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  • How To get the Fokker Streaky camo look

    I hope this may be helpful to some of you out there who have not yet tried to paint up some Fokkers with the factory streaky camo. (I’ll get paint info in here later)

    Here I am going to paint up a plane from Jasta 11. The profile is in the Osprey, ‘Richthofen’s Circus’, as one of the unknown pilots in Jasta 11.

    I started off with a black primed Shapeways Fokker Dr1

    I rough painted white where I wanted the streaky olive camo.

    Using an olive craft paint, 1/1 with water as a heavy wash I first put down some wide streaks on the right side wings. I used a #1 brush but if you want finer streaks use a stiff fan brush.

    After a couple minutes but before it completely dries I spread it out slowly keeping it streaky.

    Move on to the left side wings and repeat.

    Then on to the sides, same as the wings.

    Then the back deck.

    Keep slowly adding more of the heavy wash until you get the look you want.

    Then start in on the details. I paint the cowling, struts and wheel covers white, then red. As we all know red on black prime does not pop!

    Tail is painted white next leaving the black primer elevator lines.

    Following photos just show the progression of adding detail. Pilot is done last and any final touch up until finished.
    I almost went with decals for the tail stripes but had to give painting them a try first. Decals would look perfect and even though it was a big pain to paint, I like the final look.
    (The real thing actually looks better than the photos)

    This article was originally published in forum thread: How To get the Fokker Streaky camo look started by Teaticket View original post