Ares Games

Tripods & Triplanes: The War of the Worlds, January 1918 onwards

Story Driven Campaign is (almost) ready to be launched!

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[B][FONT=Arial Black][SIZE=5]Story Driven Campaign: Tripods, Triplanes and The War of the Worlds[/SIZE][/FONT][/B]

[SIZE=4]In this story-driven Campaign players play out a set of scenarios depicting the events that happened in 'The War of the Worlds' but with a ‘What if…?’ twist in the tale.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=4]Players are split into 3 categories (Forces) each vying for supremacy over the Earth.

The Earthling forces are split into Entente and Central Powers, essentially the classic game of Wings of War, their goal: To be the saviours of Humankind and Planet Earth!

The Martian Player’s goal is to colonise and xenoform the Earth and exploit the Earthlings.

Each victory and loss will have an impact on what happens next in the Story Campaign - even this narrator is not entirely sure what will happen!

Will the Earthlings stay at logger-heads?
Will they co-operate to take down the Martian invasion?
Or find a way to fight the Martians on an even footing, Tripod vs Tripod?
Or perhaps one side can make an uneasy, tenuous and temporary ‘pact with the devil’?

The story is in our hands!

Record each win/loss once for each scenario played in your gaming group ready for the next scenario in the story.

Optional: Record each win on the Forum: T&T: Campaign Discussions: Story Driven Campaign: Tripods, Triplanes and The War of the Worlds - Results Thread and you could very well influence what happens next in the story![/SIZE]
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