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  • How to make a box for minis from Deluxe Set

    Analternative way how to create transport box from original Deluxe set.

    This How to is using 13 mm raster, but you can use even 14 mm (personaly, it is better).
    • Positives: easy to built, cheap (< 20 $)
    • Negatives: imprecise excision versus laser

    • Deluxe set box
    • double-sided adhesive tape
    • 2x 1.5 Inch Figure Foam Tray (for 18-19 miniatures)
    • snap-off knife

    1. Make your own plan of the box - you can use mine or any others (check Files section). This is most important phase of the precess - a good plan is the foundation for success.

      - WWI, WWII - plans for foam trays.xls

    2. Clean your Deluxe Set box from the dust and prepare it for new foams.

    3. Measure the exact size of the box and do main cut between 21st and 22nd column (for 13 mm raster). The 20th column should bu uncutted - it serves as a substitute for a cut edge. Do not thrash out the cutted part - we will use it later.

    4. After that, take your scheme. You can use my or some other, but the most important sentence is "measure twice, cut once". It is a good oil-based felt-tip pen to mark the squares that need to be deleting them.
    5. Carefully cut of marked squares from foam to create the shapes you need. Use a long blade of your snap-off knife. Be carefull, you are working with sharp knife and even a little slipping may cut the square that you do not want. Do not forget to cut off part of the foam - you can use it for other aircraft and as a fill empty space in the box.

    6. You have two or more cutted foams ready for box now. Release some strips of the double-sided adhesive tape and glue them to the bottom of the box where you want to place your foams. Once all the double-sided adhesive tape placed, tear off the protective film.

    7. Now, carefully glue your prepared foams on the tape - smaller first. Use every space in the box.

    8. Fill the empty parts with shreds.

    9. Insert your minis into foams and keep a good feeling of a well done job.