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Daniel's Notepad

Wings of Eternal City - Chapter 2: Through the City

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I like to stay somewhere during workdays. Maybe you have the same experince as me: the place (whatever which one) is different than during weekdays. So I woke up, had a breakfast (well, Italians know why they love coffee) and headed to the Villa Doria Pamphilj park for a walk and, uhm, few geocaches (don't know if you're familiar with this almost childish game but I'm in it for 15 years and just can't help myself). I found three there.

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I have several recommendations from Andrea so I set direction to north and went around Garibaldi's statue and then down to St. Peter Basilica in Vatican. Not every day you wait in a que that is half state long (about 45 minutes, by the way).

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Well, you probably know it from photos - monumental cathedral, full of statues, gold, tourists... It's true and exactly according to my expectations. The oy two things I wasn't expecting (Spanish Inquisition exluded) were related with confessional: used language written on it (IT, EN, FR,...) and traffic lights. Yes, you can enter and confess only if the green light is on

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I'm a designer of traction lines for railroads, so...yes, a train geek. At least a little. Now it's clear I can't miss this gate with rails to Vatican. Note that the traction line is terminated in front of the gate, so why is there?

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It was a pure sightseeing then mif you've ever been in Rome, you, probably know these places. I passee Castel Sant'Angelo (hint: Angels and Demons novel) and headed to Spanish Steps. There is even song about them in Czech (really).

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It's impossible to miss Fontana di Trevi. If there is a place with infinite number of's there.

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And then via Pantheon and Piazza Navona (chariot races, but not today ) back to the park when I started today. I must say it was a quite peaceful moment there.

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The best ene of the day was a guided tour on a scooter. It brings whole new perspective of the city and I highly recommend to all visitors. This is the (Italian) way.

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Updated 06-10-2022 at 00:27 by Dan-Sam

European Master 2022


  1. RJG173's Avatar
    At least you didn't take any photographs of your meals. I've seen people do that, and I don't understand the interest.
  2. Dan-Sam's Avatar
    Well, hobbits like me don't care about food photos, just about size, frequency and taste. Remember Pippin: "We had one, yes, but what about second breakfast?"

    PS: It should be a gaming session today (Friday) so hope there will be some WoG photos too in next chapter.
  3. Marechallannes's Avatar
    Nice pictures, Dan.

    Have been to Rome once, but plan is to return with my wife one day.
  4. Angiolillo's Avatar
    A funny thing is also the Vatican bancomat in Latin as the first language, but you can see it only if you manage to cross the border.

    The arch in your last photo is were Villa Corsini used to be up to the 3rd of June, 1849, when it was the center of the battle between Garibaldi and the French forces that besieged the Roma Republic. Masina headed an epic cavalry charge that ended on the terrace of the 1st floor, after gallopping under enemy fire across the road, the park and up the stairway. Guns finally destroyed the villa.

  5. Dan-Sam's Avatar
    Excellent notes, Andrea. I wanted to ask you about Villa Corsini, but couldn't prepare an explanation which object I want to talk about