Ares Games

Daniel's Notepad

Wings of Eternal City - Chapter 5: Report to the Infantry, Soldier!

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The second part of our tournament was held during Sunday. I'm sure Nemanja would appreciate the start around 9:30 so there were plenty of time to sleep after visiting Officer's Mess yesterday.

Prizes are ready, minis are ready, players too. Tally ho!

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We were attacking with bombers during our first mission. Briefing, tactics, should be a piece of German cake. Well, it wasn't. Our brave bomber pilots bombed just 1 of 3 targets and Entente was fully ready for our raid. You can see how precisly they were flying their machines - Andrea, late winner, with his Hanriot and me in Fokker. At least i covered Ufag We were erased from the sky in a grand style: 16:43.

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I tried to show at least something from my pilot skills (that worked so well yesterday), but our opponents played even better. Last hope for be a member of the winning team (+10pts) was wrong and I got order to report to infantry regiment.

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Do you see my Fokker? No? That's because I needed a swim in sea for my physical condition.

It is necessary to say that all four winners (Andrea (magnoan) was an organizer so he didn't count himself as the official 2nd) played extremely well and concentrated so the trophies are in right hands.

If there is something really special about Italy, it's definitely food. I went for a great lunch with Andrea (Angiolilo) and Andrea (magnoan). I'll miss Italian cuisine and wines a much.
The second stop was in supermarket where I bought some cheese and salami to bring home.

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Andrea was so kind and took me to the airport. We crossed EUR quarter and stopped for an ice cream. OK, another thing I'll miss, bucket because it was simply delicious (and not so expensive).

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Do you remember that old car in Prague Airport? I guess they're in different league in Rome...

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Taking off to Prague. It was a splendid trip to Eternal City I've never been before. I see lot of things in different way now (just one example: WoG is heavily played in Italy, despite the quiet on the Italian subforum here) and I enjoyed every single moment of it.
Grazie, Andrea

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Updated 06-13-2022 at 03:50 by Dan-Sam

European Master 2022


  1. Marechallannes's Avatar
    Thank you for this interesting report, Dan.

    That was fun to read and watch!
  2. Dan-Sam's Avatar
    Your blogs from Prague were my inspiration