Ares Games

Conversation Between Rabbit 3 and Oberst Hajj

5 Visitor Messages

  1. Just another heads up to let you know that I`ve uploaded some more plane cards to the files section.
    This is actually the second time I`ve done this with some of these but it looks like they`ve got lost somewhere.
    As has the equivelant message to this.
    Hopefully things are working properly now.
  2. Hi, just to let you know I`ve uploaded some more cards.
    this time some Ace pilot cards to the flies, Custom Ace Card section.
  3. Hi Keith,
    Just to let you know that I`ve uploaded a set of WWII skill cards to the files section and the`re now in the mederation qeue.
  4. Great! I just approved them.
  5. Just posted a couple of new aircraft card files in to the relevent folders.
    A FoTG card set for an Iliya Murometets bomber and a revised version of the older F.E.2 card sheet.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 5 of 5