buy another D.I. I am afraid if I try to apply any more coats to this one all details will be lost.

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Updated 06-13-2023 at 07:55 by predhead



  1. Larry R.'s Avatar
    There are inexpensive products that gently remove acrylic or enamals from models. I have used some in the past to rework old models. I don't recall the brand I was a type of general cleaning product. I could have a look in storage to see what it was if you want to try to salvage the SS D-1.
  2. predhead's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Larry R.
    There are inexpensive products that gently remove acrylic or enamals from models. I have used some in the past to rework old models. I don't recall the brand I was a type of general cleaning product. I could have a look in storage to see what it was if you want to try to salvage the SS D-1.
    Thanks, Larry...but I think I am going to just get another one. This one was a good one to learn a few things about. I have a Pfalz Dr.I that I need to work on as well so the lessons learned here will be applied to that bird.
  3. Larry R.'s Avatar
    Okay. For future reference, I used/use Castrol Super Clean. No odor, biodegradable, etc.