Ares Games

Files: Game Aides

Files in category : Game Aides
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Saint-Fergeux Map Saint-Fergeux Map : Map of Saint Fergeux - Here's a photo you can download and take to a printer to enlarge for a gamin ... [more] (12.83 MB) 06-14-2012 219 0
Map of the White Cliffs of Dover Map of the White Cliffs of Dover : Here's a photo you can download and take to a printer to enlarge for a gaming mat. Thank you Lorenzo ... [more] (3.53 MB) 04-09-2012 409 1
Dice Cloud Dice Cloud : This is a Cloud with die numbers going around it. (4.53 MB) 07-17-2011 106 1
WOWII - Damage Deck Statistics WOWII - Damage Deck Statistics : This little sheet gives you a hint about the probabilities to draw a certain damage in Deck A,B,C or ... [more] (26.0 KB) 04-14-2011 276 0
Aircraft Data Rulers Aircraft Data Rulers : To help my ageing eyes, I created those "data rulers", which one can simply print on a sticker paper ... [more] (730.2 KB) 01-16-2011 459 5
DoW Damage Counter List DoW Damage Counter List : A list of all four damage sets. (52.4 KB) 12-10-2010 378 0
DoW Spare Ruler DoW Spare Ruler : Here's a unique damage ruler for those who don't have one from the basic set, or if yours is worn ou ... [more] (266.2 KB) 07-03-2010 287 2
DoW Protractor DoW Protractor : A small template for accuracy in those tricky angles. Designed primarily for the solo missions with ... [more] (176.1 KB) 05-31-2010 159 1
Playsheet Playsheet : This is my play sheet with house amendments. However, it is a word document and should be easily ame ... [more] (214.8 KB) 02-14-2010 359 1
Dow - Brazilian Portuguese Rulebook Dow - Brazilian Portuguese Rulebook : This is a complete translation of the Dawn of World War 2 rulebook into Brazilian Portuguese. (796.8 KB) 12-10-2009 42 3
Manuver board for card placement Manuver board for card placement : ready for print, Manuver board for card placement for wings of war II PRESS DOWNLOAD dont use th ... [more] (1.54 MB) 12-10-2009 318 0
Pacific Aviation Tokens Pacific Aviation Tokens : I made this for my Victory at Sea games, but I though someone may find it useful for WoW campaigns. ... [more] (313.0 KB) 12-04-2009 247 0
WoW Playsheet v1 WoW Playsheet v1 : A handy summary v1. This version has more info than v2 (682.0 KB) 10-16-2009 420 1
WWII Altimeter and Fuel Gauge WWII Altimeter and Fuel Gauge : UPDATED FOR NEW ALTITUDES Try this for keeping track of altitude and/or fuel rather than counters. ... [more] (442.0 KB) 10-03-2009 562 3
Dawn of War Card List Dawn of War Card List : This is an XL spreadsheet with all the Dawn of War Cards and their related statistics. (42.0 KB) 08-22-2009 711 1
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